[::Official Lakers Offseason Thread | Vol. Watch out world...we might sign Othello Hunter::]

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Bynum + Odom + Barnes for D. Howard
This. Nothing else matters. We'll be back guys

ill have a sign saying welcome back

Originally Posted by Pendemic

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Bynum + Odom + Barnes for D. Howard
This. Nothing else matters. We'll be back guys

ill have a sign saying welcome back

Odoms not goin' anywhere though. So if/when a deal is made, who do you think will be apart of it?  I personally don't think it'll happen, and if that's the case I hope we can get a quality PG who can play D and hit the open jumper, particularly the 3.

What about this...

Originally Posted by Pendemic

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Bynum + Odom + Barnes for D. Howard
This. Nothing else matters. We'll be back guys

ill have a sign saying welcome back

Odoms not goin' anywhere though. So if/when a deal is made, who do you think will be apart of it?  I personally don't think it'll happen, and if that's the case I hope we can get a quality PG who can play D and hit the open jumper, particularly the 3.

What about this...

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by LDJ

Exactly Kobe stated that he wanted to be placed in a winning situation, He was suppose to be drafted by the grizz or hornets. He adamently stated if im not placed where i can play and not waste away on a losing squad, im going to college. True West wanted him. But it was a win/win for them both. Same as how teams were thirsting for LeBron. He was a free agent tho is my point. I could see if he said, i better be placed which superstars on a winning team, or have superstars placed on my team (btw is what Kobe did those yrs after Shaq, who he had a huge hand in forcing out LAL.)

He outright said i want allstars superstars, or im leaving. So yes you correct in one aspect kobe didnt leave to go with superstars. But look at the organization and the city period. LAL could pull off to get superstars, Cavs management wasnt/dont have the business smarts to bring superstars to CLE, plus the city doesnt have the appeal, or the team legacy that the LA has. So LeBron really didnt have much choice to leave.

Staying in CLE he would never have won anything simply because it takes more then one allstar superstar to win, and cavs management arent saavy enough to get one, and the city/state will never have the appeal to get a person to want to go there to play.

Let me ask you something... When you think of the Chicago Bulls, what player do you think of first?

Jordan right?

Now think of the Chicago Bulls BEFORE Jordan. Can you think of anybody? Anything? Anywhere?


Jordan MADE the Chicago Bulls. LeBron was in the same boat as Jordan.

So please stop with the whole "Cleveland isn't a franchise market, Cleveland this, Cleveland that.... ect" because I ain't buying it.

You want to talk about appeal? legacy? financial management? Then LeBron's *** should have went to New York.

But nope, he didn't! You know why? Because you and I both know he went to Miami because he wanted it the easy way!

"Not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7...."

And Jim Brown made/was the face of the Cleveland Browns, And how many championships did they win again? Um how many other superstars could they get to join the great Jim Brown so the could get a ring again?

Lets face facts cleveland is the ithole of the usa. It is arguably the worse most horrid place to be in the usa. No one desires to be there you are just there do to misfortune. Granted  he made the cleveland cavs a popular team, but thats it. He couldnt make the city as a whole desirable enough for any one to play there, and again I say the management arent good enough businessman to aquire trades etc to get good players.

As far as your bulls and jordan. But the Bulls had one of the highest payrolls and is a desired place to play and live.  Again chicago is a nice and popular city. Also the organization of the bulls are far more saavy and better businessmen then the cavs. I cant even believe you would compare chicago as a organization/city to cleveland....lol. Thats hilarious.
And your answer to new york, um lol ok have you seen what the knicks have done as far as an organization prior to this year. You kidding me right lol? You cannot be serious in comparing the eddy currys, the stephon marbury fiascos, isiah thomas, hell 100mill to a retired allan houston. Is this what you called wise, financial decisions? I guess we have a difference in opinion in success, and wise decisions.

Lets also not forget LeBron said he wanted a change of scenery, weather environment. but your right the environment/weather is sooo sooo different in nyc as oppose to cleveland. Its practically like night and day huh? As far as this whole legacy, know one looks at nyc as a bball mecca any more except those elitist nyc ballers who lack fundamentals to go pro, and discipline and skill set to be the apart of the harlem globtrotters.

Pat Riley is a great management and decision of talent. You cannot honestly think the management of riley pales to those of the knicks lol, and whats even more absurd, the cavs. Hell the little time the heat has been a bball organization they have accomplished more then the cavs 10 fold. Hell ill go on to say more then any organization in clevland. 


This is what people dont realize...NO BODY would ever go to Cleveland to play...NO ONE..What Lebron did makes alot of sense, even tho he didnt need to do the 1 hour show on espn.we as people are the ones who brought that on our self, with all the WHERE IS LEBRON going talk. I mean gosh that talk was more interesting than the nba finales it self that year.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by LDJ

Exactly Kobe stated that he wanted to be placed in a winning situation, He was suppose to be drafted by the grizz or hornets. He adamently stated if im not placed where i can play and not waste away on a losing squad, im going to college. True West wanted him. But it was a win/win for them both. Same as how teams were thirsting for LeBron. He was a free agent tho is my point. I could see if he said, i better be placed which superstars on a winning team, or have superstars placed on my team (btw is what Kobe did those yrs after Shaq, who he had a huge hand in forcing out LAL.)

He outright said i want allstars superstars, or im leaving. So yes you correct in one aspect kobe didnt leave to go with superstars. But look at the organization and the city period. LAL could pull off to get superstars, Cavs management wasnt/dont have the business smarts to bring superstars to CLE, plus the city doesnt have the appeal, or the team legacy that the LA has. So LeBron really didnt have much choice to leave.

Staying in CLE he would never have won anything simply because it takes more then one allstar superstar to win, and cavs management arent saavy enough to get one, and the city/state will never have the appeal to get a person to want to go there to play.

Let me ask you something... When you think of the Chicago Bulls, what player do you think of first?

Jordan right?

Now think of the Chicago Bulls BEFORE Jordan. Can you think of anybody? Anything? Anywhere?


Jordan MADE the Chicago Bulls. LeBron was in the same boat as Jordan.

So please stop with the whole "Cleveland isn't a franchise market, Cleveland this, Cleveland that.... ect" because I ain't buying it.

You want to talk about appeal? legacy? financial management? Then LeBron's *** should have went to New York.

But nope, he didn't! You know why? Because you and I both know he went to Miami because he wanted it the easy way!

"Not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7...."

And Jim Brown made/was the face of the Cleveland Browns, And how many championships did they win again? Um how many other superstars could they get to join the great Jim Brown so the could get a ring again?

Lets face facts cleveland is the ithole of the usa. It is arguably the worse most horrid place to be in the usa. No one desires to be there you are just there do to misfortune. Granted  he made the cleveland cavs a popular team, but thats it. He couldnt make the city as a whole desirable enough for any one to play there, and again I say the management arent good enough businessman to aquire trades etc to get good players.

As far as your bulls and jordan. But the Bulls had one of the highest payrolls and is a desired place to play and live.  Again chicago is a nice and popular city. Also the organization of the bulls are far more saavy and better businessmen then the cavs. I cant even believe you would compare chicago as a organization/city to cleveland....lol. Thats hilarious.
And your answer to new york, um lol ok have you seen what the knicks have done as far as an organization prior to this year. You kidding me right lol? You cannot be serious in comparing the eddy currys, the stephon marbury fiascos, isiah thomas, hell 100mill to a retired allan houston. Is this what you called wise, financial decisions? I guess we have a difference in opinion in success, and wise decisions.

Lets also not forget LeBron said he wanted a change of scenery, weather environment. but your right the environment/weather is sooo sooo different in nyc as oppose to cleveland. Its practically like night and day huh? As far as this whole legacy, know one looks at nyc as a bball mecca any more except those elitist nyc ballers who lack fundamentals to go pro, and discipline and skill set to be the apart of the harlem globtrotters.

Pat Riley is a great management and decision of talent. You cannot honestly think the management of riley pales to those of the knicks lol, and whats even more absurd, the cavs. Hell the little time the heat has been a bball organization they have accomplished more then the cavs 10 fold. Hell ill go on to say more then any organization in clevland. 


This is what people dont realize...NO BODY would ever go to Cleveland to play...NO ONE..What Lebron did makes alot of sense, even tho he didnt need to do the 1 hour show on espn.we as people are the ones who brought that on our self, with all the WHERE IS LEBRON going talk. I mean gosh that talk was more interesting than the nba finales it self that year.
Lol Good God just shut up!

We dropped it already! Nobody cares about him or y'all in here. I only brought his *%@ up because somebody said he DESERVES a ring.

You don't deserve !%%# in life! You earn it.





Lol Good God just shut up!

We dropped it already! Nobody cares about him or y'all in here. I only brought his *%@ up because somebody said he DESERVES a ring.

You don't deserve !%%# in life! You earn it.





Kareem on the radio this morning studdering and stammering his way complaining about the Lakers........oh, what's that?  Kareem has a movie to promote?  Ya don't say.......

Talkin about bein put in a seat that he wasn't comfortable in on the plane back from ORLD when their were better seats available. 

How's your relationship with Mitch?  Good
How's your relationship with Buss?  Ok

Then what the @#$% are you complaining about then damn it? 

He jealous of Magic.  You can hear it in the way he talks.  He mad that Magic gets a ton of credit/part ownership treated well, even got to coach for a minute, and Kareem doesn't get any of that.  He danced around Magic's name bein brought up BIG time.  But said he gets along great with Worthy, and Nixon etc etc.  I see you KAJ. 
Kareem on the radio this morning studdering and stammering his way complaining about the Lakers........oh, what's that?  Kareem has a movie to promote?  Ya don't say.......

Talkin about bein put in a seat that he wasn't comfortable in on the plane back from ORLD when their were better seats available. 

How's your relationship with Mitch?  Good
How's your relationship with Buss?  Ok

Then what the @#$% are you complaining about then damn it? 

He jealous of Magic.  You can hear it in the way he talks.  He mad that Magic gets a ton of credit/part ownership treated well, even got to coach for a minute, and Kareem doesn't get any of that.  He danced around Magic's name bein brought up BIG time.  But said he gets along great with Worthy, and Nixon etc etc.  I see you KAJ. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Kareem on the radio this morning studdering and stammering his way complaining about the Lakers........oh, what's that?  Kareem has a movie to promote?  Ya don't say.......

Talkin about bein put in a seat that he wasn't comfortable in on the plane back from ORLD when their were better seats available. 

How's your relationship with Mitch?  Good
How's your relationship with Buss?  Ok

Then what the @#$% are you complaining about then damn it? 

He jealous of Magic.  You can hear it in the way he talks.  He mad that Magic gets a ton of credit/part ownership treated well, even got to coach for a minute, and Kareem doesn't get any of that.  He danced around Magic's name bein brought up BIG time.  But said he gets along great with Worthy, and Nixon etc etc.  I see you KAJ. 

Ive always kinda felt that he had a sort of resentment to magic after pretty much being praised and looked at as the flagship of the org, until magic came. I didnt wanna come across as reaching, but he does kinda seem a lil salty. ala isiah and mj
Originally Posted by CP1708

Kareem on the radio this morning studdering and stammering his way complaining about the Lakers........oh, what's that?  Kareem has a movie to promote?  Ya don't say.......

Talkin about bein put in a seat that he wasn't comfortable in on the plane back from ORLD when their were better seats available. 

How's your relationship with Mitch?  Good
How's your relationship with Buss?  Ok

Then what the @#$% are you complaining about then damn it? 

He jealous of Magic.  You can hear it in the way he talks.  He mad that Magic gets a ton of credit/part ownership treated well, even got to coach for a minute, and Kareem doesn't get any of that.  He danced around Magic's name bein brought up BIG time.  But said he gets along great with Worthy, and Nixon etc etc.  I see you KAJ. 

Ive always kinda felt that he had a sort of resentment to magic after pretty much being praised and looked at as the flagship of the org, until magic came. I didnt wanna come across as reaching, but he does kinda seem a lil salty. ala isiah and mj
--My vote goes to the Kobe after the 81-point performance.
--That pic belongs in the swag thread too though.
--My vote goes to the Kobe after the 81-point performance.
--That pic belongs in the swag thread too though.
Question. If we cannot pull off any trades, do you think we can still win next year through FA alone?
Question. If we cannot pull off any trades, do you think we can still win next year through FA alone?
Originally Posted by AG 47

Question. If we cannot pull off any trades, do you think we can still win next year through FA alone?

7 weeks extra off, meaning Kobe should be healthier, Bynum doesn't have any new injury stuff to rehab, so he can focus on getting stronger, as well as losing weight.  Pau just took it on the chin, he has no choice but to respond.  And Lamar will be playing for a contract (as will Bynum) 

You add that up, and yes, we will be around again next year.  (provided we stay healthy as the season goes along) 

Secondarily, if Shannon and Barnes stay with us, they too will be looking for contracts, that may help us with them. 

Ron, Fish, and Blake being the wild cards.  Throw in a possible improvement from Ebanks and we may add some youth, slashing, finishing, defensive type on the wing. 

We have the pieces, always have, but playing in 70 playoff games over 3 years wears a team down.  This playoff run flat out proved it.  It's not the only reason we lost, not at all, but it was a contributing factor.  Add to that the way we responded after being embarrassed in 08, we should respond the same after being embarrassed in 11. 

Dwight or no Dwight, we will be there next year.  Does that = automatic title?  No, of course not.  But in the hunt, yes absolutely. 

Originally Posted by AG 47

Question. If we cannot pull off any trades, do you think we can still win next year through FA alone?

7 weeks extra off, meaning Kobe should be healthier, Bynum doesn't have any new injury stuff to rehab, so he can focus on getting stronger, as well as losing weight.  Pau just took it on the chin, he has no choice but to respond.  And Lamar will be playing for a contract (as will Bynum) 

You add that up, and yes, we will be around again next year.  (provided we stay healthy as the season goes along) 

Secondarily, if Shannon and Barnes stay with us, they too will be looking for contracts, that may help us with them. 

Ron, Fish, and Blake being the wild cards.  Throw in a possible improvement from Ebanks and we may add some youth, slashing, finishing, defensive type on the wing. 

We have the pieces, always have, but playing in 70 playoff games over 3 years wears a team down.  This playoff run flat out proved it.  It's not the only reason we lost, not at all, but it was a contributing factor.  Add to that the way we responded after being embarrassed in 08, we should respond the same after being embarrassed in 11. 

Dwight or no Dwight, we will be there next year.  Does that = automatic title?  No, of course not.  But in the hunt, yes absolutely. 

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by AG 47

Question. If we cannot pull off any trades, do you think we can still win next year through FA alone?

7 weeks extra off, meaning Kobe should be healthier, Bynum doesn't have any new injury stuff to rehab, so he can focus on getting stronger, as well as losing weight.  Pau just took it on the chin, he has no choice but to respond.  And Lamar will be playing for a contract (as will Bynum) 

You add that up, and yes, we will be around again next year.  (provided we stay healthy as the season goes along) 

Secondarily, if Shannon and Barnes stay with us, they too will be looking for contracts, that may help us with them. 

Ron, Fish, and Blake being the wild cards.  Throw in a possible improvement from Ebanks and we may add some youth, slashing, finishing, defensive type on the wing. 

We have the pieces, always have, but playing in 70 playoff games over 3 years wears a team down.  This playoff run flat out proved it.  It's not the only reason we lost, not at all, but it was a contributing factor.  Add to that the way we responded after being embarrassed in 08, we should respond the same after being embarrassed in 11. 

Dwight or no Dwight, we will be there next year.  Does that = automatic title?  No, of course not.  But in the hunt, yes absolutely. 


I agree. Also, I really like how Trey Johnson played for us (only a couple of games) any clue on what he's going to do?
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