***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Further info I saw last night and forgot to post


A major April 2017 report by the Government Accountability Office tracked incidents of far-right and Muslim extremist violence, and concluded the following:

Between 12 September 2001 and 31 December 2016, there were 23 fatal “Radical Islamist Violent Extremist-Motivated Attacks,” resulting in a total of 119 deaths in the United States. In the same time period, there were 62 fatal “far-right violent extremist-motivated attacks”, leading to 106 deaths.

Just two events account for more than half of the 119 deaths resulting from Muslim extremist attacks: the December 2015 San Bernardino attack, which killed 14 people, and the June 2016 Pulse night club attack, which killed 49 people.

According to the University of Maryland’s STARTconsortium, between 12 September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal “Islamist extremist” attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 “far-right extremist” attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

So both data sources agree that far-right extremist attacks are far more common, but they differ on the total number of deaths, with one source concluding that Muslim extremist violence has killed slightly more people (119 deaths, as opposed to 106), and another concluding that far-right extremist violence has killed significantly more (158 deaths, as opposed to 119).

According to START, Muslim extremist violence killed seven times more people than far-right extremist violence between 1990 and 2016, despite five times fewer fatal attacks. However, this period included the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the attacks of 11 September 2001, the two deadliest terrorist incidents in American history. When those outliers are removed from the figures, according to START, far-right extremist violence caused 272 deaths between 1990 and 2016 — more than twice as many as the 130 deaths from Islamic extremism during the same period.
But Quell told me he was on the other side?

What gives

You brought this upon yourself when you were so eager to tell everyone to wait for the facts while still knowingly or unknowingly pushing false information because you thought it fit your narrative.

Don’t be defensive now.

It was an honest mistake. Let's bot rush to judge him.
I'm a libby to the end b
Wow :smh::smh::smh:

You just need the right mindset. Kale is a dead end, LIBBIEISM is a dead end, CONJECTURE AND INNUENDO IS a dead end. The only thing we can do is LOCK HER UP, BURN THE COAL AND LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL. :emoji_flag_us: #MAGA
"As Bloom was told about the allegations against her son, she told reporters that Fields' has a black friend.":
"As Bloom was told about the allegations against her son, she told reporters that Fields' has a black friend.":

Was this his friend?

Black male Swastika.jpg
Because they're lazy inbreds that should be deported (except Europe will never agree to take them back)
I think this calls for condemning stupidity more than any other situation. Stupidity that is so absurd.

An absence of condemnation in my case means that absurd stupidity like Nazis in 2017 or anyone that feels supreme to any race or culture is the behavior of cave people/Homo sapiens. These people have NEVERe been in the conversation of being accepted or considered, so they're complete non-starters - not worthy of my time, consideration, or updated "clap backs". They're predetermined outsiders, I don't need to update that what is already there. But they can ******* stay inside or be faded out.
A few things about agriculture, Latin America and the labor market.

-Yes, in many cases, probably the majority of cases, complaints about illegal immigration are racial dog whistles. There are other instances where you have older white people, who do not think very deeply about politics. They are unaware that neoliberalism has damaged their communities and their local economy. They think back to their youth, before 1980, when the post war compact was in effect (for white people at least) and they recall that back then, it was native born young people who filled the low prestige jobs (hotel workers, waiters, farm workers, gardener etc.).

We have to remember that the average person, even the average voter does think really deeply about society and politics. A lot of people who are weary of illegal immigration confuse correlation with causation. In the 1960's and 1970's, when the economy worked better for workers, they saw white 18 to 24-year-olds filling the jobs that undocumented people fill now.

Too many liberals write off every single Trump supporter as an irremediable neo nazi and they simply do not realize that there is a segment of Trump's coalition that sees Coal and border walls as being short hand for an era where people could get good union jobs without a college degree, where you didn't have to "get your side hustle on" just to pay rent and your kids could go to college without being burdened by debt.

It would benefit liberals if we acknowledged the fear that some Trump supporters have. We should say "hey, we share your fear that we're on path where 90% of the population will be uber drivers and on call ware house workers who will make very little money as they service the top 10% of earners, we got to figure out a way lift up all workers and reserve the damages caused by neoliberalism" with that said we can then proceed to dissect the foolish claims that undocumented people are the cause of worker's anguish and why coal jobs will not save the middle class.

We have the facts on our side but we can be tone deaf sometimes.

- We need to be weary of any and all labor supply shortage stories, even if a few of those stories fit out world view. When business owners push article about how they "can't find workers", we need to be extremely weary. What they are really saying is, "we cannot find workers at the wages that we are currently offering."

A generation of upper and upper middle class people in the South West have grown accustomed to having a class of low paid, servile helots from Mexico. Unfortunately, for upper middle class Californians, net migration from Mexico has been negative for years because, believe it or not, most Mexicans do not yearn to watch your baby Thad for six bucks an hour. With an improving Mexican economy, more undocumented Mexican immigrants are returning to Mexico then are entering the US.

If you want to entice people to leave their homes and work for you, sometimes you got to give them raises to do so. the top 10% can either mow their own lawns, for a change, or they can pay the undocumented people who mow their lawn more. Considering that the top10% has seen increases in their health and their wealth during the Obama years, they can do either of those things pretty easily.
I agree with Rex. That the stance many liberals take on immigration is a bit short sighted. It is propped up by some very bad assumptions regarding American workers, or all races. Not only that, it ignores basic economic theory to let businesses off the hook.

Undocumented workers are used to suppress wages, break unions, evade taxes and skirt OHSA. We spend so much time bragging about how the Mexican immigrant would clean a toilet for $9/hr when no American won't, yet we never ask "Maybe someone doing that job should be getting paid more than that wage" even if it is still the Mexican immigrant that choses to do it.

Being an immigrant myself, I and a huge supporter of immigration. We should take people in from all different backgrounds, regions, races and economic situations. But we have to protect those immigrants and the American worker from predator practices by companies

But then again. Liberals are far and ahead better on the issue that the right. And giving the wrong people and inch leads to very bad outcomes. I mean, just look around right now.
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