Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Just came in to say that my most hated character on the show is Stannis' wife. Shes aweful and brings nothing to the table. Straight *****

Also, shes def not the finest but slept on, and thats Oberyn's girl

She's a ****. Her daughter is my girl through.

Mance Rayder > Stannis but both highly respectable.
I think eventually everyone is going to put their differences aside to fight the Walkers

I wouldn't be surprised if the Walkers end up taking over actually :lol:
grrm will break everyone's heart and kill every character that's been introduced and then smile with that big trolling face of his when it's done.
grrm will break everyone's heart and kill every character that's been introduced and then smile with that big trolling face of his when it's done.
Blame d&d for the death of doreah and pip

Irri & Jhiqui were killed off on the show too right? When Dany's household was attacked? The show seems to want Missandei to be Dany's only female advisor / friend.
^^ Which is a damn shame because I was hoping to see the Irri and Dany love scene, but D&D robbed us of that.
Stannis has grown on me as a leader. If I was going to ride for anyone, aside from John, it would be Stannis. I shall bend the knee... for the red witch.
Agreed. He's stern but he's just...and he's willing, for the most part, to listen to his advisors.

He strikes me as the most ready and able to sit the throne and rule the seven kingdoms.
Stannis has grown on me as a leader. If I was going to ride for anyone, aside from John, it would be Stannis. I shall bend the knee... for the red witch.
Agreed. He's stern but he's just...and he's willing, for the most part, to listen to his advisors.

He strikes me as the most ready and able to sit the throne and rule the seven kingdoms.

But how come his man's has to finesse everything for him, dude really isn't charismatic
Stannis might seem like a good king, but Renly mentioned it in season 1. No one likes Stannis...

Other then Sir Davos, Stannis has 0 friends. Melisandra is only around because of the Lord of Light.

He's a great General, but I don't think he will make a good King.
I wonder if the Lord's fire that keeps Melissandre from getting cold also makes the box extra warm...:nerd:
Stannis has grown on me as a leader. If I was going to ride for anyone, aside from John, it would be Stannis. I shall bend the knee... for the red witch.
Agreed. He's stern but he's just...and he's willing, for the most part, to listen to his advisors.

He strikes me as the most ready and able to sit the throne and rule the seven kingdoms.

But how come his man's has to finesse everything for him, dude really isn't charismatic
True, his charisma is in the negatives.

I suppose to be a good king, you have to be good at pretending and not burning those bridges, which Stannis give zero ***** about.

He's really grown on me, though. If my options are Stannis, Dany and Tommen (drawing a blank, am I missing anyone?) I say Stannis hands down.
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Stannis has grown on me as a leader. If I was going to ride for anyone, aside from John, it would be Stannis. I shall bend the knee... for the red witch.
Agreed. He's stern but he's just...and he's willing, for the most part, to listen to his advisors.

He strikes me as the most ready and able to sit the throne and rule the seven kingdoms.
But how come his man's has to finesse everything for him, dude really isn't charismatic
True, his charisma is in the negatives.

I suppose to be a good king, you have to be good at pretending and not burning those bridges, which Stammis give zero ***** about.

He's really grown on me, though. If my opinions are Stannis, Dany and Tommen (drawing a blank, am I missing anyone?) I say Stannis hands down.
I dont think Daenerys should come to westeros it makes no sense. There is plenty of land and wealth in Essos to conquer and govern. There's no real benefit to crossing over on her part. Way too much trouble and effort.

Stannis has no charm or charisma. He is a machine in many ways.  So he would be a very practical king. But that doesn't make him a good king. At the end of the day if people don't like him his power will always be one slip up away from trouble.

Tommen...poor tommen...he's just not the right guy. I honestly think he'd give it a good shot and maybe wouldn't do too bad a job but he wouldn't be a great, respected, or feared king. He'd be like the Westerosi equivalent of President Fillmore (who? exactly!). Just another name on a list of kings.
Everyone saying the Starks will end up on the throne, I dont see it. They really only want to be wardens of the north. Their dad died for Stannis so they prolly dont mind Stannis being king. If Tyrion becomes some sort of hand or master of something he will prolly give this advice to Dany. Dany unwillingness to compromise is making her fall back as one of the likely candidates for the throne.

Stannis has grown on me too. I could really see him on the throne.
Agreed on Dany just not coming over. I've pretty much given up on her flying to Kings Landing and taking over. She's got her hands way too full in Mereen right now.

And you're right, I think Tommen has the heart for it. He saw where Joffrey went wrong, and if Tywin were still around he'd have a mastermind to learn from.
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Tommen too blinded by his girl and soft, he can become tougher

Yet something about him belongs in this series
Agreed on Dany just not coming over. I've pretty much given up on her flying to Kings Landing and taking over. She's got her hands way too full in Mereen right now.

I don't think she's given up on the idea since she thinks the Targareyans are the rightful rulers of Westeros, but I think she also knows she's still not ready. Especially since she can't seem to control the dragons anymore. That was going to be her big advantage over those she'd have to take out and right now she doesn't have it.
Tommen's fate is already decided and y'all know it. That boy ain't gonna become no king.

The mastermind of the family is now dead.

Cersai walking around losing her damn mind.

Jamie just ain't been the same since his hand got zoed from him.

And Tyrion plotting on the whole fam.

All bad.
Stannis wont be a good king in anyones eyes probably because his character development has been like watching paint dry.

theres just nothing to the dude despite him doing everything right.

maybe besides the witch.

He reminds me of the Spurs lol.

but Snow is gonna smash the red witch and Stannis is gonna fall from this point. at least thats what i think.
Tommen's fate is already decided and y'all know it. That boy ain't gonna become no king.

The mastermind of the family is now dead.

Cersai walking around losing her damn mind.

Jamie just ain't been the same since his hand got zoed from him.

And Tyrion plotting on the whole fam.

All bad.

Im kind of upset we never got to see JAMIE DA GAWD.

we only got to see the dude simp to his sister. 
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