***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm not asking for the pendulum swing in one direction. I mean, I'm not saying the federal government should seize all of someone asset's upon death but I don't have an issue with the idea of having "an estate tax". My comment about the rich was referring to their constant complaining that even if the federal government basically says "We want you to keep your family fortune, but we would like to take a small portion because it is still a transfer of wealth" it is some sort of tyranny.

Anyway, I don't think there is a political will to pass the sufficient income and capital gains taxes that would make an estate tax obsolete. Rich liberals hate the idea of their capital gains taxes increasing, or their tax deduction going away too. Even if it is proposed that the savings be used to fund something like an EIC expansion.

Yeah if there's a high exemption (which there is) and the rate beyond that is reasonable (which it is), then no problem with an estate tax. When I inherited a good sum of money, it felt like income tax and not tyranny. I think that liberals need to reframe the issue in terms of young people's windfall's getting taxed rather than a rich old man's estate being taxed. A lot of white conservatives are old and white and are either rich or think they will soon be rich so they don't like the idea of being taxed after death. reframe it as Paris Hilton or Pajama boy being forced to pay a tax on their windfall of unearned income and it becomes more politically palatable even for a lot of conservatives who are producerist and dislike young people.

My main point of contention is that if you had to choose between an elite whose wealth is not touched but whose returns to capital where taxed highly, you would have a more stable economy and political environment. It a high wealth low (after tax return) return environment, the elite are inclined to stick with low risk investments, they will own enoug hshares in a given company so as to and keep executive compensation low, they will engage with politics but they will bundle from small donors which makes them more focused on main street rather than wall street. The elite will support more and better public education and a wealthier work force since the only way to make a good money is by growin gand managing businesses that are not in the financial services sector.

That was, roughly, the situation in the mid 20th century. While much that was happening in the mid century was not very good, the political and economic structure was better than today's environment of high returns, corporate piracy and political warlordism.

I'm reading some Karl Marx right now tryna get my mind right. #LibbyLiterature

Rusty is lost fellas. Some FOLKS don't want to be saved fam. Rusty, I'm about to board a plane from Bluffington to personally deliver the COAL Covfefe and an Autographed Barson 2020 campaign poster Fam.
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"We knew it was coming, we just didn't know how hard it was gonna be. We're losin' everything," Regina Lilly, wife of a West Virginia coal miner who was laid off after their child was born, said in a new National Geographic documentary about coal mining.

In one example portrayed in the documentary, Alpha Natural Resources sent letters to 100 workers about upcoming layoffs. These "WARN notices" are generally sent to workers two months before a round of layoffs, giving them time to find new jobs. However, some coal workers still face unexpected layoffs, like Lilly's husband Cecil, who didn't know he was laid off until he went into work.

"It's just heartbreaking now that they closed down they take their workers' pensions, they take their retirements, their savings, anything they had in the company. They file bankruptcy...As long as they got their money in their pocket they don't care," said Lilly.

Coal miners overwhelmingly supported President Trump in the 2016 election. Trump appealed to the loss of coal jobs in Appalachia, and blamed the loss on environmental regulations - but statistics show natural gas is pricing coal out of the market, not regulations.

In 2010, about 45% of the electricity in the US came from coal, with 24% from natural gas and 31% coming from other sources. As of 2016 the stats were 30% coal, 34% natural gas, and 36% other, according to the US Energy and Information Administration.

This thread is missing posts from Edwin.

Problem is majority of adults in America get their news from TV, and Fox and CNN are the most popular. It's catering to an entertainment aspect to attract and hold viewers. Plus again it's the microwave thing, it's easy to point out the flaws in a concise statement from Twitter.
I wish we could go back to getting our news from the morning papers. There's a bit of charm to it, and it also limits the immediacy of it all. Best of all, you only get the news once per day, so you can spend the rest of your day not distracted by useless ****.
Problem is majority of adults in America get their news from TV, and Fox and CNN are the most popular. It's catering to an entertainment aspect to attract and hold viewers. Plus again it's the microwave thing, it's easy to point out the flaws in a concise statement from Twitter.
I wish we could go back to getting our news from the morning papers. There's a bit of charm to it, and it also limits the immediacy of it all. Best of all, you only get the news once per day, so you can spend the rest of your day not distracted by useless ****.
Problem is majority of adults in America get their news from TV, and Fox and CNN are the most popular. It's catering to an entertainment aspect to attract and hold viewers. Plus again it's the microwave thing, it's easy to point out the flaws in a concise statement from Twitter.
I wish we could go back to getting our news from the morning papers. There's a bit of charm to it, and it also limits the immediacy of it all. Best of all, you only get the news once per day, so you can spend the rest of your day not distracted by useless ****.

I agree, they had different sections that focused on facts rather than just the sensationalism. Even the liberal channels are shooting themselves in the foot. If the "average American" is only tuning to see the tweets and thinking "well it could be worse" when there actually is worse they're not doing a good enough job. Those same people are completely unaware of the things brewing that will actually affect them and I can't entirely blame them if their only source of information is cable news.
Has son ever thought of a therapist? for real though. Using NT as the sounding board for his mood swings is wild annoying.
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I just remember a month ago Timid was complaining that there was nothing of substance being posted....and here we are in the month of July seeing ****posts from him
Fam clearly on another spiral looking for someone to play with. Go to a therapist, NT is not it.
For what? Saying the thread needs an Edwin post and laughing at Trump's tweets? [emoji]128514[/emoji] My therapy is hitting punching bags.
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