OFFICIAL NIKE A I R M A X ZER0 THREAD ** The One Before The 1 **

Ik these are fake lol but im using them for mocks

what u guys think



immm feeling 2 more
went with a simple grey GR look. Dont want to over do it on this shoe, and i've been looking for something grey. Depending what mock ups I see people coming up with, I might steal an idea
actually like this a lot. may try something similar.
I want to make an all-Midnight Navy pair, but I can't decide if I should go with a solid or clear overlay style. [emoji]129300[/emoji]
had to order that USA pair. Ok im avoiding this thread. 2 pear is enough and I don't need more influence :lol:. Have fun and go wild everyone, cant wait to see whats made.
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