Just saw something that I didn't catch earlier while playing.

On the opposite side of the plays shows yours and your opponent's previous play. That's not cool at all. :smh:

My initial impressions are pretty good. Really good actually.

*** All impressions are from All Madden Difficulty.

I'll start with the cons.
Running animations are still an eyesore. This goes for most animations in general. Just not very fluid, something Madden suffers from tremendously.
Speaking of animations, 80% of the Passing animations are bad, including drop backs and QB skating in the pocket.
The Halftime show needs a good bit more focus. (more on this later)
Commentary is still pretty bad. The really need to hire an outside team for this area as well as animation.
Passing needs to be retooled, the ball is still tethered to the receiver, making passing more a roll of the dice.

Now let's get to the GOOD.
Presentation. WOW. I've longed for Madden to get on par with 2K in presentation and my GOD are the getting extremely close. If the nail the commentary and increase focus on the Half time and pre-game (need a post game show as well) we will have a winner. From the camera pans, to the accurate highlights during commercial breaks and big plays; this team has presentation headed in the right direction.
Player Weight. This might sound odd given the fact that I believe locomotion needs to be redone on Madden, but the new player models and re-tuned physics make players feel meaty. This is a really good thing as running the ball felt good.
Player Emotion. I cannot express ENOUGH how much this does for the game. Incredible. I was playing against Seattle up 10 to 3 going in to the 4th. Most of there players were very quiet (completely different from the start of the game were every play they made sure to let me know I was playing against the dreaded LOB). Sure after a big hit there was some celebrating, but nowhere NEAR as much as it was at the start of the game. The crowd was noticeably out of the game as well. Then is happened. Cam Newton sack fumble, Seahawks recover and the place goes INSANE. The defense goes nuts and you could feel the momentum shifting. This is not something I'm imagining, IT HAPPENED. Wilson and the offense take the field and proceed to come alive. Truly epic for Madden. Wilson marched his Seahawks down the field to tie the game and NOTHING felt cheap (AGAIN a first for Madden). They earned every yard.
Defense feels GOOD. Playing as Carolina I couldn't help but notice how intimidating that defense was. We hit and we hit HARD. I had two picks in the game on throws that were pretty well placed. Again NOTHING felt cheap. We got constant pressure (until the end of the game) when my guys appeared fatigue. On the flip side, Seattle's defense seemed to get more pressure as the game went on. Crazy I know.

In my limited time with the game I lost a defensive struggle to the Seahawks and loved every minute of it. My offense struggled to do anything and that felt GREAT (Madden 25 was a technical mess and I could easily put up 80 points on the CPU on All Madden).

Again these are my initial impressions. But so far, Madden 15 is 10x what Madden 25 was. That said, the passing game really needs an over-haul.
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Jetpac, how'd you like the defensive player camera?

Do you feel like after maybe 50 games you'd have the patience to see the halftime presentation? I barely wanna see replays cause it makes games last too long.

Last question, you copping for Xbox or PS? :lol:
Come the fall I think I'm gonna pony up and invest in a PS4.

Back to my Sony roots, especially with my 360 on its way out.
Jetpac, how'd you like the defensive player camera?

Do you feel like after maybe 50 games you'd have the patience to see the halftime presentation? I barely wanna see replays cause it makes games last too long.

Last question, you copping for Xbox or PS? :lol:

Never was a fan of the defensive camera in NCAA but it's a cool concept. I did toggle it a few times by mistake. :lol:
Halftime show will get stale after the first five games. It's just not where it needs to be focus wise (2K5 still shines here).
Replays are actually really good, I don't think they'll bore you.

After playing that game, I went ahead and pre-loaded (paid off the PS4) version. But I also used the Madden promotion a couple weeks ago on the Xbox one version. Both are fully paid, so it appears I'll have it on both consoles. :smh: I got it bad when it comes to the NFL. But I'm glad I won't be pissed this year like I was last year. I was immediately thrown off by Madden 25.
Yea, can't blame you for not getting 25. I didn't either, I ended up borrowing my boy's copy and he's letting me trade it in cause I gave him COD.

I locked on a player when I tried it out earlier and was confused when I could switch after the ball was thrown. I'm gonna lab for at least a week before I call anyone out, lol

I hope we can get an NT league going this year.
Yea, can't blame you for not getting 25. I didn't either, I ended up borrowing my boy's copy and he's letting me trade it in cause I gave him COD.

I locked on a player when I tried it out earlier and was confused when I could switch after the ball was thrown. I'm gonna lab for at least a week before I call anyone out, lol

I hope we can get an NT league going this year.

We get an NT sim league going I'm down.
I'm down for an NT sim league also...been wanting to be in one for years now.

Edit: Toine :rofl:
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Posted this in the PS thread.

Went to Best Buy earlier to trade in Madden and FIFA and pre-order Madden 15.

Got $25 + $10 gift card for Madden.
Got $21 for FIFA.

If you go to Best Buy be prepared to give them your fingerprints and a fake social. Not sure why this started but the rep said they're treating these transactions like a pawn shop because of stolen goods. If I knew for sure I'd get this deal someplace else I would've left. She was apologizing cause she knew the questions were ridiculous. She showed me her screen, I saw a question asking for the person's weight, license plate, work address, etc. :smh:

Anyway, I'll have to pay about $5 cash on Tuesday.
Posted this in the PS thread.

Went to Best Buy earlier to trade in Madden and FIFA and pre-order Madden 15.

Got $25 + $10 gift card for Madden.
Got $21 for FIFA.

If you go to Best Buy be prepared to give them your fingerprints and a fake social. Not sure why this started but the rep said they're treating these transactions like a pawn shop because of stolen goods. If I knew for sure I'd get this deal someplace else I would've left. She was apologizing cause she knew the questions were ridiculous. She showed me her screen, I saw a question asking for the person's weight, license plate, work address, etc. :smh:

Anyway, I'll have to pay about $5 cash on Tuesday.

I went to BB on 23rd during lunch break and did the trade in. The lady asked me for my id, if my addy was current and for some strange reason asked me if I was spanish. I said yea, and she was like oh it asked because I gave her a funny look as to why I was asked that. lol I dont think she was hitting on me and if she was, she was out of luck bc she was too ugly for me to realize she was hitting on me if she was. LMAO

Think I'll use my free 60 dollars from the GameStop thing and get it digitally on the one..hope I don't regret, but I've heard mostly positive things about it.

Gonna hit up BB tomorrow && make it do what it do.

Will be signing up for the fluke GS Madden Tournament tho. This is gonna be the year where I finally win it all :lol:
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That's wassup, breh. Do players frequently host the midnight release tourneys down there?
Yes, what exactly is the sim league? Realistic slider adjustments? 15 Minute quarters? No cheesing?

If so, I'm super down for this.
Pretty much the same as tourney rules. Can't remember who started it 2 years ago but I'd be down to start it. The one thing that sucks is dudes will abandon the league once 2k starts. I'm in another league ran by a fellow NT'er, it was about 20+ active members, really fun.
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