Official: Lakers vs. Nuggets 2/28 12:30PM PST Game On ABC HD: Vol. WCF Rematch Preview ?

Ron Artest and Kobe both get away with so many fouls. But Artest especially, he makes it look like he is beat and plays from behind but hooks the offensive player's arm away from their own dribble. He's great at it too
Originally Posted by thachosen123

Since when has earl been wearing the ZK5

hes been wearing um since after all star break. some of his colorways are nice.

but yea %#+! this game. i advise everyone to switch to usa vs canda hockey game . overtime!
You Laker fans that *$!#@ and complain at every turnover or fumbled Laker possession have no right to celebrate when they do well.

This pertains to the Pau doubters, Odum doubters, and Fish doubters too.
are you kidding me, fisher didn't even touch billups, literally. obvious flop
the nba is suspect a lot of the times.
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