***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Old white folks gotta hurry up and die (of natural causes of course)

Their ideals are outdated, it's a new era.
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Old white folks gotta hurry up and die

Their ideals are outdated formed by a lifetime of bigotry, hatred and white supremacy, it's a new era.

Let's not sugar coat it.

Natural causes are great, but if you haven't evolved and let go of that societal viewpoint shaped by experiences coming of age in the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's you deserve to get put down like the senile dog you are.
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White people's bigotry is not a valid excuse to direct bigotry towards white people.

A couple of you dudes ODing a lil bit right now

It is unfortunately that so many in the white community choose to indulge in such vile nonsense, and their is really no excusing it, but the end of the day we to hold ourselves to higher standards to all those people.

The most disturbing metric on that graph to me is Trump's support among so called right wing moderates.
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Basically if youre stupid and white Donald Trump is right up your alley...tell us something we dont know
Add "baby boomer" to those credentials
White people's bigotry is not a valid excuse to direct bigotry towards white people.

A couple of you dudes ODing a lil bit right now

It is unfortunately that so many in the white community choose to indulge in such vile nonsense, and their is really no excusing it, but the end of the day we to hold ourselves to higher standards to all those people.

The most disturbing metric on that graph to me is Trump's support among so called right wing moderates.

I didn't seen any bigotry towards white people in that exchange.

While bigotry of any kind is inexcusable to me (I freely call out friends and family for their bigotry), if you're a racist white, we have absolute and irreparable beef.

What I don't do is assume that any white person is racist, but you put it on display and that can't be undone to me.
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A ton of Trump's support is still bolster by good ole tribalism.

The right wing in this country has gone loony, they have been losing it progressively for nearly 40 years. The Democratic Party and the liberal left has been a deal facto refugee camp for any moderate Republican that felt uncomfortable with the dark turn the GOP took in the 80s, 2000s, or 2010s. When John Kaisch is the moderating voice in your party, know you got some ideological problems. The ones left of the right already made their deal with the deal so they will ride it out until it gets really bad or they get directly ******.

Until the GOp establishment and the right wing media turn on Trump, he is gonna have decent support on the right. Pissing off liberals it the unifying force for these people. Even lift you aren't a fiscal conservative, Bigot or war hungry.

Still, there is something odd about the attacks on Pelosi. They have little to do what she has or hasn’t done as House majority leader, but rather how Republicans perceive her.

The GOP’s demonization efforts are so effective that the simple fact that Democratic leaders are so hated by Republican voters is seen by Democrats themselves as reason enough to dump them.

And that's because Democrats seem hardwired to please the opposition. I have said many times here, and I'll say it again: Reps don't love you, they love themselves. If you want to criticize one of yours do it in a way that does not espouse republicans' talking points. All you're doing is giving them campaign ammo. You don't see Republicans demanding Gianforte to step down after having assaulted that journalist. Why are dems doing that to themselves?

Comment on the article:

This country needs the Democratic Party put forward a real leader and a message and plan that resonate with voters. A plan focused on jobs, training, innovation. Stop focusing on identity politics. No one cares what 1% of the population is wearing or Who they are sleeping with.

And I ask, where was he during the election? Someone screamed her support for that at the top of her lungs but most were too busy talking about emails to listen.

Americans are idiots. Smh.
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Given the things they say,they really do expect people to be as ignorant as possible and not check them on their BS
This dude from the Brookings institute has had a habit of tweeting out "tick tick" before every big Comey story broke,he tweeted it again today...

They were rumors that the Sugar Bigot was tweeting nonsense this weekend to create a story to distract from something dropping this week.

WaPo and NYT might be ready to throw oops to each other again.

The NYT and WaPo were looking like prime Wade and Bron last month
3 things:
1) Not all ticks are related to Comey.
2) Fuse length remains uncertain.
3) Interesting preemptive defense of collusion happening.

— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) June 26, 2017

Trump definitely tweeting nonsense to deflect whatever's about to leak next

Obama colluded with Russia :rofl:
How many 90 day increments have passed since we needed a 90 day travel ban...?
It's ridiculous.

We can ignore any of the dozens of other rational reasons for why the travel ban is trash. The 90-day thing on its own, even to the most ardent trump apologist, should be enough to sink it.

It's been over 5 months now.

trump is already calling it a victory, not realizing that it's not:

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Trump definitely tweeting nonsense to deflect whatever's about to leak next

Obama colluded with Russia :rofl:

The manbaby:

knew of and legit invited Russian collusion

********ted about it as usual

Laid down that bogus preemptive "rigged" charge before the election (even though it ended up getting "rigged" in his favor) to scare the admin from taking any punitive measures against Russia before the election so as to not be accused of playing politics(even though the ones who'd make those charges never have ANY problem playing politics)

and now to top it off he's blaming Obama for everything surprise surprise after he denied the whole collusion story even existed and dubbed it "fake news" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mary Lou Retton would be jealous of all this mental gymnastic ******* :lol:,the balls on this clown
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Trump definitely tweeting nonsense to deflect whatever's about to leak next

Obama colluded with Russia
But I thought the whole Russia story was a hoax the Democrats made up because they lost? 
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I have to disagree that education makes people less bigoted.

Yes, the postgrad cohort is strongly anti Trump but I do not think that going to grad school makes you liberal. I think that there is selection bias, the sort of people who are skeptical are the sort of people who seek out grad school programs. Skeptical people are usually not conservative since conservatism relies upon a bevy of assumptions and suspension of disbelief that support the belief that strict and enduring hierarchies are the best way to organize a society.

Since educational attainment is correlated with privilege, not every skeptical person can get a lot of formal education but they tend to be the dissenters nevertheless.

As far as the "Some College" and "College grad" cohorts are concerned, those groups lie to pollsters. White people with bachelors degrees are just as racist as whites without college degrees. The difference is that the former group is more likely to be exposed to diverse communities and is more savvy than the latter group so the more educated whites like Trump but they don't want to tell a stranger that that is the case.

When it comes to the white people with no college degrees, they are more enthusiastic about Trump because expressing support for Trump is a way of articulating their frustrations at what they see as smug and self satisfied professional class. Yes, much of his appeal is straight up white supremacy. But we must remember that Trump did defeat a Republican field of 16 other white supremacists and he gained enormous amounts of political capital by mocking the sophistry and, what is perceived as, effeminate mannerism on the part of the likes of Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Ted Cruz.

Cliffs: White people of all education levels are equally racist except those who went to non Business or Law grad school and even then it was not because of the classes that they are not as racist, it is because of that group's personality traits.

And that's because Democrats seem hardwired to please the opposition. I have said many times here, and I'll say it again: Reps don't love you, they love themselves. If you want to criticize one of yours do it in a way that does not espouse republicans' talking points. All you're doing is giving them campaign ammo. You don't see Republicans demanding Gianforte to step down after having assaulted that journalist. Why are dems doing that to themselves?

The GOP demonizing propaganda works with Nancy Pelosi.. why? Because she's a 77 year old hag whom has been in Congress since 1987 and is basically the face of the Democratic party.. So yeah she's well known and easy to use as propaganda for GOP attack ad purposes. How do you counter that? RETIRE already for crying out loud.. yes I get it.. she's established and command $10,000 per plate fundraising dinners but I mean damn how hard is it to bring in a fresh face like a Kamala Harris every 10 years or so?
[h1]Trump Party Planner Assumes Oversight Role of Nation’s Largest Public Housing Authority[/h1]
On Monday, Trump party planner Lynne Patton assumed her role at the top of the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Region II, HUD's largest bureau, where she will oversee HUD operations in New York and New Jersey.

Patton's experience in government and housing amounts to a six-month stint as the department's director of public engagement, during which she organized director Ben Carson's speaking tour, on which he got stuck in an elevator.


I'm sure BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CARSON signed off on this move. PARTY PLANNERS know how to plan so I know great things are ahead for HUD. All hail the KING OF THE HUD.
Dr. Benjamin Franklin Carson, MD, King of the HUD, didn't get stuck on the elevator. The elevator was so star-struck it couldn't move.

"Don't fear, my mechanical friend," Ben said to the elevator. "For it is I, King of the HUD, and I believe in you."

Slowly but surely, the elevator gathered the courage to serve its king and raise him to his exalted position on the top floor of Courtside Family Apartments.
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Pew released their annual study of the rest of the world's views of the US and its gov't. The results weren't pretty. What a crazy chart:


Russia lololol :rofl:
So CBO score is as bad as expected. Enough Republican Senators are opposed now that the wealth care bill will have to be revised/delayed before a vote.

2-3 senators think the bill is too harsh, 3-4 think it is not harsh enough.

A small win, for now.
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