Official Mad Men Season 5 Thread - Episode - 13 - "The Phantom" 6/10 10pm - Season Finale

No problem.
When I first saw last season's finale, like many people I was pretty shocked by Don's marriage proposal to Megan. Obviously, one of the biggest reasons for the proposal was when they were on their trip and Don saw how great of a mother Megan could possibly be. Even the kids were shocked when they spilled the milkshake and Megan reacted calmly and kindly. Megan makes even more sense, not just as a mother figure, but she was really supportive of Don, she was one of the only ones to tell him she liked the "Why I'm quitting tobacco" letter. And the letter also shows Don's train of thought regarding Megan as well. He said about to the anti-smoking people, "I think in my heart it was an impulse, because I knew what I needed to do to move forward".. which is exactly what his proposal was. Don couldn't continue on the way he was, so the proposal was something he felt he had to do. Another interesting thing I noticed in the season finale was Megan and Don were filmed with Megan standing over him at his desk, occupying a dominant position in the frame. It could show Don wanting someone who has some control over him and Megan's power in the relationship.

Everything I've read, however vague it might be, about this season has me really excited. The cast and crew have said it might be the best season they've done. A lot of changes and surprises that would shock the audience, so I can't wait.
Just about to get all the way caught up. Have not seen Tomorrowland and I'm about to watch right now, then the premiere in a few hours.

I want to watch the show but damn I gotta start from the beginning lol. I'll just watch the two hr premiere with an empty brain.

Anyone got a season 1-4 recap in short?
I had a big grin on my face until the first commercial.. I'm so glad this show is back.

They certainly did a lot in that first 20 minutes or so
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I had a big grin on my face until the first commercial.. I'm so glad this show is back.

They certainly did a lot in that first 20 minutes or so

Yeah, loving it so far.
That was one hell of a premiere. So glad this shows back, a lot of storylines opening up.
Funny thing is, this episode could have been total garbage and my anticipation wouldn't even allow me to dislike it

Overall, I thought it was a great episode. Other than Betty, we pretty much got a glimpse of what everyone's been doing and how things have changed, or not changed. I love the show opened and closed with the protests and all of the black applicants. Good to see that race will play a role this season.

Probably the most interesting thing about Don this episode was when Peggy said, "I don't recognize him, he's kind and patient". Obviously referring to his lack of intensity at the meeting, but it's interesting to see what Don will be doing this season. He's finally getting older and that's a concern, and we'll see if he focuses less on work and more on Megan. Speaking of her.. I didn't like her last season, but after I re-watched it I really became a fan. Her song and dance was equal parts ridiculous and sexy
Her power in the relationship will be something to pay attention too.. like when she whistled at Don for him to come
I was really glad to see she called him **** which means Don told her about his past.

Roger vs. Pete might be one of the best things this show has done.. I'm calling it early
Roger was hilarious this episode, after Megan's song his line to his wife "Why don't you sing like that?" and her reply "why don't you look like him"
Then when he joked about the song to Don.. when he saw Joan and the baby and said "there's my baby".. him having 1100 dollars in cash on him to give to Harry.. dude was on fire.

Pete's transformation has been really good, too. He's more like Don in the first season, taking the train in, wife and baby at home, focused on work. The back and forth with Roger was great, especially when he tricked Roger to showing up at 6am at a fake meeting. They've butted heads in the past, but he and Roger will probably get into a fist fight at some point this season.

Even Harry was awesome this episode. He's still a creep and idiot.. I was dying when Stan (the art guy) got Harry to keep talking about what he would do to Megan

I wrote a lot
Ok premiere. That zoo be zoo was comedy. I wonder if they will really hire someone black. Knowing them, probably not. Everyone in that office is so ruthless.
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