Did you order the new flyknit multi-color?

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  • No

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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This and Kat Williams face. 
 Man the entertainment value this week is off the charts.
Who knew that the MC being available would get people doing crazy things.  I can see the miscommunication concerning the gift cards being reloaded but at the end of the day you cancelled your own order.  Use the promo on something else and save money.
Boy was singing like a bird, surprised the dude didnt say "NT" when the rep asked what forum.
unless he did and left that part out.

Sucks for those of you who were able to place an order after the sold out tweet.
had to of other wise never woulda got a code for being an informant 
 Front row seats to the NT Salem Witch Trials. About burn this man at the stake 
Raven: Hi, my name is Raven. How may I help you?
Raven: Good afternoon, what can I assist you with today Zach? 
Zach : Hi so yesterday i ordered the kobe ix mutlicolor QS id and then realized i forgot to use my promo codes, but did remember to use my giftcards, so i quickly cancelled so i could reorder with both the promo codes and the giftcards, but my giftcards didnt get refunded in time, and the item sold out and I wasn't able to get it, and i feel that, that is not right and i should get some kind of compensation, or the shoes for this issue, since i wasn't able to get them since your system took to long to refund my giftcards balance back...
Zach : And the guy who cancelled my order in the phone said that i would be able to get them in time... but when the giftcards balance finally came back up it was too late...
Zach : on the phone*
Zach : if you need the giftcard numbers or the order number which i cancelled or the promo code i have all that information ready...
Raven: Well that particular shoe design is sold out, so I cannot get that or guarantee that design for you. Also I cannot compensate you for an item that has been restocked because it is too much like a launch, a lot of people not only you did not get that design. So Im sorry about that inconvenience. 
Raven: However, if you keep track of Twitter @Nikestore when they do restock you will have another chance to get those shoes. 
Zach : But the thing is I DID NOT GET IT BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS.... and quite frankly I do not think that is fair. ANd @nikestore on twitter already said they won't return... So i really don;t think this fair and i feel that i deserve the shoes or some kind of compensation for this big mess...
Raven: Well you forgot to add your promo and that is not our fault. I'm sorry you did not get those shoes in that design that you wanted. Also I'm not showing anywhere on Twitter that, that design wont be back, because it is an ID design it does have a chance to be restocked. 
Zach : Well i dont see why you couldn't have edited the order over the phone and allowed me to put the promo code in because i've done that before... and if the giftcards balance didn't take so long to come back I could've gotten them as well... so although yes i did forget to put the promo code in and thats my fault this is also kind of your guy's fault as well, and I'd like to speak to someone higher up than you to get this situation fixed because this is not right
Zach : And your providing false information because they did tweet it wasn't coming back...
Raven: Ok, just a moment I will get a supervisor for you. 
Zach : Thank you
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Zach : here is where they said it
Zach : and they have also said it numerous times before that tweet as well...
Zach : you here? hello?
Raven: Yes. Just a moment, getting a supervisor. 
Zach : Ok did you see the tweet i sent though?
Brandon: Hi, my name is Brandon. How may I help you?
Raven  has left the chat.
Zach : Can you see the history of this chat?
Zach : that basically explains everything
Brandon: Hi Zach, I am Brandon, Raven's supervisor. I can see the history, if you give me just a moment I will review it.
Zach : Ok no problem
Brandon: I see that you we unable to reorder your Kobe 9's in time due to your Gift Cards not being refunded quickly enough. Unfortunately, we cannot offer you another promotional code for this issue.
Zach : But why is that? I just don't really think thats fair since its your guys fault
Brandon: I do understand the frustration on missing out on these shoes. That being said, it was your choice to cancel your order.
Zach : and also your rep is spreading false information
Brandon: It was not our fault.
Zach : Yes so i could apply the promo code. The guy who cancelled it on the phone said I'd have enough time once the giftcards refunded if he cancelled so that's why I cancelled it
Zach : I'm a loyal customer, and i feel this customer service is horrible
Brandon: The rep on the phone could not have possibly known that.
Brandon: The promo code you attempted to use on the order, is that not still valid?
Zach : And i think that its kind of messed up that im more informed than one of your chat reps about these shoes not restocking
Zach : Im just telling you what he tld me
Zach : Why wouldn't i believe him
Zach : told*
Brandon: Do you remember the name of the representative you spoke with?
Zach : People who have these in there carts are able to checkout still which i don't really understand, but if you dont have them in your cart you can no longer add them so you can't check out. Why is this?
Zach : No i dont it was over the phone and i was flustered trying to figure all this out so i din't really pay attention to his name...
Brandon: What makes you say that people with these in their carts are still checking out?
Brandon: I know for a fact that these were removed from peoples carts and these are sold out.
Zach : Becuase I'm part of an online forum and numerous people have said this and have showed their order confirmations with dates that are today... i can send you some if you want...
Brandon: Sure. 
Brandon: Also can you send me the promo code you wanted to have applied
Zach : ok let me find both. give me a second
Brandon: I appreciate ti
Zach : Sorry for the dleay still oooking...
Brandon: No problem at all. I really do appreciate it. Just be sure to check back every 2 minutes or so, or my system starts trying to kick you for inactivity.
Zach : ok
Zach : Found my promo code but can't find the order confirmations i was looking for
Brandon: Ok, what is the promo code?
Zach : The promo code is, and was given to me by my cousin in case that matters...
Brandon: That does matter. Promotional codes are non-transferable. 
Zach : Even between friends and family?
Brandon: That is correct
Zach : why is that?
Zach : He knew i was gonna order and he was staying at my house this week and had a spare one so he gave it to me....
Zach : I don't see the harm in that...
Brandon: Promotional codes are given out to our consumers for Their issues. They are not to be given out. They are to help our consumer on a future purchase of theirs.
Zach : Ok well sorry for the misunderstanding there, I didn't get to use it anyways, so no harm done... now i know not to use them in the future
Brandon: So what I will do, is I will leave that one active, and then we can call it even. Back to the other thing though, I am very interested in seeing any order confirmations that went through today. Do you think with some more time you could find those. If you could find me one, I may be able to issue you a promotional code for the effort in finding that.
Zach : I'll try my best...
Brandon: Thank you.
Zach : just typing so i dont get kicked... still looking
Brandon: No problem. Thank you again.
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Zach : Heres one that was ordered at 6 pm yesterday
Zach : Way later than when they sold out...
Zach : You get that image?
Brandon: Yeah its not really what I was looking for, but I appreciate the effort. What is the forum, I can look myself later.
Zach : But that's later than when they were sold out nike tweeted at 2:17 saying they sold out.. so why was that person and other people able to place orders after that time but I couldn't...?
Brandon: I am not sure, I will have it looked into. Just one moment. I appreciate the effort and will get you a code.
Zach : Ok thank you
Brandon: It is 20% . Remember, non-transferable!
Zach : Ok thank you!
Brandon: No problem. Thank you for the help. I will try and see what happened. It will obviously not change the past, but may help for the future.
Zach : Ok thank you
Brandon: Was there anything else I could assist with?
Zach : No, just wanted to get all of this figured out
Brandon: I am going to be honest, chances are I will not be able to pin down a concrete or particularly precise answer for you. If I do however come across an answer worth passing along, I will shoot you an email.
Zach : Ok do you need my email?
Brandon: (said my email)
Zach : And just to confirm are these coming back or no? Because @nikestore on twitter said no but the rep before you said its possible so id like to clear that up...
Zach : yes
Brandon: So to be honest I was really shocked when our Twitter team posted that. Since I have worked here, there has only been one shoe that we have ever said with that definite certainty will not come back (The Yeezys). I would honestly have told you the same thing my rep did. 
Zach : Ok so it's basically up in the air at this point/
Zach : ?*
Brandon: Exactly. I would personally expect them to at some point, and again I am very surprised that our Twitter team said absolutely not.
Zach : Ok well thank you very much for your help!

Brandon: My pleasure.

Ill update you guys if he emails me.... Thought some of this information was useful... if this isn't supposed to be here i will remove it though.
People stop posting pics of your orders with your order number showing. Folks in here will sacrifice their first born for a chance at these MC life-givers. Potentially nuking your order is nothing to them.
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 these last few pages have been golden

Gotta love how that guy was reaching hard for a code that was NEVER his and was his fault that he didn't enter it 
 that's what that entitlement does to you
Hey guys, after seeing the flyknit designs people are putting together, I've finally given in and decided to buy a pair.  I was wondering though, has anyone tried putting the Lebron XI insole in the Kobe 9 flyknit low? I know nightwing said it worked for the Kobe 9 flyknit high, but I think his review of the low said that there's less dead space in the toe box.  Any input is much appreciated.
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