Official Foamposite Pro Pearl Thread....PICS PAGE 1....MAY 23 2009

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

You guys remember the Variant Power Ranger toys that less fortunate kids had to play with?
The color reminds me of that.

before anybody bothers camping out tonight please understand that its already a wrap for everything...all pairs have been accounted for
yo everytime i read one of lrrr's comments i can't help but to read it like the voice of the cartoon
...this aint got nothing to do
wit shoes, but efff it
anybody kno how is HOH LA doing?

man... these joints seems like those rumored "bronze" foamposite...
hmm they r totally different shoes from the pearl, not even close, after i see the comparison pictures of both...
these r foamposite pro retro, but not foamposite pro pearl retro~
Originally Posted by eciaccord

I'm not gonna lie, I need these bad. I think I'm gonna pass on some stuff I was planning to pick up this weekend in order to get these. I think I'm gonna pull the trigger on ebay. I just keep asking myself this, should I pick up some ds 99 white cement 4's, or raging bull pack along with some air max 2009, or this foam release? Hmmmmm.

DS Cement IV's probably wouldn't last. Probably crumble or the paint will chip quickly
Words can not explain how horrible these things look...

I have some old dirty white tee's for sale that should match perfectly...
wow these foams are garbage, glad i didn't waste my time

there not even pearls they look more like some dirty bronze
^well put. exactly.
these will be slept on,just like most foam pros. and then people will want em later. (I.e: carolinas,royals,reds,and PEARLS)

just like armies in foam ones

I got #586

Cops shut down the line at like #420

Manager said same numbers apply tomorrow


Going to still take a chance and go up there LOL
as wht i read and wht i c the situation of HOH NY...
one word i can say:
i dont c US economy is in recession now~ no, not at all!!
It must be how the light hits them because this pic makes them look good to me.


I'm just waiting to see if Only Mj's comes through.
Originally Posted by bigsupa

Smh at this drop...I was makin my sandwiches for the week to campout when I heard the news...what am I gonna do with all these sandwiches? Oh wait I'm headed down there now to sell em for $3 a

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

You guys remember the Variant Power Ranger toys that less fortunate kids had to play with?
The color reminds me of that.

Plays Wale's - The Hype
Originally Posted by 3thaman

It must be how the light hits them because this pic makes them look good to me.


I'm just waiting to see if Only Mj's comes through.
Yeah, me you and 20 others.

Not gonna be too many happy NTers.
...really had my mind made up to drive up to NY n camp to get these but i get back home from work and this is the news i get ?

I got mine and I had been in line since 12:30 this afternoon and HOH in the chi only had two size12's
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