Offical 2009-10 NBA Season Thread

The Beatles are awesome man.

I don't live in Amishtown you bunch of jokers. Oregon is lame, but it's not the old west damn it.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

What's her talent

She's a better singer/musician than Beyonce. Therefore, more talented.


Gaga actually writes her own music, plays instruments and is a better singer. She puts on as good a show as well.

Beyonce is a better dancer and is wayyyyyyyyyy better looking, but musically she can't touch Gaga. I actually prefer B's music too just cause I'mnot really into Gaga's type of %!++ but talent wise it is not really a comparison.
Originally Posted by CP1708

What's her talent, swingin her @#$% on stage? Like that do you?

What am I insecure about? The size of a woman's penis? Long as she stays away from me with it, I could care less. You see it and call it "talent"


he hasn't shot well lately but you can kinda make more sense of BJ now..and not cement him as the best rookie since MJ, since he is, well a 19 year old PG.

Except for tonight, He's still shot the 3 ball well, and as he develops and gets stronger he'll be going to and finishing around the rim more. hiselbow is in, mechanically he's fine, and he's knocking the shot he gets down from 3 a good %..bodes well moving forward. (but that % will drop, youdon't keep shooting upwards of 50% in the NBA with that many attempts)

I would still like to see him shift more towards the side of being a pass first PG than shoot first....if he can be geared more towards that side, he'll befine. If he winds up taking 20 shots a night, thanks. he's talented but not AI talented.
Once they get healthy, I like the Bucks chances of securing a playoff seed.

Getting back Redd and Mbah a Moute will be huge for them.
Atlanta scored 146, got 9 guys in double figures, and beat Toronto by 31.

Bosh had 2 points in 16 minutes.
smh at the raptors. That weight chris bosh put on and that turkoglu signing really putting a hurt on the league.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Once they get healthy, I like the Bucks chances of securing a playoff seed.

Getting back Redd and Mbah a Moute will be huge for them.

no it wont...mbah a moute will help, def not redd...dude is a scrub now..cant dribble, cant create...what is dude good for? dude cant even shoot anymore
I'm not expecting Redd to drop 20+ PPG anymore, but even if he can provide 12-13 PPG that will be substantial. The threat he brings should open the floorfor the rest of the team.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

I'm not expecting Redd to drop 20+ PPG anymore, but even if he can provide 12-13 PPG that will be substantial. The threat he brings should open the floor for the rest of the team.
Jerry Stackhouse-esque?
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Kings win again.

Kings playing really well, especially at home.

Wiz got back to back W's for the first time all season. I'm really liking Earl Boykins, he's the point guard we needed that can break down adefense and find the open man. Plus, he puts Gilbert as his natural chucking position as SG.

Brandon Jennings gotta learn to stay on his feet in the closing seconds of a game, why would you jump at a head fake from a guy 5 foot 6 inches tall
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