***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The media took zero seconds to maybe think these things might be related


Yea absolutely no way I’m getting duped into following the “news” about this election cycle. Biden is an old man OMG scandal. Meanwhile where do we even start with his convicted felon opponent. I think it’s time we all start asking ourselves what’s next after the country inevitably fails.
Jon is a loyal Democrat, worked on the Obama campaign, but he needs to relax. He has too big of a platform to be going at Joe like this. Also, at this point there is nothing to gain from this. Joe is running.

Joe's probably going to lose but he's certainly going to lose if Democrats with a platform continue to attack him. I'm equally frustrated but it is what it is at this point.

at this point there is nothing to gain from this. Joe is running.

how do you know?

Is joe really going to run if his entire party is against him? I doubt it.

Keep the pressure up, Joe Biden is almost certainly going to lose, anything you can do to get him to drop out is +EV
What pressure? The 6 house members who are the only politicians who actually told him to stand down?

the democratic establishment goes beyond just the politicians.

big left-wing media figures expressing doubts about Biden i think creates pressure on politicians to move away from Biden.
Pod save generates a lot of money in donations, canvassing volunteers, earned media, ect. them turning on Biden is a big deal.

also the media has been carrying water for Biden before the debate and it didn't help. voters still thought he was too old.
asking them to lie about it after the fact is def not going to help.
how do you know?

Is joe really going to run if his entire party is against him? I doubt it.

Keep the pressure up, Joe Biden is almost certainly going to lose, anything you can do to get him to drop out is +EV

We know he is running because he has said so at literally every opportunity over the last couple of weeks. He is dead set on running and because he won the primary in every single state and is the presumptive nominee, it is literally up to Joe and Joe alone to make the decision. No outside force can make him drop out.

We all just need to wrap our head around the idea that he is running and he will see this to the end, regardless of the outcome.

We know that Joe is big on legacy and his decision to remain in the race Will be one of the biggest legacy defining moments in US presidential history (well, at least from a campaigning standpoint). If Joe wins he will get a lot of credit for staying the course despite the criticism. If he loses he will forever be known as the senile old man who everyone told to drop out but wouldn't.
We know he is running because he has said so at literally every opportunity over the last couple of weeks. He is dead set on running it is literally up to Joe and Joe alone to make the decision. No outside force can make him drop out.

Yah and Joe Biden can change his mind, and democrats should do everything possible to get him to do that. including telling the truth publicly about his chances of winning. which are somewhere between slim to none.

and because he won the primary in every single state and is the presumptive nominee,

you can't be serious? look at the polling, even democrats think he's too old, he had no real challengers in the primary and those votes took place before he essentially short circuited on stage.
appealing to primary results at this point is insane.

We all just need to wrap our head around the idea that he is running and he will see this to the end, regardless of the outcome.

no we don't we need to be doing everything possible to convince him to drop out.
Biden is done, Nate Silver's latest model run gives Trump 70% chance of winning. but that doesn't take into account Biden's diminished state.

a healthy biden is a significant underdog, a mentally declining Biden is drawing dead.

We know that Joe is big on legacy and his decision to remain in the race Will be one of the biggest legacy defining moments in US presidential history (well, at least from a campaigning standpoint). If Joe wins he will get a lot of credit for staying the course despite the criticism. If he loses he will forever be known as the senile old man who everyone told to drop out but wouldn't.

exactly, so people should tell the truth and not lie to biden, let it be that he made the decision with all the facts.
rather than people lying in the media about his chances of winning.
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