***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The only decent replacement I could see for Biden is a Democratic governor, especially Whitmer or Newsom, but that's only if Biden dies. The Democrats simply cannot win with anyone from the 2020 primary.

Joe Biden represents the Democrats as a cohesive political party and he's probably the last person who ever will do so successfully. Bernie Sanders represented the last (perceived) hope of a non violent transition to socialism but he'd be a terrible candidate now. Wealthy, older, white liberal homeowners still hate him AND he's seen as a sellout and spent force among the left, largely because of his failure to show any sort of moral leadership in the face of the genocide in Gaza. Everyone else, was a political entrepreneur, they were all a bunch of lesser versions of Barack Obama without the broad coalition building ability.

So if the runner up in Sanders isn't viable, seeing anyone else, who couldn't win more than a few delegates in 2020, being selected by the Party at the convention will really not be viable.

The Democrats' best bet is going with Biden. Keep the existing, highly fractious Democratic coalition together and bound by anti Trump negative polarization. Have one more go around and beat Trump for good. Afterwards, we can get back to fighting but at least the GOP will be in even worse shape.
I think the MI governor needs to be seriously looked at in 2028. She is less divisive than Hiliary was and has a better chance at becoming the first female president. She just needs to run that state for another 4 years to bide her time and build her reputation. I think a mix of a Midwest politician and a coastal VP would balance things. But I want people with sharp tongues who will press the right and their BS.
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Yeah he can do that, he’s too anti worker and small business for me though.

I wouldn’t vote for him, I’d vote whitmer and not even hold my nose while I did it.
Yeah he can do that, he’s too anti worker and small business for me though.

I wouldn’t vote for him, I’d vote whitmer and not even hold my nose while I did it.

And, he’s from California. If there’s something that will get a republican base active, it’s their hatred towards California.
He’s a Slimey dude, plus he married Kimberly guillefoyle. Dude is suspect

There’s nobody more hostile to the transportation industry than him. Which employs a ton of minorities which he claims he cares so much about, dude can kick rocks. You gotta be a millionaire to even own a semi in his state.
rexanglorum rexanglorum So who’s your candidate in 2028?

I could not say for certain. What I do know is that most conventional wisdom will be out of the window in 2028 and people who we have not yet heard of could become well known and play a big role in the Democratic Party nominating contest in 2028.

If I had to come up with a name right now, I'd say AOC. On paper, she could get enough young/left voters, Latino voters, highly educated/younger black voters, and younger non white voters in general voters, to be competitive. Alongside that, would be her appeal as the candidate for a new generation to all under (by then) 50 year old voters (worked for 1992 Bill Clinton, did not work for 1988 Joe Biden or 2020 Pete Buttigieg, kinda did for 2008 Barack Obama). I think it could work for her, if everything lines up. If a Trump or Biden second term is ending in a truly disastrous fashion, the subtext would basically be "the old people have done enough, let's get someone who wasn't exposed to lead poisoning as a baby." but we are a long way out. There's a number of great, Black, socialist mayors in this country. There's also going to be new arrivals in the 2026 midterms.

My liberal friends can rest assured that I'll support whichever nominee the Democratic Party decides upon. Whatever the GOP produces after Donald Trump will likely be worse than Trump. we have got to keep the fascists out.
I don’t know if there will be a gop after trump. He’s pretty good at draining all their bread.

This is the thing: where do they go after Trump? There is nobody in that party that can muster up the energy from such a large base. Nobody can replicate it. they'll have no money, and a half dozen candidates eating each other.
Desantis looked promising for them then fell on his face 👠👠

Noem could work but she’s a woman so I doubt it
I would nominate Pete before AOC, because I like that order, but I’d nominate either.

Let’s be honest, it’s not realistic.

2028 will come out of nowhere just like the pandemic started in 2020.

There needs to be someone. Just like for the GOP.
AOC is more likely far out. I just know we gotta get people who don’t care about religious views on same sex which includes Dem, Rep, and swings, which seems like 20 years away.
I think at best, AOC may run for the senate as her next step. Chuck will probably be leaving in 4-6 years so she'll be a good replacement to keep the seat and push it more progressive. Worst case she stays put in Congress, gets more publicized appointments, and sets the stage for a later-career run at President in the 30's.
Not just saying this cuz I live in Maryland but Wes Moore is my sleeper choice for ‘28. He has all the qualities of being the “next Obama” and if he can make modest improvements in Maryland (really, Baltimore) then he’ll have a decent record to stand on.
newsome is the only viable replacement option

Sexism, racism, homosexuality kill the other options.. and none are Obama level charismatic to overcome the aforementioned, unfortunately
*wrong thread still applies actually

Not my title or choice of words but no lies detected

Same time
I have a theory that a lot of Trumps presidency has been repressed with the rest of the Covid trauma, and actually watching him will bring those feeling of hopelessness back and people will either vote against him or not vote. Right now people’s unconscious repressing of memories is working in his favor.

No way, and that’s exactly the type of voting public that we DON’T need. People who can’t remember Trumps time in office, are not the people who should be voting. They’re liable to vote for that idiot. We need people with long term and second hand memory, not those with short term memory.

We don’t need any impulse or frightened voters, they’ll just screw things up as usual.

Nah. They’re as hopeless as ever. That’s the main point he’s trying to sell. He’s hyping himself up as the savior and the only person capable of getting the American public out of its funk
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newsome is the only viable replacement option

Sexism, racism, homosexuality kill the other options.. and none are Obama level charismatic to overcome the aforementioned, unfortunately
Everyone is a California expert now as well, so that has to be considered.
Everyone is a California expert now as well, so that has to be considered.

Just like everyone is an expert of homicides.

Just for ****s and giggles I did the math of per capita of homicides in Kansas City (after the parade shooting) to that of New York and Chicago because you know both cities have lawlessness

Kansas City is about 3x that of New York and that of Chicago is about 1.5. Again start pressing these fallacies against these idiots.

These are based on final 2023 numbers and used the most recent estimated number of city residents of both.
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