OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

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Random, but In hindsight, I kind of understood the D Wade signing for the Cavs.

You really just needed him to have a semi flashback moment in game 3 of the finals or something for like a 4 to 6 minute stretch. You knew he would be bad this year, but it wouldn't matter because of how far the cavs are from the rest of the field...or so they thought.
I can see adding Derozan. CP even.
The rest of those guys aren't entirely midrange.
I'm thinking entirely midrange and KD and Dirk and CJ aren't guys I think of. Even Marc Gasoline is shooting close to 300 threes a year now.

Point was how easy any player could attain the MidrangeChamp title, because it's a lost art that really nobody uses. List isn't long, at all. I could be the midrangeChamp. I'm heavy there. Off he glass with it too.

I wasn't setting out to exclude anybody specifically, from midrange....but rather get an idea of those considered midrange operators. KD :rofl:
I can see adding Derozan. CP even.
The rest of those guys aren't entirely midrange.
I'm thinking entirely midrange and KD and Dirk and CJ aren't guys I think of. Even Marc Gasoline is shooting close to 300 threes a year now.

Point was how easy any player could attain the MidrangeChamp title, because it's a lost art.

I wasn't setting out to exclude anybody specifically, from midrange....but to get an idea of those considered midrange operators. KD :rofl:

You just talking now man KD last year took 16% of his shots from the midrange which is more than what Ingram is doing now.

29% of Dirk's shots came from that area last year.

JJ Reddick took 29% of his shots from that range, again more than what BI is taking from there.

Those guys are all elite shooters from that range who take them more than BI is taking them now. It's not fathomable right now that BI would up his Midrange shot attempts and still maintain the efficiency like these guys have.
My BI top 5 in 5 projection was stupid though.
Maybe if Pop had him he could be top 50 in 5.
But "dummy" has no shot with LOLakers and Luke Walnut
16% is a lot from midrange?
He does probably 9 other things aside from midrange. I guess though.

Erase everything I said in regards to midrange.
Replace it with this.
BI could be the best midrange shooter in the League pretty easily. I want to say that instead.
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If Oubre continues shooting 45 from the field and around 38-40 from 3.....while playing good defense and averaging 13ppg...

Brinks truck. And shorty going have all the diamond chokers and bad bittys



John needs to drop the chip a lil bit and get right. He been geeking with his shot.
Random, but In hindsight, I kind of understood the D Wade signing for the Cavs.

You really just needed him to have a semi flashback moment in game 3 of the finals or something for like a 4 to 6 minute stretch. You knew he would be bad this year, but it wouldn't matter because of how far the cavs are from the rest of the field...or so they thought.

He could be a decent bench player but I just don't see a good role for him on this Cavs team. Think he could've pulled off a decent role off of OKC's bench being a 6th man and giving them some insurance for Roberson in the Playoffs
Told you dudes the other day Oubre is a damn fruit cake.

Lonzo with another 9, 5 and 9 night on 3-13 shooting 1-8 on threes. That's becoming basically his average night of what to expect from him :lol:
For the majority of his career he hasn't been. He came into tonight like at 50% on midrange shots per Bball ref, which isn't sustainable at all and he's still horrible at 3's.

A player taking midrange jumpers when they don't make enough 3's at a high enough clip to balance it out isn't really good.

Skip around when I haven’t been in here in a while. This was hilarious to me....

Go Lakers
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