Plus I know folks who work at Niketown
Who would be down
With hooking us up with a discount
U know what
This what we do we gather up money and shoes
Whatever folks can donate
After we get the money me and dblplay1212 dblplay1212 will buy the shoes
Use our Nike connects
to get as many pairs through swoosh
We will divide the pairs up between 4 locations ny ca fl and tx
After shoes have been divided up
That day(I already put in my vacation day to be off)
We go around giving out the shoes in our respective areas.
Is that cool with y’all or no

Sounds good to me. Just let me know who to donate to.
Ok can the folks who wanna be at the locations to give away shoes pm me so I can make the list. Just pm me and the location ur responsible for
2 in tx
2 in fl
2 in ca
2 in ny/nj
No reason we can’t have this list by Friday night.
Then we can figure out where to hold the money/pot to buy the shoes
And where to hold the shoes that’s donated
Yeah guys just know that they don’t have to be full price or the hottest pair out. They’re going to people that really need them, they won’t be worried about the hype or anything. I know everyone is making a ton of money. Even if you save the change from pairs you buy leading up to November and use it to cop a pair, you’re winning.
i have a pair of DS BHM af1 in a 9 ive been dying to get rid of. giving the pair to a homey in need is perfect
Today’s unDS: LX W “Phantom Snakeskin” (grey box)

cushy ride. plush lining.

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Would love to participate! im in Greensboro NC, id be down giving away some pairs i havent worn and some new stuff out to people downtown (unfortunately many homeless around here) on that day if thats cool too
I’ll come back later today or tomorrow to post all the names we have so far
More folks would be welcome
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