Official 2015 New York Giants Thread VOL: Odell Beckham > *

It's time for Coughlin to go. This team has been bad like four seasons in a row and Coughlin was awful this year. There were a lot of coaching errors. He gets a lot of blame for losses this year. I like him and think he was a great coach but it's time.

My boy Hakeem Nicks is done too. He can't physically play at this level anymore. Makes me sad, he was so great. Don't think he's in the league next year. Don't think he can make a roster.

I really hope Reese goes too. He's done a bad job for a while now. He's gotta go.

Let Randle walk and give the ****** boot to Larry Donnell and Andre Williams.

Should have been using Rashad Jennings all season long. He was our best back and this is one huge reason why I think Coughlin should go. No idea what the **** he was thinking. Jennings should have gotten more carries and not sharing with bums.

Really curious to see where JPP and Prince end up. Prince has been good but he's always hurt. He was great this year until he got hurt and wasn't the same after. JPP showed signs, he wants good money but wants to stay with us. Curious to see where they end up. DRC was the only good player we had and he dropped like four pick 6s this year.
if Tom goes who they bring in? Only way I make change is if we get Nick Saben. The bad thing about getting a new coach is it likely means a completely new offense. Eli had a good year and with Randel gone could easily get 40 TDs next year with this offense another offense who knows what we get.

Giants ownership will not want to give him a contract extension off this year maybe ownership could talk Tom into fair well season and then hand the team to Mcadoo.

I don't know who you guys want to replace reese with. If they fired Reese its a certainly they hire Chris Mara as GM.
Macadoo and Spags aren't going anywhere. Giants like them both and they're both being considered for our HC position. Sean Payton is a possibility as well.
Hakeem Nicks has been done for like 3 years now, brought him in on a flyer with little to no chance that we would do anything. Randle is an absolute bum and needs to be let go. Get rid of Reese, he can't do anything through the draft or free agency. Start from scratch as far as defensive personnel goes. On the offense, still need to build up offensive line and WR.

Coughlin should stay, some games were his fault this year, but you're not getting anybody better than him first and foremost and players still want to play for him.
- Let Coughlin coach out his contract if he chooses to
- Groom McAdoo for HC
- Clean house from Reese all the way down to the training staff. Seems like we lead the league in injuries EVERY season, change is necessary at this point
if nicks got cut from the titans then you should already know the struggle is real. That said, yall still got that Rueben Randle slander but he's better than half the WR2s in the league. I'm fine with him staying for cheap. 

Really hoping for Jalen Ramsey to fall to 10 so we have a FS and Collins can move to SS
Randle is a problem. The coaching staff and players aren't getting along with him. He doesn't hustle or play hard. He takes plays off. A lot of his TDs are in busted coverage, I think he's so worthless that defenses even forget he's on the field.

Eagles want to intervew Macadoo. Eli wants to keep him, I wouldn't be surprised if he's our next HC to keep Eli happy and playing well.
Randle did the same thing last year where he put up numbers in meaningless games which attracted the Giants to keep him. Enough is enough with him. I'm sure some team will sign him and maybe he has a good season, but I'm through with him at this point. He cannot be on the team next year.
Randle is a problem. 
The coaching staff and players aren't getting along with him.
He doesn't hustle or play hard.
He takes plays off.
A lot of his TDs are in busted coverage
I think he's so worthless that defenses even forget he's on the field.

He's a #3 receiver in terms of drive. He's not interested in being great. He's a #2 in terms of natural ability though. He doesn't do anything at an elite level. Not route running, not hands, not competing for the ball in the air, not speed, nothing. Only way I think we should keep him is if he's a #3 guy. We HAVE to bring in a quality #2 receiver who is going to give 100%, especially if Cruz is finished.

As for McAdoo, he's got Eli playing at a much higher level. The ball gets out fast and accurate, and Eli seems more comfortable than he's ever been. I still don't like our play-calling though. So I'm not sold on him as Head Coach. Maybe another year under Coughlin would help his case. 
Ok, they taking all day to announce something. When I saw TC at the game with his whole family I knew it was over. But now that I hear that the players want him back, and considering all the crap firing/hiring a new coach is, I think he may be around for 1 more year. I hope so.
Sad Sad day in Giants history. And bum *** Jerry Reese is safe. Might burn all my Giants **** if this stays true. TC has had nothing to work with for 3 years. Drafting 2 pro bowl players in 8 years shouldn't mean job safety.

I'd love Sean Peyton but Saints want a 2nd rounder and that just isn't acceptable for where the Giants are talent wise.

If Macadoo gets HC job offers and goes it's about to be an ugly few years. 3 offenses in 4 years is horrible for a 35 year old qb, even if it's Eli
I had my issues with Coughlin but I cannot deny the work he has put in. Managed to win 2 trophies as complete underdogs with this man at the helm. Its just time to move on at this point.

Much respect and gratitude to the man.
tom did a great job here and brought us 2 rings im kinda 50/50 on him resigning... i think it saves face instead of getting let go and i also think hes getting too old for the job to continue this grind...havent been to the playoffs in like 4 years but the roster hasnt been great either... and i blame the defense for the losses this year...
Coughlin could go to Jax or Indy and flourish. I don't buy the too old stuff. You could see he's no normal 70 year old by the way DRC took him our full force along the sideline this year. I blame the defense also. Zero line backers and no safeties besides Landon Collins who should pan out pretty well. No d line worth retaining minus Ayers, jenkins, hankins and maybe JPP (for a lottt less than we were about to give him last yr). This is the result of years of bad drafting. Look at the 2nd-7th round of the last 8 years and about 80% aren't even in the league more than 3 years each. Plus a lack of any big FA acquisitions (besides DRC)
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Tuck, Rolle, BJacobs and Cruz all had some real nice things to say. It's real sad that he's gone. I think he was a great coach and he's one of my favorite coaches of all time. I have been fearing this day for a while but I think it's time. Our roster had issues but 6-10 is worth firing over. This division was given to us and we couldn't do it. Three losing seasons in a row. He was close to being fired seriously in the last two seasons and the owners kept giving him chances out of love and respect for him. Reese will go after we have another losing season.

I think Ben Macadoo is our coach. Don't see the Giants trading for Sean Payton.
sad to see Tom go this way. But i think a new voice is needed, worked out very well for the steelers and now giants need to go that route and hire mcadoo. I wouldnt be surprised to hear that Tom stepped down recommending giants hire mcadoo.

guys that keep crying about reese realize that the next GM for the giants will be Chris Mara. Who is already hand in hand with all moves reese makes. Thats why reese is not gone, its not him alone. there are many GMs that run the team like a dictator they control everything, with reese and the giants there are a lot of shared aspects to it.

Reese has made mistake i agree, lack of pro bowl players is alarming. team does have talent and i can see plenty of our young talent being on this roster for many years and playing at pro bowl level. on the flip side sooooo many players that played for us this season that might not have played for any other team from Parker early in the season to kuhn somehow still on this team.
beason is getting cut and no team will sign him for than vet min. giants should sign him for that if nothing else to teach young LBs and who knows maybe he can play one more season.
there is a hot name in canadian football WR Eric Rogers. Giants better look at him.
Jennings ended strong but i dont like him, i say cut him and sign lamar Miller.

how do you guys feel about getting megatron? very good chance he gets cut. Josh Gordon? his drug problem doesnt bother me, risk/reward i doubt he commands more than 2-3 mil for one year deal. I want a big upgrade over Randle

If we only sign Cordy Glenn he would right away make everyone on the online better, our run game better and the likely hood of Eli throwing fumble pick 6 TDs very unlikely.
for defense JPP and prince and some mid level guys plus DE 1st round pick and corner or safety in the 2nd round and we are legit.

new training staff is the biggest thing. Clear house even equipment anything anyone to do with training GONE
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O line, pretty much every position on defense and a solid WR is needed. I like Tye as our TE and I've liked Jennings since we got him. Jennings was good last year and got hurt. Still don't understand why we didn't give him the ball more and waited until the last three weeks to do so. I don't know whose decision that was but they should be fired. I would be fine with Calvin Johnson or Gordon but I doubt we get either. I think Prince is gone. He's gonna cost too much and he's always hurt.

I think Macadoo ends up as our coach. I want to see them go after both Harbaughs. I think Baltimore is keeping Harbaugh so we need to at least contact Jim and see what's up.

Francesa said he thought Eric Mangeni would be a good fit. He's a Giants fan and knows his ****, thought it was interesting.
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Feel like TC was cornered into retiring, but maybe not.

He will forever be a legend here.
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