OFFICIAL POKEMON THREAD: UPDATE: : Pokemon Go now available for download

Wish I had time to hop on....

new updates are 
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Just hopped on for a bit.


Got hella scared when I had to recreate my chr, its all good though.
how do i join? i got a mac

run it through a windows virtual machine, thats what I do

They might have a mac version tho now, im not sure
edit: found it

id still use a virtual machine tho, its easier, but if you can figure that setup out then Id say use it

guess its time i play this update, ill be on later, still hate these new sprites >:
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I hear that the head producers & engineers at nintendo sega and sony are planning some masterpieces for the revolving statement of the future. [emoji]128513[/emoji]
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Brah i never got passed Veridian forest with my bulbasaur lmao
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