
Staff member
Apr 30, 2004
Just thought I'd make this thread so we could have one thread to discuss this as the season winds down. Previously,when someone makes a 'LeBron forMVP' thread, we lock it and direct them to the Cavs' season thread. And when it's Kobe, we lock it and direct to the Lakers' thread.

Well here's a thread that we can now have the discussion in, so we can lock all other MVP threads and have the discussion in here.

I will keep this throughout the playoffs, and when the winner is announced, the title will be updated. Since yuku threads don't die (they just multiply,yes Bebe
), then that means that the title will show the winner forinfinity (and beyond, yes Buzz

Charles Barkley just said something I completely, COMPLETELY agree with: it's a two man race, and it's between Kobe and...

... Paul.

The NBA has NEVER awarded an MVP to a team that is nowhere close to an elite team. The message has been made clear, the precedent has been well established: ifyou're going to be an MVP, your team has to be among the league's elite.

Having said that, if the Hornets finish atop the West, Paul is my MVP. If the Lakers finish on top, then it's Kobe. If neither one of them finishes on topof the West but the Hornets finish in the top 3 and the Lakers don't, it's Paul. If neither one of them finishes on top of the West but the Lakersfinish in the top 3 and the Hornets don't, it's Kobe.

If neither one of them finishes in the top 3, I'm going with Garnett. And the reason Garnett ONLY gets consideration from me if the Lakers + Hornets failto be in the top 3 is simple: the Lakers and Hornets play in a MUCH better conference. Yes, I know the Celtics have an incredible record against the WesternConference... but the Hornets and Lakers are playing MUCH more Western teams than the Celtics, because they are in the Wester Conference.


Rip apart what I've said.


Post smilies and stonefaces and whatever else to show your extreme displeasure with my vote... a vote that counts for absolutely nothing.
If the Hornets finish in the top 3, I'm going with Paul.

Kobe and Garnett are second depending on what day it is.
I am very very torn.

I want kobe to win because I thought he should have gotten it a couple of years back. He has made his team better and he has closed out some big games.

But CP3 is a beast. I thought that team would have faded away but they keep playing at this high level.

If its kobe or CP3 I would be happy.

I like lebron but its just not his year. KG should get it if the lakers or hornets aren't in the top 3.
Originally Posted by tupac003

I am very very torn.

I want kobe to win because I thought he should have gotten it a couple of years back. He has made his team better and he has closed out some big games.

But CP3 is a beast. I thought that team would have faded away but they keep playing at this high level.

If its kobe or CP3 I would be happy.

I like lebron but its just not hit year. KG should get it if the lakers or hornets aren't in the top 3.

those are my thoughts as well.

i'm a laker fan, so i'm a kobe fan, so obviously i'm rooting for him to win it.

but cp3 is doing amazing things.

so is lebron, but not on a team level. and if they didn't give it to kobe years back, then you can't give it to lebron because thats the precedentthat has been set. if kobe had won, then lebron would have a great chance this year. but kobe didn't.
Pretty much everything Ska just said.

Right now it's Kobe for sure though, especially after just beating Dallas AT Dallas and JUST ending Utah's home game winning streak. VERY impressive.

However, it's pretty much a flip flop with him and Paul so depending on who ends up with that #1 seed, should be MVP. Man, in just a few seasons Paul hasbecome THE BEST PG in the ENTIRE NBA. Man, the NBA has a VERY bright future. I LOVE IT!

but Paul can wait....

both have had amazing seasons...Kobe finally got some help - that's all he needed is shooters and 1 big man(though 2 will almost make it difficult foranother team to win the Western Conference).
I think Paul will win, based on the fact that they were not good last year and now 1st in the best western conference ever.

The Lakers have a lot of guys and i think that may hurt Kobes chances. Gasol,Bynum,Odom. I don't know if it is fair, but it is probably what will happen.
Exactly what SKA said was on point, but for some reason. even if paul ends up being the top seed. Kobe will still get it.
Did having Amare or Marion hurt Nash, it didn't. I agree with everyone saying whoever ends up with the higher seed deserves it, but I wouldn't besurprised if the voters don't even put CP3 in the top 2; I can almost guarantee it'll be 1. Kobe 2. LeBron which leads me to believe that they have allof a sudden switched up their philosophy of rewarding team success along with individual success.
^ As sure as you seem to be that LeBron will be a top MVP candidate, I am just as sure that he won't finish higher than 4. I am 99.9% ready to bet my lifethat the top three on EVERY voter's list will be a combination of Paul, Kobe, and Garnett.
You could be right SKA, but judging from how the writers have voted in the past, if you suck up to them and are nice, they'll vote for you. I mean Kobe gotthe most 2nd place votes the 1st year Nash won MVP and finished 4th because multiple writers left him completely off their ballot. Garnett and Bron are lovedby the media and CP3 hasn't done anything to warrant their wrath, so that's why I said it wouldn't surprise me if Bron finished 2nd. I still thinkthe media has ill feelings towards Bean though.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ As sure as you seem to be that LeBron will be a top MVP candidate, I am just as sure that he won't finish higher than 4. I am 99.9% ready to bet my life that the top three on EVERY voter's list will be a combination of Paul, Kobe, and Garnett.

Charles Barkely/them sportswriters are knuckleheads/Charles Barkely

word to Skip Bayless and Jay Marrioti
I agree. Kobe or Paul with Garnett behind them. I hate to say it with the numbers he puts up but Lebron shouldn't be mentioned. His team is in fourth inthe horrid eastern conference.
I think it's between LeBron & Paul because Kobe got help in the form of Pau Gasol. Kobe will get the same treatment that Garnett is getting because ofthe fact that they have someone to rely on though Pau is no Pierce & Jesus. Paul & the Hornets came out of nowhere and have been killing the leaguethis year. I think as long as the Hornets get homecourt advantage then Paul will be MVP. If not then it will be LeBron unless Kobe & the Lakers get the #1seed in the West

Heres how I see it playing out
1. Paul
2. LeBron
3. Kobe
4. Garnett
5. McGrady
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

I think it's between LeBron & Paul because Kobe got help in the form of Pau Gasol. Kobe will get the same treatment that Garnett is getting because of the fact that they have someone to rely on though Pau is no Pierce & Jesus. Paul & the Hornets came out of nowhere and have been killing the league this year. I think as long as the Hornets get homecourt advantage then Paul will be MVP. If not then it will be LeBron unless Kobe & the Lakers get the #1 seed in the West

2 things
1. Steve Nash had Stat and Matrix on his team, 2 all star players. Did it count against him? No, he won the award twice. I don't understand thisarguement at all. Hell MJ had a top 50 player of all-time on his team and that didn't stop him from getting the award
2. Most if not all people had the Lakers being 7/8 seed at best, with the majority saying they would miss the playoffs.

Just throwing that out there
I know a number of writers still have KG at the top of their lists.

I'd prefer to see someone else win it but I won't be mad if KG gets it.
Chris Paul HAS to be MVP. He's on a team that wasn't even supposed to make the playoffs, and didn't make any significant trade to better theirroster....and this team MIGHT FINISH FIRST??? Like somebody else said, if they finish with a top 3 seed, it has to be Paul.
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