***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is why I don't feel bad for these clowns when Da Rust Belt gets hammered by his policies. What does emboldened minorities mean? Obama didn't do that much for minorities.
When you ask them that question on how Obama helped minorities, they will say he caused a racial divide because of the Trayvon Martin debacle and not speaking out against BLM....which doesn't make much sense to me


Jake the Snake got da safety off :smokin
This is why I don't feel bad for these clowns when Da Rust Belt gets hammered by his policies. What does emboldened minorities mean? Obama didn't do that much for minorities.

Obama placed economic policies to help the middle class on the same level as social justice. That's the root of the issue.

Him not getting stuff done is not for lack of trying, but he keep messaging it. So if you are a member of any minority group, you still have the president saying "we need immigration reform", "Muslim need to not be discriminated against", "We need to get criminal justice reform done", "The system produces worst outcomes for people of color", "Members of the LBGTQ community are entitled to fll civil rights", and let us work on helping these people. And these people fighting for social justice can always point to the president and say "see he gets it".

Obama put the social issues minorities faced onto he same level as the "economic anxiety" that the white working class cares about. And you know what they say, equality to the privileged feels like oppression. So these people felt Obama was giving the marginalized too much attention.

If Obama had a functional Congress for 8 years and got all his **** done, it would have been game over for the GOP. Minorities would feel embolden to vote all the time because they got results, and white folk on the margin would live in a more equality society and many of them would realize "Hey, this isn't so bad". So they doubled down on the dog whistles, played up white identity politics and created a beast they now can't control.
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This is why I don't feel bad for these clowns when Da Rust Belt gets hammered by his policies. What does emboldened minorities mean? Obama didn't do that much for minorities.

That's the thing though, that was the whole point, to obstruct, detract, stop anything he'd even try that would "embolden" minorities even further. Essentially minorities having intelligence, confidence, self esteem, self awareness is a threat to them. They fear the progression will lead to some sort of uprising. Hence the rhetoric against Obama the entire time, hence Trump. People on both ends of the spectrum dance around this conversation all the time, but this is absolute fact.
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This is why I don't feel bad for these clowns when Da Rust Belt gets hammered by his policies. What does emboldened minorities mean? Obama didn't do that much for minorities.
When you ask them that question on how Obama helped minorities, they will say he caused a racial divide because of the Trayvon Martin debacle and not speaking out against BLM....which doesn't make much sense to me

It makes no sense whatsover given how carefuly and sensitively Obama tried dealing with race relations while in office. He was always super careful in his choice of words to tip toe the line so as to not sound "divisive", and honestly most poc would say it was to his own detriment since he was somewhat looking out for folks who despised his mere existence but that's just the kind of man he was. A true believer in coalitions and gap bridging even in an environment with built-in hostility to those very ideas.

Folks who talk out of their *** calling him the "divider in chief" betray their own bias and susceptibility to WS imo. They were legit just mad that he acknowledged that there were problems in the first place :lol: :rolleyes. Ignorance is bliss to many,ESPECIALLY when it comes to race issues with a certain portion of the population...
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Wait a minute, Spicer held an angry meeting about the leaks then the story of the meeting also leaks out? :lol:

Bro, cant make this stuff up. Thats exactly what happened. And it leaked immediately.

Like my man said, the real one in his camp threw their iphone 5 on the table and was leaking it on the burner in their sock before the meeting convened.
Obama picked his words so carefully to the point he lectured black people way to damb, especially early in his presidency.

You would think that would give him leeway to point out injustices and institutional discrimination; White Middle America was like "nahhhh".

He got blowback for saying Trayvon would look like his son, finding discrimination in police forces were considering attacking the police, and I remember when Shane Smith asked him if the criminal justice system was racist, Obama danced around that question like crazy :lol:, but you just knew that man want to look into the camera and scream "YES, How many DOJ reports do you mother ******* need to see that ****!!"
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BLM is legitimately viewed as a terrorist organization out to kill cops.

People in their heart of hearts feel this.

When a facebook friend explained it to me, son pulled some of THE most impressive mental gymnastics I'd ever seen.

Pro-police folks in this country are wild. I'm in Ponca City, OK right now. Trump country.

all I see is "back the blue" and "BLUE LIVES MATTER" stickers.

Combine hate for black people and love for cops, and you get people comparing BLM to KKK.

Dead ***



"President Donald Trump remains a historically divisive figure after one month on the job, despite growing optimism about the economy and support from a cross-section of Americans who either opposed his candidacy or backed it reluctantly, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

The poll found that 44% of Americans approve of Mr. Trump’s job performance, while 48% disapprove, making him the first president of the post-World War II era with a net negative approval rating in his first gauge of public opinion."

"Mr. Trump’s approval rating may have been worse were it not for support from a surprising corner of the electorate. His job performance won positive reviews from 55% of respondents who had voted for a third-party candidate in November, who didn’t vote at all or said they supported Mr. Trump mostly to oppose Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The Journal/NBC News pollsters called this group “the critical middle” in the nation’s partisan warfare and said it accounted for just over one-third of all respondents."
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When you ask them that question on how Obama helped minorities, they will say he caused a racial divide because of the Trayvon Martin debacle and not speaking out against BLM....which doesn't make much sense to me
The whole "Obama the divider" argument is a baseless argument. It's not meant to make sense.

A black president does not need to actively stir the pot or do anything at all to result in a greater racial divide. The system of white supremacy does not need actions or logic to create a larger divide. 
Obama picked his words so carefully to the point he lectured black people way to damb, especially early in his presidency.

You would think that would give him leeway to point out injustices and institutional discrimination; White Middle America was like "nahhhh".

He got blowback for saying Trayvon would look like his son, finding discrimination in police forces were considering attacking the police, and I remember when Shane Smith asked him if the criminal justice system was racist, Obama danced around that question like crazy
, but you just knew that man want to look into the camera and scream "YES, How many DOJ reports do you mother ******* need to see that ****!!"
those were tough situations man. it was literally damned if you do damned if you dont because no matter what he would say in these situations he would be criticized by someone for whatever he says. couldnt imagine being in his position when it came to speaking about those things as a president 
Watson also voted for Donald Trump, believing the businessman would bring change. She dismissed his campaign pledges to scrap the Affordable Care Act as bluster.

Now, as she watches the new president push to kill the law that provided her with a critical lifeline, Watson finds herself among many Trump supporters who must reconcile their votes with worries about the future of their healthcare.

Passage of the Affordable Care Act finally offered some relief, thanks to a small temporary program created in 2011 for people like Watson who had been denied coverage.

She was able to get on a plan that ultimately cost $363 a month and is now cancer free.

“I would have lost everything without that,” Watson said.


Dumb broad chose racism and xenophobia over her own her life. She lives in the sticks too, so she's gonna get double ******.
Stories like Watson's fills my heart with joy. To be honest, if Da Don's policies didnt hurt those that didn't vote for him I would be pumped to see just how BADLY DA RUST BELT suffers so that they won't have a choice but to vote against Da Don in 2020.
Nah, I still can't laugh at these life and death situations don't want bodies dropping on either side to prove a point.

But yeah, this woman is a damb idiot
My sympathy is nonexistent for folks that ignored what this clown said in favor of their bigotry and other suspect reasons. This clown made no effort to hide what he was going to do.
My sympathy is nonexistent for folks that ignored what this clown said in favor of their bigotry and other suspect reasons. This clown made no effort to hide what he was going to do.
QFT, QFE. These people chose their fate. FDB forever and ever.
Sometimes politics is life or death, whether we're talking about war, illegitimate incarceration, gun violence, health care, police brutality, environmental policies, highway safety, etc.

The only way for people to learn is when it becomes life or death for them.

That is part of how democracy works.

As a human, I will not rejoice at anyone's death or suffering. But, as a detached analyst, the only way for people's mentality to change is when the injustice and harm that they are happy to overlook suddenly starts to affect them too.

edit: And my last bit of sympathy went out the door the night of November 8, 2016. People had a chance then.
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Especially with the ACA repeal, some of those people will inevitably get hit with a serious reality check if that leaked draft on Politico is any indication of the direction the GOP is taking it. People don't appreciate how essential the pre-existing condition mandate they'll be the victim of sudden onset of a serious illness and they're denied from better insurance plans that cover their needs properly. I've been sick for several years now and I can switch to whatever insurance plan I want. My dad's work insurance changed earlier in 2016 and I no longer had my 100% coverage so I switched to a new plan with 100% coverage.

That should be a basic right for everyone, not some luxury.
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I said it once , I will say it again. These people that vote against their self interest to indulge in white supremacy infuriates me.

BUT, they still deserve economic justice just like everyone else. They deserve affordable healthcare, food security, decent school to send their kids too, decent roads to drive on, and a government that looks out as their interest as a worker and consumer.

And when these folk as healthy and economically secure. They can catch dis pocket sand left hook combo everyday of the damb week.

The best revenge on these people will not be watching them die, because minorities will be going down with them. The best revenge in putting as many liberal and progressives in power as possible, ones that prioritize both economic and social justice, and will bring these clowns kicking and screaming into the future.

Then I get to point and laugh at the tears and frustration of these white supremacist whenever they see a minority group catch a "W"
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If those people who voted against Obama twice while their medical bills were paid by Obamacare didn't learn then, what makes you think they will learn now? What makes you think they'll learn when progressives are in power?

We're talking about people who see an airbag or a seat belt and think "government overreach" and not "this thing might save my life"

I say, they have to suffer the outcome of their decisions. Tough love baby. It is the only thing they understand, and it is past time we speak their language.
I think we're all coming from the same place and are frustrated.

It's clear that the solution is not going to be to sit down and convince these people through words and logic. That ship has sailed.

What Rusty is saying is right. We have to put the right people in power, not just in politics but in economics, law, medicine, technology, etc. Creating a society where education is universal and of high quality, where people are not constantly worried about jobs and health care, a system here everyone benefits -- that will over time move us all forward.

For now though? **** them. We'll go this alone.
Is there any moral imperative for so-called liberal elites to share their spoils with the deplorables?

Here's some hypothetical speculation:

Given the current climate, let's say an immigrant scientist from Syria develops a cure for black lung. Does he have any moral imperative to make this cure available to coal miners who supported his deportation? Does he have any moral imperative to provide the cure to the president?

Or let's say Monsanto develops technology that allows you to make twice as much money from an acre of land. What's stopping them from giving the technology for free to farmers who oppose trump?

Since trump/bannon is all about deregulation and "religious" freedom, wouldn't this be allowed and even encouraged in their new world order?

edit: Their moves will allow religions to become political. It will be very easy for a company to cater to a religion that is clearly partisan. These changes may come back to destroy conservatives. The god of money likes this.
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