Official Heroes Season 2 Post

My +%#%% Bell is a sociopath... but she cold as all hail boi
in the 1st 5mins we see why you never invites exs to anything and then they let dl go out like a !$%*+ why did he just let that +!@% go in and out like be didwith the fist and how this fool get a gun in the club
Dl getting shot was crazy. this is my fav episode so far though....kristen bell is looking wicked good
Originally Posted by hamez3

Dl getting shot was crazy. this is my fav episode so far though....kristen bell is looking wicked good

i dont even kno how you can fix your fingers to type that this was the biggest let down

What is Mama Petrelli's powers and did she use it when she was talking to Nathan's wife?

And Nathan could be in trouble heading to that pub. You know those goons are looking for revenge from Elle killing the guy.
Wait wait, so what was the big secret of the Petrelli family? That they had powers?

Another thing, lets say Hiro never went back in time to Japan, thus he never met Kensei/Adam. If that were to actually happen, then none of this would beoccurring right now?

Also, it looks like Peter could be turning into a bad guy. But he might start realizing what Adam is really trying to do.

Another thing, its kinda corny that Peter regained all of his memory simply by thinking about Nathan. Having the Haitian rip your memories out shouldpermanently scar you of your memories. So now, Haitian's power is pretty useless considering if all the person who lost their memory has to do is thinkabout something they care about. Boooo.
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Another thing, its kinda corny that Peter regained all of his memory simply by thinking about Nathan. Having the Haitian rip your memories out should permanently scar you of your memories. So now, Haitian's power is pretty useless considering if all the person who lost their memory has to do is think about something they care about. Boooo.

No, I think it only worked with Peter because he does have the ability to heal so thus his brain/memory could be "healed" too.
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Another thing, its kinda corny that Peter regained all of his memory simply by thinking about Nathan. Having the Haitian rip your memories out should permanently scar you of your memories. So now, Haitian's power is pretty useless considering if all the person who lost their memory has to do is think about something they care about. Boooo.

It's obvious that you didn't pay good attention to Adam. Only Peter, Adam and theoretically, Claire can regain their memories like this, becausethey have the power to regenerate the mind as well as the body.
Wait wait, so what was the big secret of the Petrelli family? That they had powers?

Another thing, lets say Hiro never went back in time to Japan, thus he never met Kensei/Adam. If that were to actually happen, then none of this would be occurring right now?

Also, it looks like Peter could be turning into a bad guy. But he might start realizing what Adam is really trying to do.

Another thing, its kinda corny that Peter regained all of his memory simply by thinking about Nathan. Having the Haitian rip your memories out should permanently scar you of your memories. So now, Haitian's power is pretty useless considering if all the person who lost their memory has to do is think about something they care about. Boooo.
yea you def need to watch it ALL over
there is no petrelli secret it was a BIG lie.
ummmmmmm that would changed the show seein as thats wat his dad told him as a kid(so that was apart of this future no matter wat)
it dont look like there bad at all to me but hey that all can chance in a sec. and we dont know wat there up to yet.
it wasnt that he regained it by just thinking of nathan it was cuz he had adam powers and he could heal his brain and regain his memory so not just anybody cando this.

and again they played DL BIG time
Edit. Yeah, I missed like the first 8 minutes of the show. The key code for the satellite got scrambled right when the show started.

Anyways, D.L went out like a vagina. Foo didn't see him with the gun and make himself transparent? Weak sauce.
I wouldnt be surprised if Nathan just gets drunk again, he has a problem but hes gonna probably find Peter's Montreal painting n then go there

I still dont believe HRG dies

I like how they atleast explained why Peter couldnt just fly off by himself , using all his power to keep from exploding makes sense

This episode was a tad weak, so much focus on Peter and that partneship with Adam/Kensei has a light plot on it. I thought dude wouldve showed off hismanipulation skills on how he got Peter on his side. The things he did lie about were so simple. They make it out to be a misundertanding when Hiro finallyconfronts Peter.

Mama Petrelli doesnt have a power Im str8 up sayin it, I'll go out on that limb n say dat. If she does have a power its pretty weak. Unless she has thatmass sugestion power that girl who died had 1st season(forgot name)

Imma watch this again West Coast time but did I miss how Sylar survived that sword to da gut n how he got away?

This whole season has been on that whos really the bad guy issh. Only Sylar has chosen a side, its clear HRG can get his evil on seeing that he use to be downwith Company, Adam/Kensei clearly wants revenge on the Company and Hiro I also think he wants to rule the world not save it; thats what he means by change, theCompany(OG Heroes) just want to make sure w/e happend with Kensei doesnt happen again with all the new heroes poppin up. If this was looked at from any ofthose point of views they would seem more like the good guy in a way

Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Damn I still don't know which side is good or bad. Mr. Bennet looks to have turned heel though

Yea, it looks like HRG wants to kill Mohinder before Mohinder can kill him.
Originally Posted by xBuddha Blessx

Imma watch this again West Coast time but did I miss how Sylar survived that sword to da gut n how he got away?

Wasn't mentioned. I'm pretty sure they just stuck with the idea of Candace saving Sylar.
Word, DL went out soft. I guess him and bullets really don't get along. Cuz that's the only time I've ever seen him hurt.

- When Nikki was hunting him and shot him with the rifle early last year
- When he got shot during the final battle in the last episode of the 1st season
- Dude in the club who offed him

Anyway, this episode was a slight let-down. It was still good overall. But there were a few things that I have a beef about.

1. They said they were gonna show what happened to Sylar and they didn't. WTF??!! We still have no idea how Sylar got stranded on that island withouthis powers.

2. How the hell is Heidi (Nate's wife) able to walk again?!?!

3. What happened to Nathan running for office? Like, how did they explain away the explosion to the rest of the city?? All I know is that Bob said itwasn't in the paper and all of a sudden no one knows anything. There's no way the Haitian went around to every person in NYC to wipe their mind of whathappened. So I'm totally confused about that whole thing.

Moving on to some observations:

- I'm also starting to think that Mama P has the power of persuasion. I think someone else mentioned that earlier this season as well. But Eve (homegirlthat killed herself when Sylar was trying to take her power), had the same exact power (of persuasion). So if we go with that theory I mentioned a while backabout powers being repeated, then that would mean Eve and Mama P had some sort of connection. And I really doubt that the writers are making things thatcomplicated.

- I think it's important to note that Mama P told Heidi how Nathan is having "delusions of grandeur". She basically used that line to explainaway Nathan's "stories" to Heidi of Peter saving the world and about Nathan's ability to fly. I'm pretty sure that was the same exactthing she said about Papa P way back in episode 1 from season 1.

- Peter is quite the stud muffin huh? Simone (stole her from Isaac) , Irish girl, and now Elle. He banged 2 of them too.

- I love Dania (Maya).

Aiight, I threw a wild theory out there last week (about Peter and Hiro being brothers).
How about an even wilder one?

What if Adam was everybody's "father"?

I mean, dude has lived for over 300 years. Ya'll really think that he wasn't getting some poon all them years??
And when I say "father", Imean that he's the one who is ultimately the "father" of anyone who has a power.
Great episode... Kristen Bell is SO hot... her being half-insane just makes her even hotter, goddamn.

Anyways - can't believe they're gonna end the season in 3 episodes.. freaking writers strike is ruining everything. Seems like the way they'retelling the story though it won't feel forced, just mad that we only get this many episodes this season.
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