Official get’cho *** up and **VOTE NOV 6th Thread** Vol. YES YOU MATTER

Ignorance is bliss.

To those that believe voting don't count: If our votes didn't count, then why would these old White Republicans move mountains just to suppress our votes ?

I've asked this before and I genuinely want an answer that's not a weak "both sides are the same " deflection, have yet to get one.
Folks don't realize how much these local elections impact their daily lives...keep listening to that BS Tariq Nasheed is spittin' :smh:
Folks don't realize how much these local elections impact their daily lives...keep listening to that BS Tariq Nasheed is spittin' :smh:
people forget most states in the US are built off their own micro constitution that falls in line with whatever the gov says. if colorado can have legal kush why cant new mexico or virginia have additional funding into the education of towns that have a high poverty rate. If minorities stuck together and voted one way, the opposition would hate us(they already do). Last time we did that the KKK formed and voter suppression came about and we haven't regained ground since.
people forget most states in the US are built off their own micro constitution that falls in line with whatever the gov says. if colorado can have legal kush why cant new mexico or virginia have additional funding into the education of towns that have a high poverty rate. If minorities stuck together and voted one way, the opposition would hate us(they already do). Last time we did that the KKK formed and voter suppression came about and we haven't regained ground since.

The crazy thing is, you have folks like Corey Stewart, who FULLY supports white supremacy, on the ballot for the US Senate. If seeing his face and ideals isn't enough to get you out to the polls and stop him, then I really don't want to hear complaints about those in office.
Just in case practice your signature to match the one on your drivers license. THEY will use that against you
Missouri Amendment 1, Lobbying, Campaign Finance, and Redistricting Initiative
A "yes" vote supports this constitutional amendment to make changes to the state's lobbying laws, campaign finance limits for state legislative candidates, and legislative redistricting process.
A "no" vote opposes this constitutional amendment to make changes to the state's lobbying laws, campaign finance limits for state legislative candidates, and legislative redistricting process.

Missouri Amendment 2, Medical Marijuana and Veteran Healthcare Services Initiative
A "yes" vote supports this constitutional amendment to: *legalize marijuana for medical purposes; *tax marijuana sales at 4 percent; and *spend tax revenue on healthcare services for veterans.
A "no" vote opposes this constitutional amendment to: *legalize marijuana for medical purposes; *tax marijuana sales at 4 percent; and *spend tax revenue on healthcare services for veterans.

Missouri Amendment 3, Medical Marijuana and Biomedical Research and Drug Development Institute Initiative
A "yes" vote supports this constitutional amendment to: *legalize marijuana for medical purposes; *tax marijuana sales at 15 percent; and *spend tax revenue on a Biomedical Research and Drug Development Institute.
A "no" vote opposes this constitutional amendment to: *legalize marijuana for medical purposes; *tax marijuana sales at 15 percent; and *spend tax revenue on a Biomedical Research and Drug Development Institute.

Missouri Amendment 4: Management and Advertisement of Bingo Games Amendment
A "yes" vote supports this amendment to: *lower the time required that someone is a member of an organization to manage a bingo game for that organization from two years to six months and *remove the constitutional ban on organizations advertising bingo games.
A "no" vote opposes this amendment to: *lower the time required that someone is a member of an organization to manage a bingo game for that organization from two years to six months and *remove the constitutional ban on organizations advertising bingo games.

Missouri Proposition B: $12 Minimum Wage Initiative
A "yes" vote supports increasing the state's minimum wage each year until reaching $12 in 2023 and then making increases or decreases based on changes in the Consumer Price Index.
A "no" vote opposes increasing the state's minimum wage each year until reaching $12 in 2023 and then making increases or decreases based on changes in the Consumer Price Index.

Missouri Proposition C: Medical Marijuana and Veterans Healthcare Services, Education, Drug Treatment, and Public Safety Initiative
A "yes" vote supports this initiated statute to: *legalize marijuana for medical purposes; *tax marijuana sales at 2 percent; and *spend tax revenue on veterans' services, drug treatment, education, and law enforcement.
A "no" vote opposes this initiated statute to: *legalize marijuana for medical purposes; *tax marijuana sales at 2 percent; and *spend tax revenue on veterans' services, drug treatment, education, and law enforcement.

Missouri Proposition D: Gas Tax Increase, Olympic Prize Tax Exemption, and Traffic Reduction Fund Measure
A "yes" vote supports this measure to: increase the gas tax by 10 cents per gallon, with revenue for the state highway patrol and local road funding; exempt prizes for Special Olympics, Paralympics, and Olympics from state taxes; and create a dedicated fund for certain road projects, including those to reduce traffic.
A "no" vote opposes this measure to: increase the gas tax by 10 cents per gallon, thereby leaving the rate at $0.17; exempt Olympic prizes from state taxes; and create a dedicated fund for certain road projects, including those to reduce traffic.
Cali people can you help me out with this? First time voting in California. I've only voted in person before in NY and NJ. I received a mail in ballot for Cali. I filled it out and sent it last week. I never requested a mail in ballot, but I just got my Cali license in September. I don't need to go in person now, right? I want to make sure before Tuesday. Thanks in advance!
Cali people can you help me out with this? First time voting in California. I've only voted in person before in NY and NJ. I received a mail in ballot for Cali. I filled it out and sent it last week. I never requested a mail in ballot, but I just got my Cali license in September. I don't need to go in person now, right? I want to make sure before Tuesday. Thanks in advance!

You should be fine. But, here is some info on how to check to make sure your vote counted.
I've asked this before and I genuinely want an answer that's not a weak "both sides are the same " deflection, have yet to get one.
It’s not that voting doesn’t count but if you’re in a certain state, you’re most likely going to have the same ideals regurgitated each year and the new voices just don’t have enough of a following to transcend the only guard.
I want people to Vote.
But i want people to vote who know what they're voting for.
I hate this narrative of..."go vote to get agent orange out" or go vote to disrupt his plans".

No go vote for something you believe in. Just because a candidate is blue doesnt mean he has YOUR best interest in mind. And vice versa. Just because one is red doesnt mean that either.

If youre on trial for something. You dont want to have a lawyer who knows nothing of your case or the history of cases like yours. You want him to know what hes doing before he gets there
I want people to Vote.
But i want people to vote who know what they're voting for.
I hate this narrative of..."go vote to get agent orange out" or go vote to disrupt his plans".

No go vote for something you believe in. Just because a candidate is blue doesnt mean he has YOUR best interest in mind. And vice versa. Just because one is red doesnt mean that either.

If youre on trial for something. You dont want to have a lawyer who knows nothing of your case or the history of cases like yours. You want him to know what hes doing before he gets there
Ehhh I get what you’re saying but it’s at the point where proven racists are in the running. YES, vote against that, educate yourself, then go vote against them
Ehhh I get what you’re saying but it’s at the point where proven racists are in the running. YES, vote against that, educate yourself, then go vote against them
But what if I'm racist too?
I kidd I kidd.
I see what you're saying, but don't think just because the party is red it doesn't mean there aren't any Blue SWS . They're riding that bluewave to slide through as well.
Also there are policies out there that hurt all racist on both sides.
As you said and the title of this is tho, just go vote!
Look and research and vote. What might be beneficial for one may not be beneficial for the other.
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