***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Centrist that actively sabotaged the party will suffer the most loses, then turn around and try to blame progressives
Centrists are not affected by the GOP ****ery, that's why they do what they do.

And that's why they need to be removed from the Democratic party like a bad, growing tumor.

I'd give McConnell the gavel right now and let him own this while BS because the reality of a Democratic majority in Congress is fake, but those numbers provide the media and public opinion shapers the necessary tools to accuse the party of not doing enough.

And at the end of this scenario, the GOP wins with legitimacy among the ill-informed, which is the majority of the voting base of this country.
Centrists are not affected by the GOP ****ery, that's why they do what they do.

And that's why they need to be removed from the Democratic party like a bad, growing tumor.

I'd give McConnell the gavel right now and let him own this while BS because the reality of a Democratic majority in Congress is fake, but those numbers provide the media and public opinion shapers the necessary tools to accuse the party of not doing enough.

And at the end of this scenario, the GOP wins with legitimacy among the ill-informed, which is the majority of the voting base of this country.
This is a wrong assumption, they actually do. Blue Dogs need the same nonsense as these few centrists are doing now and they got nearly wiped out through the 2010 election and the following gerrymandering. This is why centrists are so dumb, they undermine their own political prospects

And again, you nor I will feel the absolute worst of a GOP majority, so am I not gonna sacrifice people out of frustration with centrist
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Always wonder what the projections are in these scenarios and if not taking care of employees is as bad as the companies act. I doubt it.

man idk, if you can’t afford to pay your employees and give them benefits sounds like you got a failing business to me.

my job buys all caterpillar and wirtgen (German stuff). John Deere is c tier construction equipment. Don’t know about the farm stuff.
The answer to all these worker shortages………. Have the rich people take a cut and pay a livable wage 🤷🏽‍♂️

rich people: “but what if we just tried working upside down?????”

most of the worker shortage is pay based for sure but then you got places like mine that are short too because our schools told us you don’t wanna be a construction worker. Meanwhile we’re the only ones not begging for a raise, health care and a pension….

all the old timers want to work 80 hours a week and all us younger guys want to work 55 and think 80 is moronic.

thankfully my job is listening and hiring an army of people.

Crashing a tractor > burning your restaurant down. But apparently these suits are trained in peasant work, so that’s a plus.

I'm in finance b. I'm not about to roll up my sleeves and make chicken sandwiches unless it's for charity . This ain't a movie bruh 🤣🤣. I didn't get these degrees to stand in a hot *** kitchen covered in mashed.
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