***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yes Ninja drop that knowledge

When was Duke a US Senator. A Democratic US Senator that was also a member of the KKK at the same time no less

What years exactly
Damn just realized David Duke was never a senator. Ninja......... Good ish Rusty.
Yes Ninja drop that knowledge

When was Duke a US Senator. A Democratic US Senator that was also a member of the KKK at the same time no less

What years Exactly

I'll also be satisfied with even just a) when was he a US Senator or b) when did he hold political office as a Democrat?
Duhhhhh stupid. There are white supremacists in both partys. You're a bigger lame than I thought.

says da dude that's treated as da stand in piñata when im not around :lol:

You're (intentionally) misrepresenting the facts.

oh yeah? show where this happened, otherwise David Duke being a KKK Democratic senator is just a inconvenient factoid.

no one here is defending whats going on in VA, that beeeeeeen clear.

i find it interesting that this these KKK filed all da paper work to march, and were approved by da local governments. maybe if they wanted to avoid this chaos da event should've been better policed and controlled from da start to avoid this problem at da head.
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Ninja just be spewing partisan nonsense and dont even know what hes saying. Anything to appear more to the right ala more White and less Black. Dont want that dark skin to confuse folk into thinking you're African. Must side with White Supremacy. Straight clown ish. Meanwhile his whole swag is based on Black culture lol.
says da dude that's treated as da stand in piñata when im not around :lol:

oh yeah? show where this happened, otherwise David Duke being a KKK Democratic senator is just a inconvenient factoid.

no one here is defending whats going on in VA, that beeeeeeen clear.
Can you cite your sources and remind me why it matters?
it's not "a inconvenient factoid." it's "aN inconvenient factoid."

it's no wonder someone so careless with such little things would be so smug to double-down on an easily disprovable lie.
Im trying to figure out about the other side Trump was referring to today.
the liberal elites, Soros-funded protestors, socialists, the educated, the honorable, the judicial system, the Democratic party, the Republican party, people who aren't billionaires. all on equal footing with white supremacist terrorists in trump's eyes.

imagine if after 9-11 George Bush told us we need to address the "many sides" at play.
David Duke left his KKK affiliated organization after a falling out in 1980.

9 years later as a Republican, he held public office...........in the Louisiana State Assembly.
Oh okay.

And herein lies the problem when why so many of us feel the need to disprove the ignorance some posters spew. It’s the blind leading the blind. I’m learning that most people don’t take the time to fact check, even on serious issues mid debate. That tells me that there has to be tons of people reading this nonsense and believing things that are either blatant, bold-faced ignorance or lies.

Those of you who feel so adamant about issues should really do the due diligence to educate yourselves before you start creating facts. You’re feeding right into the disinformation that has helped to lead us to this point.

But I know y’all won’t so I’m wasting my breath.
Oh okay.

And herein lies the problem when why so many of us feel the need to disprove the ignorance some posters spew. It’s the blind leading the blind. I’m learning that most people don’t take the time to fact check, even on serious issues mid debate. That tells me that there has to be tons of people reading this nonsense and believing things that are either blatant, bold-faced ignorance or lies.

Those of you who feel so adamant about issues should really do the due diligence to educate yourselves before you start creating facts. You’re feeding right into the disinformation that has helped to lead us to this point.

But I know y’all won’t so I’m wasting my breath.

a casual observer to this thread (or someone in real life) will believe a lie if it is told confidently, especially when you double down.

even though with today's technology it is incredibly easy to check on facts, most people will selectively believe what they want to believe.

a Republican trying to feel better about themselves and hoping to distance themselves from outright racists will gladly eat up the lie that David Duke served as a Democratic Senator. never mind the fact that it would've been over 30 years ago or that parties change and evolve over time. it fits an easy narrative and of course allows them to lump in Hillary with it all so they can keep blaming her for their ****** lives.
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