*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Cuse Confirms S4 to Have a Maximum of 13Episodes

[h3][/h3]**UPDATED** 4:45PM PST

Here is another quote by Cuse about the 5 additional episodes and stating the balance of the 3 episodes will be rolled into Season 5.

I think the key to the quote is about "accelerating" the storyline. I trust the LOST writers, but I just hate to see the show potentially be affected because they had to "accelerate" a plot point to fit it into the TV Schedule. I guess it all depends on what "accelerate" means.

If it means getting rid of some "fluff" to get to the point quicker, then so be it.

Thanks to FredieMac for the heads up.

"we're looking at trying to make five more" episodes beyond the eight already completed, says executive producer Carlton Cuse. The original plan was to film 16, but the remaining three will be rolled into next season. Cuse says writers will "accelerate our storytelling" to get to the end point they had already mapped out for this season. "It's a little bit like driving cross country to Boston. If the goal is to get there two days earlier, we will have to take more interstates and fewer rural byways."

Source: USA Today

So with end of the strike eminent and the potential good news of all of the remaining 8 episodes of Season 4 of LOST to be completed, well we get word from Carlton Cuse that Season 4 will have a MAXIMUM of 13 episodes..!?

Also, in what seems like even worse news for LOST fans, is that TPTB are planning to finish S4 as originally planned meaning the 16 episode storyline will be condensed into 13 episodes...!? Not sure if that means we will get the additional 3 episodes in Season 5 or they will be scrapped...!?

I know we should be happy that we will be getting more than 8, I just hope that the story is not affected negatively in any way by condensing the final episodes. Perhaps we will get a 2 hour finale to help compensate for the lost episodes.

Well here are the details and we will keep you posted with any of the latest news.

Carlton Cuse has spoken. Cuse, the co-show runner of Lost with writing partner Damon Lindelof, talked to The Hollywood Reporter and announced their plans for the remainder of Lost's fourth season. Cuse and Lindelof are heading back into production with the hope of completing five more episodes. There are eight episodes finished, and five additional would take the season 4 total to thirteen, one less than previously reported on BuddyTV and elsewhere. Granted, this is Cuse and Lindelof's goal - it is possible that they won't get the five extra their hoping for finished. But, in possibly bigger news, Cuse said that they will end season 4 how they originally planned, which means that the season 4 story arc will have to be condensed.

For a show like Lost, losing three episodes means losing a ton of room for story telling. Lost is plot-heavy and given how far in advance the series arc has to be planned out, condensing eight episodes worth of story into five episodes is going to be a tall task. As we've seen in the first two episodes of season 4, the plot has moved fast and furiously. This was the beauty of Lost's prescribed season 6 end date - the writers no longer had to stall.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Obviously, this is going to make those final five (or four, or three) season four episodes riveting television, but I worry how this might negatively effect the future of the series. I had assumed that Lost would attempt to make up their strike-sacrificed episodes in season five and/or season 6, but now that doesn't look to be the case. With Cuse proclaiming that the season 4 story will end as originally prescribed, I think we have to then assume that they have no intention of making up the lost (pun intended) episodes in the future. Selfishly, I don't want to be shorted three episodes of my favorite TV show.

Source: TheODI.com
Thats unfortunate, but great at the same time. I guess the selfish side of me wants to say that the storyline will not progress as originally intended, but atthe same time we went from an 8 episode season to a 13-14. Should be interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out.

Can't wait for Thursday!
No need to worry. The writers have moved things around to wrap up storylines in the past (I believe they said they planned on getting to something in Season 2but saved it for later), so this is nothing new.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Id much rather have the story go quicker than slower..

I remember watching the last season of 24 and waiting to just see the ending..
Hopefully when the bring it back itll be better.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I have faith in the writers.
So do I and I think the writers have done a good job. The problem with some fans of LOST is that they want everything quickly. The beauty and intrigueof the show is the mystery surrounding the island and basically everyone. I enjoying trying to figure and clue and swapping theories. If everything was givento us so quickly the show would be corny. There are some things I wish they would have revealed already but I like the pace of the show. Just enjoy it forwhat is.
Just from reading the spoiler for tonight, sounds like it's going to be a GOOD one. should be at least one "OH !*#@!" moment
check out darkufo in the spoiler section for info.
All about Sayid tonight.

found this on Digg, a good layout of the entire island, the first time i've ever seen one edit: images are on the website posted at the bottom.

A Visual Tour of the Dharma Initiative Stations: 7 Mysterious 'Abandonments' of the 'Lost' Island

[Lost Island rendering and map courtesy of LostMap]

For some, 'Lost' is more than a mere television show - it is a hobby, fantasy or even obsession. One of the most entrancing aspects of the show is its semi-abandoned Dharma Initiative stations that dot the island and have been slowly revealed over time. Dedicated followers of the series have slowly gathered and compiled data to compose a clearer picture of this fantastic island, cataloging locations in great detail.

[Note that the Hydra station as shown above is likely the Looking Glass]

While many loyal fans have devoted time to mapping the island and taking screen captures of places and events, few have attempted to integrate these to tell the visual story of the Dharma Initiative stations specifically in conjunction with a map of their location on the island - until now. For those new to the series, think of this as an orientation. For viewers, consider it a refresher course at the start of the new season.

The Swan station was the first discovered by the fictional survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. After an entire season of living off of the land and remnants from the plane wreckage, finding this station provided food, soap, showers and even a record player - a radical shift in livability. At the heart of this station an electromagnetic charge had to be manually diffused every 108 minutes, creating dramatic tension until one survivor took it into his hands to let the timer run out.

The Staff station contains a nursery as well as associated medical equipment. It has helped fuel speculation of possible diseases either created on or meant to be cured on the island. One pregnant survivor was abducted early in the series and taken to this station to be monitored. It is not clear whether the station was established for pregnancy-related or simply general medical purposes.

The Pearl represents an experiment within an experiment: a psychological study performed on people who believed they were themselves studying others. The station consists of a room with monitors and writing pads where "researchers" were tasked with recording what was going on around the island. Ultimately, they never knew that their reports went forever unread.

The Arrow is a relative mystery. First discovered by the second set of survivors on the island (from the crashed plane's tale section) this station is quite bare. Speculation has it that the station had something to do with mathematics, but in its current state it appears to simply be a storage area with minimal electricity running to modest bare light bulbs illuminating the spaces.

The Flame was, prior to its destruction, a relatively unique station: a simple cabin in the woods as opposed to an elaborate underground semi-industrial complex. It was the communications hub for the island sending messages both to other stations and off the island. Aside from equipment to support its purpose it contained a small kitchen and other minor amenities.

The Hydra is an animal research station, cages of which have been used by The Others to house captured survivors. The station is used by The Others as a hospital, meeting area, holding facility and is also the staging ground for an unknown outdoor clearing and construction project - jokingly or seriously dubbed a future alien landing strip.

The Looking Glass is another highly unusual station - submerged dozens of feet (or more) underwater offshore of the island. Among other uses, it is part communications station and also can be (and has been) used to jam other transmissions on and off the island. This station was also the site of a death of one of the original main-cast survivors at the end of the third season.

The Orchid station is the 8th and final mystery station, not yet featured directly in the show. It has been primarily revealed through a spoiler orientation video which was used to rev up viewers for the fourth season of the series and its location is completely unknown. The video reveals first one then two rabbits that are identically numbered. From the phrasing within the video some have speculated that this is, in fact, one rabbit that was sent back in time - hence the need to keep the two apart, but surely more will be revealed.

Of course, all of this information is subject to change and represents the work of many fans working together to produce a coherent pictures of the island. Wikia has a good collection of more spoilers and background information on lost. New to the series? It's never too late to start catching up. Prefer real islands and abandonments? Check out these related articles for remote and mysterious real islands and incredible real-life abandonments around the world.

Can't wait for tonight!!

Who needs a pretty Valentine when you have Lost and.......well....just LOST
These pop up episodes are the *%@, i wouldve never thought of the cs lewis(charlotte stewart lewis) chronicles of narnia thing.

-tonights episode is all about sayid....HE IS PART OF THE OCEANIC 6.
- he works for ben in the future as a spy..sort of liek james bond.
- u see him in Germany with a new girlfriend. Her name is Elsa.
- but later on he kills her.
- Ben is hiding some cool stuff in an area where he has a bunch of suits fake passports, and fake currency.
- Sayid then gets trapped in with Ben,
- miles soon becomes a hostage and they let charlotte go.
- Sawyer tells kate that they could have a life together liviing in the Barrack, but kate doesnt take hims seriously.
- The time on the island is 31 seconds earlier then real time!!!

Sorry for the late spoilers....its valentines day, and i had to take care of a few things.
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