OFFICIAL Lebron Zoom Generation Post

jsyck-can't wait to see those pics, I'm feeling the first game joints the most out of all of them.

You think I can find them anywhere for a reasonable price ?
GaBe GRaM$
Flyer Then A Piece Of Paper Baring My Name
^^ I know several stores that still has 1st games around here, but most have like 1 or 2 pairs..what size you need?
"I done forgot more than you ever learned...."
I'm a size 9.5. How much are those going for ? Thanks.
GaBe GRaM$
Flyer Then A Piece Of Paper Baring My Name
I just got Shamm's last pair, 9.5 for 155 :smile:

155 is great for these. Hopefully I can get a deal like that.
GaBe GRaM$
Flyer Then A Piece Of Paper Baring My Name
check ebay link GaBeGRaMz :wink:

AIM - yankee4life12
I'm selling - DS Jordan VII Retro Black/Red - sz 10 & 10.5
eBay Auctions
Yeah, I saw your auction before, but a 10 is way to big.
GaBe GRaM$
Flyer Then A Piece Of Paper Baring My Name
Some stores gave them out like Niketown. gave the free posters if you pre-ordered them. gave me nothing. just the shoe for $106.92
- Craig Ehlo
Just got some 12/20's and 1st games in size 11 today. Can't wait to wear the 12/20's. I've seen the 1st games going for higher prices already and was wondering if I should hold to them longer and sell them for more.
No, that was a date mix-up, date was the 20th for the
just picked up the lebrons today at champs, they were $20 dollars off. its their boxing day special.for canada
My mom got me the Wht.Blks for X-Mas, and I picked up the McFarlane today, pics and my 1st games coming very soon :D

^ I picked up the McFarlane toy last week along with his jersey and a shirt.

McFarlane did a bad job on his face and his legs are hard to get into place.
his legs are hard to get into place

PHEW!!!! I knew I wasn't the only one. Hard is an understatement, I was like WTF >:

no homo
The face is OK, The figure is a rehash of another mold, his sneakers are just :x

Lines that don't belong becasue they were too lazy to make new molds |I

Who is wearing the 12/20's and who is keeping them DS? It looks like more people are wearing then DS'ing.
I'm DSing them, they will crease too bad for me to bare :frown:
If they go on crazy sale, i'lll buy another and wear.
However i'm wearing the Blk.Blk colorway, heck I may even get a pair to play basketball in.
Here's my LeBron collection of sneakers so far...
They are all DS and will stay that way.



and here's some other pics of my LeBrons. These are kinda crappy.



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