for the warrior fans thinking firing don is a good thing i have one thing to say: YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY!!
Problem is not Nelson, its Baron Davis......

This %!*!# should be averaging 11 assists a game like Nash and Paul but he suffers from Marbury syndrome...
Back to the subject at hand: Does Nellie deserve to get fired? Of course not. I disagree with a lot of things that he does. For example, I would never start Harrington over Biedrins. You just can't count on Harrington to show up on a nightly basis. I would have Barnes behind Azubuike, Pietrus, and B-Dub in the rotation. But can you argue with 45 wins? He has turned this franchise around, and people are calling for his head? Ridiculous.
The problem is, Biedrins consistently picks up early fouls, so that takes him out of the game plan. Then you look at Al, I think he starts for acouple of reasons...1) to see if he's going to produce ANYTHING. We all know, if he starts off well, he'll play well (all things consisdered). Also,it opens up the floor because Al does create a mismatch in this offense, so we spread the floor. That's just the principle of the offense, nothing you canreally do about it till Biedrins continues to develop a short 10-12 foot jumper.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Problem is not Nelson, its Baron Davis......

This %!*!# should be averaging 11 assists a game like Nash and Paul but he suffers from Marbury syndrome...

Problem is not Nelson, its Baron Davis......

This %!*!# should be averaging 11 assists a game like Nash and Paul but he suffers from Marbury syndrome...
Truth... I love Baron, but I %@#$+$ hate how he just comes down sometimes and jacks up a 25 foot fadeaway
I might have over reacted a little but its just frustrating watching this team make the same stupid mistakes that they made in the first week. Don Nelson needsto learn that you can't always go small and that he has a players that can have an impact on the defensive end if he plays them. maybe a defensive mindedassistant would help. its just really crushing watching this team get worked on a nightly basis.
Nelson can't be any worse then George Karl. Karl said that he doesn't like to use timeouts to stop the other teams momentum
Don Nelson is a great, undervalued coach in the league. He's not the root of the problem. Golden State just isn't as talented as the other teams in thewest. They're good, but they have limitations which won't change if all you want to do is change the coach.
Originally Posted by daprescription

I might have over reacted a little but its just frustrating watching this team make the same stupid mistakes that they made in the first week. Don Nelson needs to learn that you can't always go small and that he has a players that can have an impact on the defensive end if he plays them. maybe a defensive minded assistant would help. its just really crushing watching this team get worked on a nightly basis.

Dude you're assuming too much.

You're assuming Keith Smart and Stephen Silas don't know jack about defense.

There's a huge misconception of the Warriors, and that is that they play NO defense. Truth is, while they're not a top defensive team, they get by.Meaning of course opponents are going to look better against a Ws team they shoots so early in the shot clock. Of course more points are going to be put upbecause of the style. That's just how it is. If the Warriors we're a good half court team and that was their team principle, we wouldn't have thedefensive conversation nearly as much. No way. Why because it'd be a grudge match to score 85.

He's not going to change his rotation. Period. BWright HAS potenaital. He's good in his ROLE right NOW. You can't bank on a rookie coming in andstarting the biggest game of the season to date. Just not going to happen. If we had a terrible record I'm sure he'd change it up a bit. However,he's going to ride the wave that got us to where we are. Yes we all know Harrington is a big P, but unfortunately his limited offense gives more capabilitythan Wrights does at this moment RIGHT NOW.
Truth... I love Baron, but I %@#$+$ hate how he just comes down sometimes and jacks up a 25 foot fadeaway

umm...if you don't think that has anything to do with coaching then
umm...if you don't think that has anything to do with coaching then

I didnt even mention coaching, I was solely talking about the player, the player that has done that his entire career.
Originally Posted by WstCoastGotti

Problem is not Nelson, its Baron Davis......

This %!*!# should be averaging 11 assists a game like Nash and Paul but he suffers from Marbury syndrome...
Truth... I love Baron, but I %@#$+$ hate how he just comes down sometimes and jacks up a 25 foot fadeaway

well at least he (and monta) were hitting some shots in the first half. if all he did was pass and people kept missing, we would've been done byhalftime. the only reason i'd want baron to pass is if it would make others pass the ball. just like passing is contagious, so is not passing. everyonewants a turn because they haven't touched the ball in so many minutes so they start playing one on one ball. jkidd had more assists than the entire teamand nobody wanted to attack the basket and kick it out. and like dyyhard said, coaching is a problem too. they gotta get their players in check and help themrealize they're being too selfish, not trying hard enough, etc. just get some energy out of them and help them realize it's a damn team game.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by daprescription

I might have over reacted a little but its just frustrating watching this team make the same stupid mistakes that they made in the first week. Don Nelson needs to learn that you can't always go small and that he has a players that can have an impact on the defensive end if he plays them. maybe a defensive minded assistant would help. its just really crushing watching this team get worked on a nightly basis.

Dude you're assuming too much.

You're assuming Keith Smart and Stephen Silas don't know jack about defense.

There's a huge misconception of the Warriors, and that is that they play NO defense. Truth is, while they're not a top defensive team, they get by. Meaning of course opponents are going to look better against a Ws team they shoots so early in the shot clock. Of course more points are going to be put up because of the style. That's just how it is. If the Warriors we're a good half court team and that was their team principle, we wouldn't have the defensive conversation nearly as much. No way. Why because it'd be a grudge match to score 85.

He's not going to change his rotation. Period. BWright HAS potenaital. He's good in his ROLE right NOW. You can't bank on a rookie coming in and starting the biggest game of the season to date. Just not going to happen. If we had a terrible record I'm sure he'd change it up a bit. However, he's going to ride the wave that got us to where we are. Yes we all know Harrington is a big P, but unfortunately his limited offense gives more capability than Wrights does at this moment RIGHT NOW.

Wright should not be starting, you got that right. And you're also right that he's good in his role right now. BUT! Everytime he takes the floorhe has a defensive presence in the low post or on 6'9"-6'11" shooters a la Dirk. I'm not saying he should play a majority of the minutesbut he should be playing around 15-18 minutes a night. Plus, he's WAYYYYY better than Harrington on the boards, I swear Al has to be the worst reboundingPF I've ever seen. For somebody of his stature at 6'9" 245 lbs. he should be getting more than 5.5 rebounds a game, that's horrendous. Wright gets 1/3 of the playing time Al does but he grabs 1/2 the rebounds Harrington does.

And I agree with a lot of others who criticize the offensive system. While it's great off a rebound or turnover, it sucks when teams make their shotsbecause it gives them the time they need to get back on defense. So what does that lead to? Baron and Monta having to beat guys off the dribble. But thoseare the only two guys on the team who CAN do that. I swear everytime Capt. Jack handles the ball my mind starts to think "Oh God, here comes a fast breakthe other way..." I mean, he's my favorite Warrior 'cuz his jumper is water, but dude really shouldn't try to drive. He's a turnoverwaiting to happen. But to the few who say that he's expendable, he's not. This is the same personnel from a year ago and they sucked up until theytraded for Jax. He just seemed to bring that swagger and winning attitude to the W's.

What they need is a REAL half-court offense. The Princeton offense would('ve) definitely work(ed) with the guys they have/had (Webber). Barnes,Azubuike, and Pietrus could('ve) run the baseline cut. Jax could('ve) been open on the wings and corners for threes. And Baron and Montacould('ve) ran pick and rolls with Webb. Monta would've flourished even more because he wouldn't have to handle the ball as much, his handle isGREAT, and his midrange game is sweet. But it's like others said, this team plays street ball one on one with the defender. So when that fails this teamhas trouble scoring.



2007-2008 NBA CHAMPS
Pietrus + Barnes 100% gone after this season probably.

Resigning Monta + Baron is a must.

Do the Warriors really want to resign Biedrins to a 6 year $60M type deal?

Yes, Biedrins is the Warriors only real legit big man, but the way Nelly plays this guy, he's basically a role player. He's getting subbed out forAustin Croshere, and not seeing a lot of worthwhile 4th quarter minutes.

Re-sign him, and under Nelson, he's basically an overpaid role player.

He's probably the Warriors best trade chip, and I think the Warriors should look into a sign and trade with him.

Tell Wright to hit the weight room a bit in the offseason, and what does Biedrins bring to the table that Wright won't, minus experience?

Nelson is back for next season, but what happens after that?

I don't think Nelson makes any adjustments. He'll just continue to employ his 'mismatch' approach as long as he's here.

How far can his style of play really take a team?
umm...if you don't think that has anything to do with coaching then

I didnt even mention coaching, I was solely talking about the player, the player that has done that his entire career.

I wasn't really disagreeing with your knock on the player himself, but part of it is the reigns that a coach has on a player. You are right nomatter where he goes he has jacked up 3s bc his coaches allow him to play his style of game. I don't know why they give him the green light ala JasonWilliams - imo it's not really the ideal pg you want to have on your team - well at least one I would build.
I understand Biedrins perhaps is getting shafted by Nellie, but trading him just cuz he doesn't fit into his system is a really poor reason to trade him,IMO. He's a great basketball player that deserves minutes, so the Warriors should re-sign him as well. Nellie will be gone in a couple years at the verylatest, and if we get rid of Biedrins for scraps JUST to get Nellieball players I think we will regret it down the line. Also, it seems like Andris wants tostay too.

Pietrus is probably gone, I can see Barnes staying for cheap; his value is not going to be very high right now...
There is life after Nelson. I can definitely see Biedrins and Wright being one hell of a front line in the future.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Pietrus + Barnes 100% gone after this season probably. (1)

Resigning Monta + Baron is a must. (2)

Do the Warriors really want to resign Biedrins to a 6 year $60M type deal? (3)

Yes, Biedrins is the Warriors only real legit big man, but the way Nelly plays this guy, he's basically a role player. He's getting subbed out for Austin Croshere, and not seeing a lot of worthwhile 4th quarter minutes.

Re-sign him, and under Nelson, he's basically an overpaid role player.

He's probably the Warriors best trade chip, and I think the Warriors should look into a sign and trade with him.

Tell Wright to hit the weight room a bit in the offseason, and what does Biedrins bring to the table that Wright won't, minus experience? (4)

Nelson is back for next season, but what happens after that? (5)

I don't think Nelson makes any adjustments. He'll just continue to employ his 'mismatch' approach as long as he's here.

How far can his style of play really take a team? (6)

1) Lol @ the 100% + probably....but you still cool in my books

1a) I firmly believe that Barnes will be back because he'll have this season behind him and I think he'll want to prove that his mind justwasn't in it this year (rightfully so). Plus, his value is horrendous.

2) Doubt they'd resign him, but I'd bet he picks up his option. People aren't just going to throw the money at him based on 1 season of playingin 100%* (thus far) of games. I'd sign Monta and get Barron to pick up his option, but not throw a contract at him.

3) Big man don't come around often, and it's probably a LOT easier to sign him even under his role with Nellie, for life AFTER Nellie. I'dimagine if Nellie comes back for next season that may be it (regardless of his contract). Biedrins is what, 21? Why WOULDN'T you sign him? He shows flashesof potential even on crappy nights...he's the best big man the Warriors have had in years and with age his skill and body will develop (stop it).

4) Wright isn't going to play Center for us...and we won't ALWAYS play this style, especially after Nellie's departure. They can complimenteach other nicely if given the chance, but that is definitely against Nellie's style so we won't know till at least next season.

5) I'm willing to guess that if he returns next season, that will be his last....just seems the most likely scenario.

6) It depends on how deep his teams are. Does he have a rebounder? Does he have role players who can step up consistently? This year we have neither andlook at our record. We can compete with the teams that are better than us. We can beat them. We can matchup in just about any series because of the style. Theteams that are far superior than us have BOTH thos things; regardless of defense.

I said this numerous other times, we're not deep this year, probably even less than last year. Pietrus was non existent till the wimp finally learned hewasn't going to be dealt. Now he can't "heal" from an injury. Barnes' has been horrible, regardless of the reasons or excuses, I know wewere banking on him this season to be even half as good as last year. Add a Milsap type player and a role player to this team, and its an entirely differentstory.

I only say 100% because I'm ignorant to the Warriors cap situation. Would re-signing Biedrins, Barnes, Monta and Baron strap them of cash to potentiallyadd some depth to this team? I dunno.

And it would definitely be a good move for Baron to pick up his own option.

But, there are a lot of teams with cash to blow out there, and who knows. Maybe somebody throws some big time $ at Baron.

Also, word, I wanna see what a Biedrins + Wright frontcourt can do.

How come Nelly doesn't play 'em both at the same time more often?

I know it deprives the W's of a 3 point shooter by having both in, but, sometimes this W team takes too many 3 pters to begin with.
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