How come Nelly doesn't play 'em both at the same time more often?

I know it deprives the W's of a 3 point shooter by having both in, but, sometimes this W team takes too many 3 pters to begin with.
Exactly. That is one of the biggest beefs I have against Nellie. It's like what I read on the realGM forums from someone- I like 70% of whatNellie does, but 30% of what he does is absolutely frustrating, and that is exactly one of the main things.
My guess is, he feels he would really be limiting our offense because we'd almost certainly have to run more half court sets with them both in at the sametime. Makes some sense, doesn't?

Our cap situation is good since we got rid of Jrich. If anything, we're above .500. In a hard conference but we've positioned ourself NICELY for thefuture.

Its a chess game fellas, and I'm in it for the long haul.
why would you fire nelson????????!!!

he's one of my fave coaches. i think he IS my fave coach. i remember his bright idea to keep on fouling bruce bowen which eventually won them the game(dallas-san antonio)
He's not the best coach out there but he gets the job done more times than not. Why would you want to fire someone when you don't even have someonethat is CLEARLY a better candidate to run this team? Yes, his rotation is questionable, but that record speaks for itself. I don't believe anyone can milkalot more wins with this roster.

With that said, I definitely don't think he deserves to be fired. However, as I've said before, Mullin needs to look for an upgrade, a seasoned playoffcoach, while letting Nellie maintaining this team within these 2 yrs since he will retired soon.
I still think they're grooming Keith Smart for the position to keep it internal. We'll see in a matter of a year or two though.
haha damn bandwagoners showing their true colors. Get off the wagon and stop believing and dont get back on
I really can't believe he got a 2 year extension. Team is just as bad at defense as last year and there is no offense. Any prospect that gets drafted byDon Nelson will turn out to be a bum.
Patrick O'Bryant
Brandan Wright
Marco Belinelli
and now Anthony Randolph.

Too bad everyone that doesn't follow the Warriors will just say we're out of our mind.'s a quick list for all those non-Warrior fansthat are gonna say we're stupid.

-He DOESN'T play our young guys that we need to develop.
-He wears out his starters wayy too much, playing Jackson/Maggette etc. way too many minutes.
-He is too stubborn and won't play Marcus Williams, and wouldn't play POB when he was here.
-If our goal is to be a realistic NBA championship contender one day, it won't EVER be when Nellie is the coach.
There's feel free to add on.

He won't be fired though since that punk %!# Robert Rowell is in charge now.
I'm in the minority even in Warrior threads. It's been what, 4 games?!?

Jesus christ, let the season play out.

Since you guys are obviously ballers/coaches, please explain to me how you know more about the personnel than he does?

Give it a month, at least. You're facing a team who has played together, virtually all of preseason was spent w/ odd combinations. The team has been close,but hasn't completely come together.

I refuse to be one of those "fans" who will accept losing by 20 just to play young guys. You play to win and you play for a chance to move on, notsettle/tank it for the "lottery".

Nellie can't execute and shoot the ball, last time I checked.

That's my rant for the night, enjoy your evening.
I don't agree with firing Don Nelson. That's a bit extreme...but he should not have gotten that extension. So the blame lies with Rowell on that one.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I'm in the minority even in Warrior threads. It's been what, 4 games?!?

Jesus christ, let the season play out.

Since you guys are obviously ballers/coaches, please explain to me how you know more about the personnel than he does?

Give it a month, at least. You're facing a team who has played together, virtually all of preseason was spent w/ odd combinations. The team has been close, but hasn't completely come together.

I refuse to be one of those "fans" who will accept losing by 20 just to play young guys. You play to win and you play for a chance to move on, not settle/tank it for the "lottery".

Nellie can't execute and shoot the ball, last time I checked.

That's my rant for the night, enjoy your evening.
This team is going to the lottery either way. How does an organization improve? Look at Portland.
Its not like the organization (from Rowell to Mullin and everyone in between) aren't aware of what they have in Nellie. A man history has shown not to be afan of veterans. Therefore, most of the blame should be pointed at the organization for reupping a man to an extension if they had a problem with his coachingstyle. That's my point.

The good news is Jackson is "shooting" himself out of an extension, and I'm ok with that.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I'm in the minority even in Warrior threads. It's been what, 4 games?!?

Jesus christ, let the season play out.

Since you guys are obviously ballers/coaches, please explain to me how you know more about the personnel than he does?

Give it a month, at least. You're facing a team who has played together, virtually all of preseason was spent w/ odd combinations. The team has been close, but hasn't completely come together.

I refuse to be one of those "fans" who will accept losing by 20 just to play young guys. You play to win and you play for a chance to move on, not settle/tank it for the "lottery".

Nellie can't execute and shoot the ball, last time I checked.

That's my rant for the night, enjoy your evening.
Got to agree with him. I say give it at least 15 games and see what he does.
I refuse to be one of those "fans" who will accept losing by 20 just to play young guys. You play to win and you play for a chance to move on, not settle/tank it for the "lottery".
this hasn't been just 4 games. look at last season. nelson still hasn't learned from the error of his ways (matchups, doesn't playyoung guys, playing guys endless amounts of minutes). the fact of the matter is he's too damn stubborn in his ways to admit that he's wrong andunwilling to change his style of play, which hasn't worked for the team since the end of last season.

i wouldn't fire him but i damn sure would not have given him that extension.
Nellie didn't play the young kids last year and is showing us the same thing this season... Ok, I'll give it a month but if Nellie doesn't change,then what? History has led me to believe that Nellie won't change at all. He is who he is.
Then I'll be the first to admit this organization has no clue where their %%+ is from their brain.
lol then I'll admit I was wrong, which I'm not afraid of.

Maybe its because he hasn't played the young guys, but I believe he should put the best team out on the floor that gives us a chance to win.I'm under the assumption he's seen the young guys in practice, etc....which I haven't.

Maybe when he does play them and they show me something, I'll crucify him then.
Nellie changed our team in a positive way, but i really dont like him now. he doesnt give anyone a chance, not even garbage time. todays game for example....jackson shot bout 20 shots, made what? 6 of them. he puts belinelli in for the last seconds and he jacks up a 3 right in his defenders face.. i mean if aplayer just cant shoot for his life, isnt that what your bench is for??? he has way to much pride in the vets'
you warrior fans...don put your team back in the postseason and this is how you treat him?...i think he knows what hes doing
it's comedy reading the first few pages of this thread again, after 1 year and a couple months later

all the "you guys are turning on your coach", "bandwagoners", esp from some Faker fans.
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