OFFICIAL: Air Trainer 1 Mid Premium aka "Chlorophylls"... paging Wallyhop....

Those suck
Photons. FSR as of posting link if anybody still needs

Thanks - copped. When these dropped on Nike I had self-control telling myself I already have the Chlorophyll's and Honeydews and now that my size is gone, FOMO kicked in.
Just redrew lines and unyellowed the right pair midsole, not to pure white bc lateral outrigger and rubber outsole parts aren't, hard to render in a pic but still an improvement to me. May turn the collar grey too when they start catching dirt, just want to rock them now!...

Just redrew lines and unyellowed the right pair midsole, not to pure white bc lateral outrigger and rubber outsole parts aren't, hard to render in a pic but still an improvement to me. May turn the collar grey too when they start catching dirt, just want to rock them now!...

To me looks way better like yours. Thinking about doing the same to mine....
Just redrew lines and unyellowed the right pair midsole, not to pure white bc lateral outrigger and rubber outsole parts aren't, hard to render in a pic but still an improvement to me. May turn the collar grey too when they start catching dirt, just want to rock them now!...

How’d you get the yellow off?
How’d you get the yellow off?
The easy way, painted the midsole straight out of the box with "sneakers er" midsole paint, with a brush. This is a thin paint and each coat won't give full cover but tone down, I applied 3 but on the second it was already way better. They also have a great pen if you don't feel comfortable with a brush, making it even easier to follow lines and touch up.
Though I will by habit , this flexible midsole paint does not require a finisher coat, just let it cure for 2 days after last coat and rock.
Just redrew lines and unyellowed the right pair midsole, not to pure white bc lateral outrigger and rubber outsole parts aren't, hard to render in a pic but still an improvement to me. May turn the collar grey too when they start catching dirt, just want to rock them now!...

(post to erase)
I don't know much about SBs. What was the diff with the SB Chrolophylls vs these OGs?
Just redrew lines and unyellowed the right pair midsole, not to pure white bc lateral outrigger and rubber outsole parts aren't, hard to render in a pic but still an improvement to me. May turn the collar grey too when they start catching dirt, just want to rock them now!...


I think I like the lighter version a lot better.

Anything else one needs to know? Just order the pen/brush and go to work?
I think I like the lighter version a lot better.

Anything else one needs to know? Just order the pen/brush and go to work?
I would prefer it white, too, but I’m not bothered enough by the way it is to make the effort to paint it myself LOL
Fake yellow has never been in.

Give these enough time and many at1s had foam where the midsole paint got absorbed into the foam and it yellowed naturally. The vast majority had truly ugly paint chipping. I’m troubled by a lot of what I see

No paint is better than paint that chips

But this new paint is better than the past for sure.
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I think I like the lighter version a lot better.
Anything else one needs to know? Just order the pen/brush and go to work?
Sure. Still easy way, rub outsole with a dry clean cloth to remove any dirt/ grease /fingerprints where you will paint. Press to prime the tip on a plastic card for example and keep a small drop of it available to prime again during the current session. Paint using a light source: applying first coat you will wonder if the paint is working :smile: just paint using light reflection, if it's wet the coat is on, don't pour more, just 1 pass! It will dry fast bc you need to apply thin coats. Clean plastic card, and/or brush. Let dry for max 1 hour. Repeat. On 2nd coat you get to see the difference, on third I stopped. Wait 2 days, rock.
kham kham cool. Thanks for those tips.

Ordered a pen yesterday and it already shipped. Looking fwd to giving this a shot for the first time.
Another lowball offer excepted on StockX.

Third pair, I think I’m done with this release, job well done NIKE,.
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