Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

My favorite thread on NT.

I Love being a dad man.

Soooo much stress, sooo much pressure and wouldn't trade it for Bill Gates money.

Props to all the NT dads, blessings to your youths.

My oldest started kindergarten this year, it's bring your dad to breakfast tmrw Im in there like swimwear.
I know the feeling man

We go into a store "just to look", they come out laughing skipping, and holding hands while you're behind then holding their bags that you bought
For real, after the mall we went skating...

Then they had the nerves to ask to go to eat at Benihana.
Today is picture day and my daughter asked for a braid :-( I only know how to make a pony tail. Phelt Batman
Been a while since I checked in... Loving fatherhood! It's crazy how fast time really does fly. My mans is about to be 4 months on Monday and already fitting into some of the 6-9 month clothing. Guess I got a future nba all star on my hands haha.
Yo my daughter bout to be 6 months and the real question is, how much u gonna let them Cement 4's go for tho??????
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^ I see you Cool Papa JewSee!

I hear that, I started enjoying the big one more when she started talking in sentences.

Casekicks- my bad for the delay; I know it's gonna be a bit of a problem when she's older. I remember being lightweight, but legit, mad about some boy in her kindergarten class calling her "sexy mama". But the cal is on me....:tongue:
We need to start a "Dads pay it forward thread", where if we have lightly used or unused kids items, we post it up to give someone else in the thread who wants it.

I was thinking about it as I was cleaning out the cupboard and found a case of organic baby puree I know we paid good money. I was ready to toss it, but I figured I would donate it, though the closest foodbank to me is like 30 mins away.

I ended up giving it to my next door neighbors who have a 6 month old son. Just hate seeing things go to waste.
My lil man has been going through this 3mo Wonder Week phase and he's been waking up every morning around 2am crying. Having night terrors and all. Be glad when this is over man :lol:
We need to start a "Dads pay it forward thread", where if we have lightly used or unused kids items, we post it up to give someone else in the thread who wants it.

I was thinking about it as I was cleaning out the cupboard and found a case of organic baby puree I know we paid good money. I was ready to toss it, but I figured I would donate it, though the closest foodbank to me is like 30 mins away.

I ended up giving it to my next door neighbors who have a 6 month old son. Just hate seeing things go to waste.
Good post! All my 5 get hand me downs. My youngest is approaching 2 so I got a **** load! Usually I post them up on CL for some extra bread. Them kids kicks usually get swooped up real quick!
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^ I see you Cool Papa JewSee!

I hear that, I started enjoying the big one more when she started talking in sentences.

Casekicks- my bad for the delay; I know it's gonna be a bit of a problem when she's older. I remember being lightweight, but legit, mad about some boy in her kindergarten class calling her "sexy mama". But the cal is on me....:tongue:

Someone woulda called my daughter that and I'd be going apesht in that school office..I wouldn't stop til that kid got suspended and the school gave me free tuition.. :rofl:

My son came home the other day and had this conversation with my wife:

Cooper: "Mom, Lilly broke one of my body parts"

Wife: "What are you talking about?"

Cooper: "I told her I love her and asked her to be my girlfriend and she didn't say anything back..So now I have a broken heart and it'll never work again"

After my wife told me what went down I was damn near in tears for my little man..Then only thing I could think of was "I hope that little girl knows who she just messed with, cause I will get revenge on her".. :smh::smh: Totally ashamed to admit I was plotting revenge on this girl..
Someone woulda called my daughter that and I'd be going apesht in that school office..I wouldn't stop til that kid got suspended and the school gave me free tuition.. :rofl:

My son came home the other day and had this conversation with my wife:

Cooper: "Mom, Lilly broke one of my body parts"

Wife: "What are you talking about?"

Cooper: "I told her I love her and asked her to be my girlfriend and she didn't say anything back..So now I have a broken heart and it'll never work again"

After my wife told me what went down I was damn near in tears for my little man..Then only thing I could think of was "I hope that little girl knows who she just messed with, cause I will get revenge on her".. :smh::smh: Totally ashamed to admit I was plotting revenge on this girl..
I see you bruh...Been preaching hard with my 10 yr old about these little attention seekers out there. He had a big ol smirk this am talking bout he got three hugs from 3 girls. Told him that school is for soaking up info and applying it to care of business with good grades and that pleasure comes 2nd.....also that I don't plan on being a Gpa before I'm 40 :x
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I'm not a dad .. but reading this thread put the biggest smile on my face. Keep it up my NT brothers. I'll join you guys in no time.

Low-key .. she took a pregnancy test this morning and she wasn't pregnant. We both acted like we were relief .. but I can tell she was really hoping that she was pregnant and I was hoping for a change in my life too. It would have been such a blessed morning. Think I'm shooting blanks though =(
I'm not a dad .. but reading this thread put the biggest smile on my face. Keep it up my NT brothers. I'll join you guys in no time.

Low-key .. she took a pregnancy test this morning and she wasn't pregnant. We both acted like we were relief .. but I can tell she was really hoping that she was pregnant and I was hoping for a change in my life too. It would have been such a blessed morning. Think I'm shooting blanks though =(
damb :frown:

Your guys time will come
I'm not a dad .. but reading this thread put the biggest smile on my face. Keep it up my NT brothers. I'll join you guys in no time.

Low-key .. she took a pregnancy test this morning and she wasn't pregnant. We both acted like we were relief .. but I can tell she was really hoping that she was pregnant and I was hoping for a change in my life too. It would have been such a blessed morning. Think I'm shooting blanks though =(

you should go get tested. just to make sure. you guys make some pretty babies :smile:
Aww man lucho lucho , your boy is adorable... You're gonna have sucka written all over your forehead like me when your son asks you for stuff...

Went to buy The Raid 2 today at Best Buy with the little man & he saw 2 new release DC Comic movies for $9.99 each & he didn't even have to ask. :rolleyes

He just turned around when them in his hand & looked at me with this grin...
Aww man @Lucho, your boy is adorable... You're gonna have sucka written all over your forehead like me when your son asks you for stuff...

Went to buy The Raid 2 today at Best Buy with the little man & he saw 2 new release DC Comic movies for $9.99 each & he didn't even have to ask.

He just turned around when them in his hand & looked at me with this grin...
Thanks man! Yea i can already see it too. He has these big, captivating eyes that i'm sure he will figure out how to use them on my wife and I haha.
Thanks man! Yea i can already see it too. He has these big, captivating eyes that i'm sure he will figure out how to use them on my wife and I haha.

Haha i was going to say his eyes are so adorable...
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