Official Casey Anthony Trial - Walking Out of Jail a Free Woman @ 12:00am 07/17/2011

This case if far from over. If shes found guilty, the defense will appeal and that will drag the case much longer than needed.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

I dont know if ive been spoiled by too many tv lawyer/court type shows or what. But, the prosecutions whole closing and rebuttals were horrible and probably ruined their case. The dude straight up contradicted everything he was saying yesterday, and the lady was horribly prepared. She couldnt even spit out a whole sentence without reading from her notepad. She would take a long ++% pause after every two or three words, had no type of flow or pace to her argument.

Originally Posted by Caerus

What happens if she gets off? haha oh boy..

Saddly anything is possible in this hillbilly hell I call home , don't forget we gave bush the white house
glad I lived most of my life in chicago so the sun hasn't fully damaged my brain yet
Originally Posted by djaward

This case if far from over. If shes found guilty, the defense will appeal and that will drag the case much longer than needed.

yeah, theyre saying it'll cost tax payers between 2 &3 million more dollars by the time she gets done with the appeals
I'm convinced that 75% of the wackos in the U.S. live in Florida.

Spoiler [+]
I live in Florida BTW.
For a verdict to come back this fast, it shows how bad her defense team was.
What kind of parent takes 31 days to report their child missing? If this verdict is anything but guilty it's a slap in the face to common sense.
Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

.....can someone answer this for me?
- Casey initially said she dropped off the kid with the nanny right? the Gonzalez chick. when the nanny said she didnt know Casey and that she never dropped off her kid with her, what did Casey officially say she did with her daughter?
- i cant seem to find it anywhere online.
Casey is claiming her daughter drowned. They have yet to say what she did with the body (if they did I didnt catch it)

....thats it? she just drowned? no details as to how? (not asking you, just saying)
- imma look this up again. its strange to me that they would have moved forward with the prosecution without some sort of explanation from her about what she initially did with her daughter, even if it was a lie.....
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