OFFICIAL LEGIT WEBSITE LIST 2011...Updated with over 200 Websites!!

Is safe? Some quality product on there at heavy discounts. Would go in if it's legit.
yea idk they're weird. when I ordered my playoff 8s last year they wouldn't answer anything but eventually the shoes showed up like 2 weeks later
have you tried calling the store number?
called them and emailed them withno success
any update?

I don't trust it, seems too fishy

Is safe? Some quality product on there at heavy discounts. Would go in if it's legit.
no Jordans tho

Hella expensive though. I think I ordered from him before in the past for some powder blues and I got fakes. I ordered 3. He refused to refund in full we came to the agreement of him refunding me 2 out of the 3 shoes but I keep all 3 shoes not having to ship it back was worth it to me. It was awhile ago im not 100% it was Js for days but I'm pretty sure it was. I posted the pics of the shoe on facebook and everybody laughed. Jordan stitching was bad and looked fat. He might be located in U.S. but the shoes was delivered from a China address.
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Hella expensive though. I think I ordered from him before in the past for some powder blues and I got fakes. I ordered 3. He refused to refund in full we came to the agreement of him refunding me 2 out of the 3 shoes but I keep all 3 shoes not having to ship it back was worth it to me. It was awhile ago im not 100% it was Js for days but I'm pretty sure it was. I posted the pics of the shoe on facebook and everybody laughed. Jordan stitching was bad and looked fat. He might be located in U.S. but the shoes was delivered from a China address.

I went through my Facebook time line pictures and found it lol jays for days powder blue is 100% fufu. I bought them when it was 2 weeks before release day as a pre order. I see a lot of people saying he legit. Maybe now he is legit but not when I pre ordered these he wasn't. It was awhile ago.


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Hella expensive though. I think I ordered from him before in the past for some powder blues and I got fakes. I ordered 3. He refused to refund in full we came to the agreement of him refunding me 2 out of the 3 shoes but I keep all 3 shoes not having to ship it back was worth it to me. It was awhile ago im not 100% it was Js for days but I'm pretty sure it was. I posted the pics of the shoe on facebook and everybody laughed. Jordan stitching was bad and looked fat. He might be located in U.S. but the shoes was delivered from a China address.

I went through my Facebook time line pictures and found it lol jays for days powder blue is 100% fufu. I bought them when it was 2 weeks before release day as a pre order. I see a lot of people saying he legit. Maybe now he is legit but not when I pre ordered these he wasn't. It was awhile ago.


if you ordered from jays for days, that's the wrong person
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