OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

who's going to ESPN zone tomorrow ?

plan to go but i know the place is going to be packed
but i know we will find something, i just want to be there when game 7 is over
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Sooooo, most of you should know by now that I am VERY good at... finding something to worry about.

I've found it.

See, I wish that we had barely won yesterday. Blowing them out, they're going to come out like 'Oh, HELL no!!!' They're going to study film more angry than if it was just a 1-pt. loss, they're going to practice like they just got their arses kicked (because they did), and they're going to play gm. 7 more focused than if it was 'just' a loss rather than a loss in blowout fashion.

That worries me.
I have this feeling too. I hope it's in the players' minds too, because they've gotta be ready to respond to it. 

The crowd was awesome.  You could perceive the increased energy all night, and that was watching on TV. Anyone who's going tomorrow, keep that place loud as +!#!!
Originally Posted by tmoney85

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

i guess im one of only few who think they will win pretty easily.

Im with you on this one.

This is game 7, Lakers aint gonna come out like "oh its only game 7, we'll get them next game"

Who cares if the Celtics are pissed off.  Ohhhh im scared.

taken from another board. Staples better be even louder than G6. You can't beat 19,009 Lakers.
I'm really interested to see if Bynum plays.

My thoughts:

With Perk out, Bynum has two potential perspectives, in my opinion.
#1- 'Oh, well since Perkins is out, let me go ahead and get some rest, limit my minutes even more.'
#2- 'Let me in!! With them being a man DOWN, let's play like they're at full strength, meaning I'm a go, coach!'

I think if he goes w/ #1, it could also show how spoiled he may be regarding the Finals. 'Enh, no need to go out there w/ Perk out now. There will be pleeeenty of other Finals. Hell, this is 3 in a row for my team!'

Like I said, I'm interested to see how it goes. I'd love to see him foaming at the mouth in anticipation of the opportunity to play against an alternate BOS syarting lineup.
I'd be extremely surprised (and disappointed) if Bynum didn't go as much as possible.  Perk or no Perk, he's gutted it out this far, no way he doesn't give one last big effort.
i'm thinking bynum will step it up despite his injury. he raised his game G7 vs the Rockets at home. these are his quotes from today...

ANDREW BYNUM: I’m just going to try to play as hard as I can given my current condition.

Q. At this point it wouldn’t make any sense for you not to play now, would it?

ANDREW BYNUM: Exactly. I’m going to go out there and just give the best effort.

Q. Because of that could you maybe even push a little bit harder knowing that there’s no game after this?

ANDREW BYNUM: For sure, definitely. I’m going to try to stay out there as long as I can and go through as much pain protection as I can.

i think the adrenaline of this game will also help mask some of the pain.

he also has pride in his decision to play through his injury...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I'm really interested to see if Bynum plays.

My thoughts:

With Perk out, Bynum has two potential perspectives, in my opinion.
#1- 'Oh, well since Perkins is out, let me go ahead and get some rest, limit my minutes even more.'
#2- 'Let me in!! With them being a man DOWN, let's play like they're at full strength, meaning I'm a go, coach!'

I think if he goes w/ #1, it could also show how spoiled he may be regarding the Finals. 'Enh, no need to go out there w/ Perk out now. There will be pleeeenty of other Finals. Hell, this is 3 in a row for my team!'

Like I said, I'm interested to see how it goes. I'd love to see him foaming at the mouth in anticipation of the opportunity to play against an alternate BOS syarting lineup.

Now you're just being paranoid man.  "Oh let me rest my knee" LOL c'mon its game 7.  I can tell a lot about players attitudes from interviews and such and the Lakers players look ready. 

They have a mixture of players saying how its a huge emotional/energy game and guys saying its just another game and gotta play hard but still within the system.  thats a good sign.  You dont wanna be ALL energy and no execution either (then you end up like Sasha)

We'll be good.  If Lakers play HARD, they cannot be stopped.  They won ALL their games this entire playoffs where they HAD to win and PLAY HARD.  Including game 5 vs Thunder, Game 5 vs Suns, Game 6 vs Suns, and Games 1 3 and 6 vs Celtics.  No reason why that needs to change now.

Also, DEPENDS ON HOW REFS CALL IT.  IF THEY LET TONY ALLEN HOLD KOBE EVERY TIME IT WILL BE A LONG NIGHT (remember he got away with holding Kobe then Kobe got a T - he was CLEARLY holding kobe's left arm) 
We'll see.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Thanks for that, dyyhard. Very reassuring.

Who cares what he says. its about what he does.

Remember Lamar talking about what they needed to do before game 5... well we all know what happened.

I hope KG or Pierce breaks his leg in the first quarter.  That would totally deflate them again.  I can dream cant I? - win a ring and have a hated player end his career in one night. That would be epic.
Man, I'm so hyped right now and excited for game 7. I can't wait for it, I want this to be redemption.

I don't know what I'll wear tomorrow or what superstitious stuff I'll do that I did on Tuesday, but all I want is another banner added next season.

With that said, goodnight to many of you guys. I'm gonna sleep and be hyped as soon as I wake up tomorrow and go to work. I wish I was in Staples for this one, but I'll be rooting like crazy over here.

Let's Go Lakers!!!!!!
the only thing im worried about is an unlikely hero for the celtics such as a sheed or davis or robinson popping open jumpers and 3's. Also i hope the lakers do not rely on foul calls because i think the refs let um play tomorrow and call less fouls...which is the celtics specialty.

i think itwill be a close one through out. Lets hope it doesnt come down to a last second shot. go lakers!
Originally Posted by tmoney85

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Thanks for that, dyyhard. Very reassuring.

Who cares what he says. its about what he does.

Remember Lamar talking about what they needed to do before game 5... well we all know what happened.

I hope KG or Pierce breaks his leg in the first quarter.  That would totally deflate them again.  I can dream cant I? - win a ring and have a hated player end his career in one night. That would be epic.
ultimately it is what he does but his past performance in the last G7 last year has already shown that in a pressure packed situation, he elevated his game. granted the cs are a diff opponent than the rockets and he has a difficult injury, but the quotes pregame do help give you assurance going into the game.

ska here's the quote which displays his sense of pride playing through injury...
Bynum said. "Just knowing that I played with the injury, [came] through and helped us get here. It's big. We have to win. We're at home. Everything. We have the momentum right now. We have to go out there and beat this team."

as far as what he does, he really doesn't have to do much but be a presence. but i wouldn't be surprised to see him step it up based on his performance in a previous g7.

Originally Posted by knightngale

+@!* im nervous  and cant sleep
Same here, I'm wearing my championship shirt from last year's Finals to bed for good luck

I'm hoping very hard right now, it's all I can do. Hopefully that will be enough and I'll be able to sleep soon.
Originally Posted by tmoney85

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by REALTALKAZ

......serious question who is this lady and what does she do?   I watch the games at my Asian friends house all the time and his grandma and mom both sit like this ( bent over posture) lol.. but they asked me who it was and I can't find it anywhere on the internet

Jet Woo Kim, shes good friends with Jack Nicholson.

She's been a season ticket holder for about 17 years. ESPN did a piece on her a couple years ago if anyone can find it.
the new

Goddamn strong do not want...
Ska, I'm of the same mind is you, here is what I "worry" about. 

Wounded animals. 

Remember when Kobe sat 5 games, but we came out and balled out in all 5 and were one shot away from being 5-0? 

Perk going down does not amuse me.  I rather he be playing.  We know him, we know what to expect from him.  Sheed AND/OR Davis could come out and throw a punch that we aren't expecting. 

And that scares me. In a game/series where momentum is the key, I don't want one of them to come out and do something that gets their group going.  Not to mention, the rallying around their fallen teammate angle. 

Me no likey. 
its Perkins for goodness sake

its not KG, its not Pierce, its not Allen.... its Perkins. Dont worry.

On another note did you guys read the quote from Big Baby guarenteeing the victory and sayign the Celtics deserve to be champs more then the Lakers do. HOpefully Phil uses that as motivation.
Its natural to worry, but Perkins out is a HUGE plus.

If u need something to worry about, worry about Rondo havin a triple double or Ray hittin 10 3 pointers.

Perkins bein out means 2 or 3 fouls and their front line is in serious trouble.
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