***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I have friends who kept their kids home from school today
This the **** I'm talkin about @Osh Kosh Bosh

because of **** like this. People are worried about people taking the gloating to far.
This is the American we chose, pepper thy angus.
I need someone to seriously break down this whole mexican immigration thing to me.

Not what an immigrant is (obviously), but why they don't want to go legit if they want to live here.

I'm dead serious, and not rollin in the least bit. Someone please explain why an illegal immigrant would move here and think that its going to be sweet forever without them having to be legalized..

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the situation. But I need to understand both sides first.[/quote
It's incredible how naive some of you can be, a lot of undocumented immigrants want nothing but to be legit, you think is fun to live that kind of life? Immigration process is long, tedious, expensive and then there is the fear you are denied and now you are on the radar and more than likely up for deportation....a lot of these people have kids who are American and the immigration laws donot care to split them up...they'll legit pack up the parents and leave the kids here.

So most rather remain in the shadows and pray for a reform, amnesty or marry someone with papers....all those hopes are out the window now, ICE bout to be milatirized and we gonna start hearing about immigration raids like we've never seen....the ideal that this was the land of opportunity, the same very ideal which Momma Hood benefitted from is gonna be abolished...Ninja seems to have the mentality of "oh well I got mines, screw the rest" sad brother....very sad.

They should've done it the right way as we did. My family waited 10 years for the immigration petition to come through. If you grant amnesty to those that break the law, what message does that send?
It's incredible how naive some of you can be, a lot of undocumented immigrants want nothing but to be legit, you think is fun to live that kind of life? Immigration process is long, tedious, expensive and then there is the fear you are denied and now you are on the radar and more than likely up for deportation....a lot of these people have kids who are American and the immigration laws donot care to split them up...they'll legit pack up the parents and leave the kids here.

So most rather remain in the shadows and pray for a reform, amnesty or marry someone with papers....all those hopes are out the window now, ICE bout to be milatirized and we gonna start hearing about immigration raids like we've never seen....the ideal that this was the land of opportunity, the same very ideal which Momma Hood benefitted from is gonna be abolished...Ninja seems to have the mentality of "oh well I got mines, screw the rest" sad brother....very sad.
this, i have a friend who was trying to get his citizenship since we were back in highschool, roughly around 2005, maybe even earlier but thats when he told me about it. I believe he still doesn't have it but has a work permit.
If you're in Cali or NY and you wrote in a random, don't let people clown you.

Those were never going red anyway.

If you were in Ohio, FL, and you did that tho...
Yeah the NY vote had no effect in this election, NY stood behind Hillary by a large margin....

FLORIDA, OHIO, NC, WINSCONSIN....anyone who voted 3rd party or didn't vote at all in those states, Juno off a bridge, this is on you all.

So bascially "I can vote for Mahambed and Hennessey, I"m in Cali/NY where it doesn't matter" is okay because Cali/NY were won/lost already, BUT nevermind the fact that voting that way sets a precedent and gives power to voting that way, in the first place.

Now you have folks voting Hennessey to be cute because they saw folks do it in prior elections, and they aren't smart enough to know their CLOWNING vote actually has ramifications. 

To vote that way is smart stupid or stupid stupid, either way it's stupid....
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I need someone to seriously break down this whole mexican immigration thing to me.

Not what an immigrant is (obviously), but why they don't want to go legit if they want to live here.

I'm dead serious, and not rollin in the least bit. Someone please explain why an illegal immigrant would move here and think that its going to be sweet forever without them having to be legalized..

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the situation. But I need to understand both sides first.

It's incredible how naive some of you can be, a lot of undocumented immigrants want nothing but to be legit, you think is fun to live that kind of life? Immigration process is long, tedious, expensive and then there is the fear you are denied and now you are on the radar and more than likely up for deportation....a lot of these people have kids who are American and the immigration laws donot care to split them up...they'll legit pack up the parents and leave the kids here.

So most rather remain in the shadows and pray for a reform, amnesty or marry someone with papers....all those hopes are out the window now, ICE bout to be milatirized and we gonna start hearing about immigration raids like we've never seen....the ideal that this was the land of opportunity, the same very ideal which Momma Hood benefitted from is gonna be abolished...Ninja seems to have the mentality of "oh well I got mines, screw the rest" sad brother....very sad.

This is what I detest about many Republicans: Morally-guided political ideas.

They love to judge and wonder why others can't have it as easy as they do.

That's not the goal of government. Government is supposed to take what it has and make the most of it. The reality is that we have many undocumented immigrants here and the majority are good people. We can do something drastic to prove a point, or we can figure out the best way to move forward.

Look, everyone of us is guilty of bending the rules in some way, usually while paying attention not to harm others. As a society we are pretty clear about punishing those who directly harm others, but there is a huge space of actions that are intermediate, whether it's smoking marijuana, not coming to a full stop at a stop sign, or working without proper documentation (I SEE YOU MELANIA YOU ******* *****).

They should've done it the right way as we did. My family waited 10 years for the immigration petition to come through. If you grant amnesty to those that break the law, what message does that send?
the "right" way?

you realize that the "right" way according to Trump's people is that 4 or more of your grandparents need to be Americans for you to have a say. so according to them you're ******.

look, this isn't about the technicality of how to become a citizen. we have made it unbearably hard and I'm sure you had a harder time than past generations. but realize that this whole Trump platform is not based on enforcing the law. it is based on an ANTI-IMMIGRATION agenda. That means ANTI-YOU.
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I'm shaking my head at people like Tariq Nasheed, he is complaining about Trump getting elected, but at the same time he was advocating for black people not to vote.

Talk about some hustling backward, head up your *** ********


He's looking funny the light

Kaep is another one :smh:

-In the end Obama was right, you have to activate to protect the little progress your community has made.

And young people like to complain, what progress? Welp, let President Trump show you.

When tons of black people lose their healthcare, I want to know what answer these dudes will have for them.

Just because you don't vote don't mean you can't call this **** what it is. The system is broken. Even if Hilary won. She wasn't gonna do **** for black people. Obama ain't do ****. Black people was out here getting killed by cops and he did nothing but he did stuff for gays, lations, women, cops.

Black people shouldn't vote in the presidential election unless one candidate plans to do some real. All this **** is *** backwards. Voting for somebody just because. Hilary was weak and she showed that in the debates.

So **** it, we see how the country feels. We see that all the "racial progress" talk was nonsense. Now people are forced to wake up. We know what it is.
Im convinced this outcome is because she is a women

Alot of people felt like a women couldn't do the job and votes for Trump despite his faults
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So it's looking like Hillary won the popular vote but still lost the election. Salt in the wound.
This is only new if youre white. If youre black that fear been there since before the inception of this country.
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They should've done it the right way as we did. My family waited 10 years for the immigration petition to come through. If you grant amnesty to those that break the law, what message does that send?

Not everyone has the same luxuries or time to wait things out, some immigrants go through hell to get here and try to make it the best way possible...in a product of an illegal immigrant who crossed the border back in the 80's she fled our country when my dad passed and knew the only option was to take this leap of faith, she was here illegally for 8 years before she married for papers and went through the steps to legalize herself and get me here as a legal immigrant, which she did....immigration laws back then were mild in comparison and because of this I am now a productive member of society....not that it matters because the society I live in now is one that chose a bigot, misogynist, racist.
I need someone to seriously break down this whole mexican immigration thing to me.

Not what an immigrant is (obviously), but why they don't want to go legit if they want to live here.

I'm dead serious, and not rollin in the least bit. Someone please explain why an illegal immigrant would move here and think that its going to be sweet forever without them having to be legalized..

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the situation. But I need to understand both sides first.

It's incredible how naive some of you can be, a lot of undocumented immigrants want nothing but to be legit, you think is fun to live that kind of life? Immigration process is long, tedious, expensive and then there is the fear you are denied and now you are on the radar and more than likely up for deportation....a lot of these people have kids who are American and the immigration laws donot care to split them up...they'll legit pack up the parents and leave the kids here.

So most rather remain in the shadows and pray for a reform, amnesty or marry someone with papers....all those hopes are out the window now, ICE bout to be milatirized and we gonna start hearing about immigration raids like we've never seen....the ideal that this was the land of opportunity, the same very ideal which Momma Hood benefitted from is gonna be abolished...Ninja seems to have the mentality of "oh well I got mines, screw the rest" sad brother....very sad.

This is what I detest about many Republicans: Morally-guided political ideas.

They love to judge and wonder why others can't have it as easy as they do.

That's not the goal of government. Government is supposed to take what it has and make the most of it. The reality is that we have many undocumented immigrants here and the majority are good people. We can do something drastic to prove a point, or we can figure out the best way to move forward.

Look, everyone of us is guilty of bending the rules in some way, usually while paying attention not to harm others. As a society we are pretty clear about punishing those who directly harm others, but there is a huge space of actions that are intermediate, whether it's smoking marijuana, not coming to a full stop at a stop sign, or working without proper documentation (I SEE YOU MELANIA YOU ******* *****).

Well I hope that at some point in the near future, we can take that step back to getting these people taken care of.

Obviously there's 3 sides of this situation, the people who know like KSteezy, the people like me who are ignorant to the knowledge like myself, and the people who don't care or/and oppose it.

We need more people to shed knowledge on the emphasis of the matter so when someone who may know even less than myself are put in a position where they have to choose a side, they'll choose the right one.
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That picture in Mebane, NC...is about 10 minutes from my alma mater of Elon College/Elon University where I was just at for my Homecoming a few weeks ago. This picture probably means more to me than it does others because of the racism I experienced while I went to school in North Carolina.
I'm shaking my head at people like Tariq Nasheed, he is complaining about Trump getting elected, but at the same time he was advocating for black people not to vote.

Talk about some hustling backward, head up your *** ********


He's looking funny the light

Kaep is another one :smh:

-In the end Obama was right, you have to activate to protect the little progress your community has made.

And young people like to complain, what progress? Welp, let President Trump show you.

When tons of black people lose their healthcare, I want to know what answer these dudes will have for them.

Just because you don't vote don't mean you can't call this **** what it is. The system is broken. Even if Hilary won. She wasn't gonna do **** for black people. Obama ain't do ****. Black people was out here getting killed by cops and he did nothing but he did stuff for gays, lations, women, cops.

Black people shouldn't vote in the presidential election unless one candidate plans to do some real. All this **** is *** backwards. Voting for somebody just because. Hilary was weak and she showed that in the debates.

So **** it, we see how the country feels. We see that all the "racial progress" talk was nonsense. Now people are forced to wake up. We know what it is.

Well I guess President-elect Trump will give you the answers and solutions you and those that think like you are looking for champ. Let me know how that works out for you.
When you look at the states, it's mainly the small towns which will presumably be white, who were the deciding votes for Trump.

Wonder who the Dems are going to champion now, and if the Libertarian party tries to get stronger off of Johnson's performance.

All of these certain uncertainties is what's scary. We gon have a terrible new Supreme Court Justice and just about everything Trump wants to do is going to get the green light since the house and senate are still red, :smh:
This is the American we chose, pepper thy angus.


...and some dudes thought it couldn't get worse or "what's so wrong about a Trump Presidency" SMH. Try explaining to a school bus of young kids why KKK members are on the bridge waving flags in the morning as the ride to school. Thanks to the the Trump supporters and 3rd party candidates and individuals that wrote in names. Welcome to the new America we KKK flags greetings you in the morning.

People need to give kids more credit. Any elementary school kid can identify a group of idiots or at least grasp the concept.
I did my job. NY did its job. For most of America? Man **** you
California did too :lol:
Oh well
Let's just try to work together for the next 4 years and there will probably be a good progressive candidate without much baggage
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