Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

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  • Kawhi Leonard

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  • James Harden

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  • Lebron James

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  • Kevin Durant

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Zion's athleticism is just stupid 

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Zion is a monster. The thing about him that stands out isn't even his leaping ability. I mean he got hops, but the guy is effing quick for his size. A lot quicker than LeBron was at that age.

It's unfair for a kid with that size and leaping ability to also be quick.

Got damn man.
He is Anthony Bennett.

I am not saying he will be sn NBA bust, but that is who he reminds me of
You just said Anthony Bennett?

View media item 2090291

I just peeped Anthony Bennet hs highlights. I don't see the comparison :lol: Zion is in a different stratosphere

First of all, Bennett moves like he has bricks on his feet, in quicksand compared to Zion lol
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Derrick may never be MVP Derrick again, but his career is far from over

Knicks are a bad fit. First of all, he needs to be surrounded by defenders.

I hope he goes to the Spurs. I think Popovich can revive his career.

Osh Kosh still thinks Bennett was deserving of the #1 and just hasn't found the right fit in the league.
The first podcast with KD and Simmons was really good. This one even better. As much as I hated on KD leaving for GS, I respect his perspective on a lot of things.

And for the second time I don't think Simmons bought much to the interview.
Again, yall are letting Bennett's lack of NBA success cloud your judgement.

What does Zion do now thst Bennett didn't do in HS/Vegas? These dudes are practically identifical if you were writing a police report on their games.

Undersized. Athletic. Not greatly skilled. BULLIES.

How is Zion in a different stratosphere? Because he was on Sportscrnter and Twitter?

Bennett was a Top 10 High Schooler too. #RecencyBias

Not sure how he moved like he has bricks in his shoes. Again, stop looking at his FAILED NBA days

Watch “Scouting video: Anthony Bennett vs. Howard Pulley at 2011 Peach Jam” on #Vimeo

DraftRoom Says

View media item 2389468
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[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] Anthony didn't play like Zion at all. One of the big things about him was that he could shoot, Zion can't at this point. Athleticism isn't close either. The only reason they are getting compared is because they look similar. If Zion was mixed we'd compare him to Blake.
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[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] Anthony didn't play like Zion at all. One of the big things about him was that he could shoot, Zion can't at this point. Athleticism isn't close either. The only reason they are getting compared is because they look similar. If Zion was mixed we'd compare him to Blake.
Not at all. Blake was way too skilled to be compared to Zion. (Even IF he was lightskinned).

I just don't see how they play that differently.

Zion is a freak athlete. He is going to be more athletic than anyone. But both he and Bennett were very athletic, at least.

But we can agree to disagree. I won't hold yall up over THIS
Bennett wasn't ever anywhere near the athlete that Zion is, was a far better shooter, had questions about his intensity, couldn't put the rock on the floor, didn't attack the glass with the intensity that Zion has shown, has short arms. Like, they're not even remotely close as prospects outside of being dark skinned, 6'7", and 5 star recruits.
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Not matching

1. INTENSIT level
2. Wingspan

Doesn't disqualify someone from being able to have comparisons of someone else.

And which Anthony Bennett did you watch since you are saying he couldn't put the ball on the floor? [emoji]129300[/emoji] That was one of his gifts as a younger player. PreNBA.

A comparison doesn't mean they are identical. But for you to say they are nothing alike and are only being compared because of skin tone and size is a nice cop out.

Half of the things you just named are untrue/trivial when it comes to a player comparison.

I am strictly speaking on what they can do.

But take the last word. I am done forreal this time.
Austin Rivers is my favourite high school basketball player. Enamored with his game.

Ben Wallace doesn't get in but Tmac does :stoneface:
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