Official Palm Pre Thread

i wouldn't call this an iphone killer.
much more like an iphone alternative...
at first i was
over it
but now, Ive come to realize, that if you have a powerful phone already (iphone, touch pro, n95-n97, bold), this phone really doesn't top them.
its just an alternative to those who don't already own one of these devices.
my special 450 minutes 500 text and unlimited Internet plan (+ new 25% NT hook up ) is ok so just call, I think sprint just wants to weed out the $30 seropeople for no reason
I think I am going to break down and get the simply everything. After doing the math, its only a $20 difference...
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Should we start a new thread when the Pre is released so that we can get pic's, reviews, etc. in the first post and not make people wade through pages of stuff that isn't really related?

it was a "complaint" for $1/ month by sprint retentions , i'll "complain" later pushovers ftw LOL
I plan on waiting a couple of weeks and then go ahead and switch from my Treo to the Pre.
Hey guys,

Just wanted to give you a heads up, I just threw together a Palm Pre Wallpaper website.

We update Daily and take requests so be sure to check back often.

CHECK THIS OUT! get a good deal on the palm pre!! I got a family plan with 4 lines for me/my girl & my brothers.. keep in mind that on the phone, you canbe any character you want.. I started out by asking about the new Palm Pre.. then I told them that my son (hahaha) who works for Regal Cinemas (25% discount)kept bothering me that his co-workers are getting a discount from Sprint so she just simply hooked it up.. 25% off... My plan expires in 2 weeks so I kept!%+%@@*%@+# that My son wanted the new Iphone and we might be changing carriers.. "what can you do for me to stay, etc.." after almost an hour ofnegotiations, I ended up with a new 2 year contract with 5 lines with 1500 minutes, each phone getting 500 "extra minutes", with UNLIMITEDEVERYTHING!! 4 free Samsung Rants & the Palm Pre for $199.. all for $150 a month with 25% off (REGAL CINEMAS discount ..BS) .. so in total $130 aftertaxes!! So thats $130 divided by 5 people.. we're paying $27 a month for 4000 minutes and unlimited text & internet.. + we're on the Palm Prenetwork!! not bad to me.. $27 is cool to me for something better than the Iphone! ITs all how you talk to the person.. now.. Im looking for the LEBRON VIakrons sz 9.. anybody? spread the word...
Nice negotiation, I was going to get the Pre, but not worth the switch from my new replacement Touch Pro.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

if I renew for 2, u think it'll be sero or will they make me do something else??

Only if you want the Pre. I believe every other phone is eligible.

Are you thinking of the HTC Snap or a non-smartphone? I haven't read anything about those devices not being eligible for SERO.
Whoa! Snap looks extra clean!! Are they talking about this on Howardforums?? what's the technical name for it??
Originally Posted by tmukg21

who is making the leap of faith this week?

I just used my insurance to get a brand new Touch Pro last week, does that mess up my eligibility for a full upgrade in Aug?
I'm still gonna try and get my negotiations going with Sprint after RD, even after trying to figure something out with them a couple weeks ago. I mean, Ishould have more luck after the phone is available, no?

To sum things up, I spoke to 1 CSR who said my current Free & Clear plan should avail me to the Pre. The next CSR I spoke to said I'mbasically S.O.L. if I wanted any kind of discount in terms of getting the phone without extending my contract. I got the Touch Pro in January, and I can'teven return the phone for some kind of credit (that really sucks and doesn't make sense IMO).

When it comes to loopholes, Sprint is where it's at. However, I'm thinking this phone might be that one that gets away. I hope not, but only time willtell.
Originally Posted by cybergrindin

CHECK THIS OUT! get a good deal on the palm pre!! I got a family plan with 4 lines for me/my girl & my brothers.. keep in mind that on the phone, you can be any character you want.. I started out by asking about the new Palm Pre.. then I told them that my son (hahaha) who works for Regal Cinemas (25% discount) kept bothering me that his co-workers are getting a discount from Sprint so she just simply hooked it up.. 25% off... My plan expires in 2 weeks so I kept !%+%@@*%@+# that My son wanted the new Iphone and we might be changing carriers.. "what can you do for me to stay, etc.." after almost an hour of negotiations, I ended up with a new 2 year contract with 5 lines with 1500 minutes, each phone getting 500 "extra minutes", with UNLIMITED EVERYTHING!! 4 free Samsung Rants & the Palm Pre for $199.. all for $150 a month with 25% off (REGAL CINEMAS discount ..BS) .. so in total $130 after taxes!! So thats $130 divided by 5 people.. we're paying $27 a month for 4000 minutes and unlimited text & internet.. + we're on the Palm Pre network!! not bad to me.. $27 is cool to me for something better than the Iphone! ITs all how you talk to the person.. now.. Im looking for the LEBRON VI akrons sz 9.. anybody? spread the word...
not a bad deal, u do know that the 25% discount is applied to the bill before taxes right (they only apply it to the rate plan and anyother additional features u got on plan) that ur paying for? so when u get hit with the bill and is more than $130 u wont be
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

I'm still gonna try and get my negotiations going with Sprint after RD, even after trying to figure something out with them a couple weeks ago. I mean, I should have more luck after the phone is available, no?

To sum things up, I spoke to 1 CSR who said my current Free & Clear plan should avail me to the Pre. The next CSR I spoke to said I'm basically S.O.L. if I wanted any kind of discount in terms of getting the phone without extending my contract. I got the Touch Pro in January, and I can't even return the phone for some kind of credit (that really sucks and doesn't make sense IMO).

When it comes to loopholes, Sprint is where it's at. However, I'm thinking this phone might be that one that gets away. I hope not, but only time will tell.
Oh trust me, this is the phone that GOT away =/.
I gave up after SERO wasn't eligible, and the only way you can activate the phone is with a Everything plan, no if and or buts.

Might pay retail for the Touch Pro 2
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by holdenmichael

if I renew for 2, u think it'll be sero or will they make me do something else??

Only if you want the Pre. I believe every other phone is eligible.

Are you thinking of the HTC Snap or a non-smartphone? I haven't read anything about those devices not being eligible for SERO.
Whoa! Snap looks extra clean!! Are they talking about this on Howardforums?? what's the technical name for it??

I haven't looked to see what has on this. I've been keeping up to date on it through It's supposed to be small and realyfast. I absolutely love my Q9c because it works great as a phone and has a great speaker phone. My problem with it is that it's huge and the screen issmall for movies. I want my phone to work as movie playing device too so I'm always looking at PPCs. The problem with PPCs is that they usually have poorbattery life' poor audio quality' and don't work as well as a phone.

I want a Touch Diamond 2 w/ an extended battery. If that doesnt cut it or it doesn't come out, I'm buying a Snap w/ an extended battery. I'm justtoo accustomed to being able to stream radio for an hour, watch a movie, retreived e_mail every 2 hours, send and receive 50 texts a day, listen to podcasts,and still have enough battery life to get me through to the next day.

I just used my insurance to get a brand new Touch Pro last week, does that mess up my eligibility for a full upgrade in Aug?

No, you'll still be good to go and you can make sure by checking here:
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

For those thinking about copping, this is one of the most thorough & in depth reviews of the Pre
Good review, but it seems a bit biased compared to a couple of other sites (i.e. Engadget and Gizmodo). However, those sites are chock full ofApple fanboys so I'm not surprised.

I got a quick question for everyone here. I plan on trying to pick up the Pre as an upgrade on my pop's line since he's due for it, and then ESN swapit to my line. They'll probably ask me to switch the plan (which hopefully I can do temporarily, then switch back).

In short, this is what I want to do:
- Get the Pre as an upgrade on my pop's line of service
- Wait a day, then ESN swap his line back to his old phone while swapping the Pre to my line of service
- Switch his plan back to his normal setup

What ya think?
someone on slickdeals posted this

RadioShack will be selling this phone for $199.99 NO REBATES for new 2yr customers AND existing customers witha 2yr upgrade eligibility.

All I want to know is can you watch flash video sites on it? And I don't mean just Youtube, because theyre big enough to have their own Apps out nowusually, but could I just go to any website that had streaming video and be good?
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