***Official Political Discussion Thread***

what are you talking about, ive always been in the race topic threads saying that Ninja is black and that dominican isn't a race but a nationality. And I consider myself liberal but Ninja has his own reasons to be on the right, ppl still have a choice to lean left or right themselves. I've always said most fast food workers don't have a choice and its not their fault. Still doesn't change the fact that Ninja has a 6 figure net worth and higher than most of his peers in this country

Dude please. Most of the time when dude spews his nonsense you are no where to be found. But you fly into cape whenever he needs it.

It is your shtick, fine, but let's call it what it is.
I don't condone voting for Trump but I can see why a person of color, could, under the right circumstances, vote for Trump.

In America, writ large, and in communities of color, in particular, people's worth as human beings seems to be measured exclusively by how soon they move into a bank owned home, how many advanced degrees they have and what sort of fancy white collar job they hold. Add to that, popular culture, especially televisions, mostly shows people with professional class jobs. Blue collar workers feel economically and socially isolated.

Symbolic representation is huge in political life and for all of his flaws, Donald Trump offered at least symbolic representation for the people who did not have fancy office jobs. Obviously, white voters and voters in rural areas liked that message the most but one can see how blue collar people of color, living within big cities, would be receptive to that message.

If anything, living so close the the extraordinary wealth, education and pretentiousness that all comes with life in a thriving metropolitan, could especially inflame the feelings of blue collar resentment. I see it in California, the fortunate 10% of the state says things like "we're doing great, our Economy is the 6th largest in the world, we have tech companies, great universities and high property values." I think to myself "what about the people the people who aren't privileged to own lots of stock or be in upper management and thus benefit from a large and growing economy? what about the people who don't have the time and money to go to one of our great universities? What about the people who can't get on the property ladder?" I'm sure the same dynamic applies in NYC where people say that NYC is rich and in truth about 10, 20% of the city is rich.

So while I cannot condone voting for Trump, I can at least understand the social context that would fuel the simmering rage that would cause someone in Ninja's situation to thumb their nose at their aspiring petty bourgeoisie friends, family and neighbors of color and be disruptive and vote for Trump, Trump the candidate who did artfully mock the mannerism of the smug and self satisfied political and professional classes. If you can convince yourself that candidate Trump's racism was all an act but that his support for blue collar Americans was sincere then that candidate would be pretty attractive for the those who have not shared in the top heavy growth of the Obama years and, more importantly, it would be way of sticking it to one's Hillary supporting, scaled down, professional class wannabes with whom you probably interact regularly. After all, familiarity breeds contempt like nothing else.

Dear God, I just wish that alienated blue collar workers could channel that rage into soft Marxism. You think that Trumpism makes you feel good, try out some Marxism. If you really want to deconstruct the claims of a the 40k a year, part time county court house clerk, who calls herself "a highly successful professional women" on Instagram, get your Marx and Engels on.

Look, I know that there is the sunken cost fallacy that makes it hard to admit that Trump conned most of his voters but eventually, you'll free yourself from Trumpism and when that happens, I''ll be waiting with a bottle of Kombucha and a copy of Das Kapital at the ready.
$90k in sneakers plus another roughly $15k in jerseys plus $20k jesus piece plus condo in the DR plus whatever he has in 401k and cash and the key part is 0 debt

Carfax, not Hearsay

Point being, you are givin' him a bunch of credit and everybody else none. All that "worth" in them clothes and shoes is fleeting and very unstable. Matter a lot today, matter little tomorrow.
Key words, in Ninja's situation.

Because Ninja worships rich white collar workers and looks down on other blue collar workers he thinks are benneth him, like people in food service.

Like I said before, you can think he argues in good faith but before Trump came along he was already arguing in favor of the system of white supremacy.

If you want dudes in here to empathize with the Trump voter, my advice to you Rex is stop asking them to see where Ninja is coming from.

He has been too proudly offensive for too long. Especially regarding black people.
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Who cares? There's so many lulz to have about the world today, let's not get hung up on da ninjatrain. He's like a cancer in here, getting all the wrong type of attention and ruining the thread.
Key word, in Ninja's situation.

Because Ninja worships rich white collar workers and looks down on other blue collar workers he thinks are benneth him, like people in food service.

Like I said before, you can think he argues in good faith but before Trump came along he was already arguing in favor of the system of white supremacy.

If you want dudes in here to empathize with the Trump voter, my advice to you Rex is stop asking them to see where Ninja is coming from.

He has been too proudly offensive for too long. Especially regarding black people.
Honestly, there's a brick wall when it comes to debating with a Trump supporter online

I find there's more understanding when it comes to talking to one IRL

Talking to my Republican father can be grating at times, but at least he's more honest than most of the opinions being shared by the right wingers here. Or at least will concede that a hypocrisy or fault is being shown.
$90k in sneakers plus another roughly $15k in jerseys plus $20k jesus piece plus condo in the DR plus whatever he has in 401k and cash and the key part is 0 debt

What the ****? It don't make you cringe typing that up?

I know ninja don't even want that attention.

Let the man's pee hole breathe dude.
that $125k could've doubled by now if it was invested 5 years ago. or it could be a down payment on a million-dollar home.

respect to him for accumulating that much value in goods, but he could be doing a lot better financially if he optimized his investments. he's young though so he can do better in the future.

as for the hard drive, some general lessons (which i learned the hard way): a) you can find software (often free) that can recover most of the data, b) you should have at least 1 back-up (either cloud-based or local) of any data you don't want to lose. >5 TB external hard drives are cheap.
Key words, in Ninja's situation.

Because Ninja worships rich white collar workers and looks down on other blue collar workers he thinks are benneth him, like people in food service.

Like I said before, you can think he argues in good faith but before Trump came along he was already arguing in favor of the system of white supremacy.

If you want dudes in here to empathize with the Trump voter, my advice to you Rex is stop asking them to see where Ninja is coming from.

He has been too proudly offensive for too long. Especially regarding black people.

Ninja is an interesting case and there are a few million people like ninja out there. There a lot of men of color who either don't vote or who vote for Republicans. If we had better turn out and margins among blue collar men of color and among young adults, we'd win most elections and we could ignore older white people in the rust belt.

The narrow careerists, feminism coming from the DNC is a loser. It cause young women to tune out, it turns young men hostile and it alienates lots of working men of color, those are groups that the DNC could use to build a progressive coalition all without winning over a single Trump voter. A black guy driving a truck doesn't care how many women make partner at the downtown law firms, a 23 year old mired in college debt and stuck in a series of temp jobs doesn't care much about the machinations of the board room.

The Democratic Party is too narrowly focused on the hope, dreams and fears of the professional class and as result, they are losing among constituencies that should be voting for them in much greater numbers.

BTW, most Trump voters can drop dead, especially those who opposed him in the primaries only to turn right around and sell out millions of human beings all for the chance at a reduction in the top marginal rate.

Ninja is an interesting case and there are a few million people like ninja out there. There a lot of men of color who either don't vote or who vote for Republicans. If we had better turn out and margins among blue collar men of color and among young adults, we'd win most elections and we could ignore older white people in the rust belt.

The narrow careerists, feminism coming from the DNC is a loser. It cause young women to tune out, it turns young men hostile and it alienates lots of working men of color, those are groups that the DNC could use to build a progressive coalition all without winning over a single Trump voter. A black guy driving a truck doesn't care how many women make partner at the downtown law firms, a 23 year old mired in college debt and stuck in a series of temp jobs doesn't care much about the machinations of the board room.

The Democratic Party is too narrowly focused on the hope, dreams and fears of the professional class and as result, they are losing among constituencies that should be voting for them in much greater numbers.

BTW, most Trump voters can drop dead, especially those who opposed him in the primaries only to turn right around and sell out millions of human beings all for the chance at a reduction in the top marginal rate.

You missed my point, and talk right pass me.

You are using a person that has routinely shown support for the system of white supremacy and an overall hostility to the rights of black people to argue empathy for voters on the margin that could be potentially flipped. You want people to see their side of things without discussing the elephant in the room. **** like this why socialist sound like snake oil salesmen to so many skeptical liberals.

I don't care what the skin color is, an agent is an agent.

So stop telling me that a person that does not give a **** about my peoples' civil rights, who ignorantly dismisses systemic racism as a trick white liberals are playing on black people, who down plays slavery and Jim Crow, hell who even implies African Americans in those eras should be thankful, is this way because the Dems left him no other choice.

Bull ****.

I get the argument you re trying to make but the supporter of systemic racism is not the same as the turned off apathetic voter.

The desperate Obama flip voter in the Rust Belt is not the same as the vile bigot Southerner who cries that the Dems civil rights policies turn him off.

Ninja does not have the same concern as the blue collar minority. Matter of fact, there are many blue collar people of color would like to also hear a serious civil rights platform from the Dems. But many conservatives, progressives, and the dude you insist on playing devil's advocate for thinks "da identity politics" should not be mentioned.
Ninja does not have the same concern as the blue collar minority

this guy is so lost in his own sauce :lol:

what do you think a Truck Driver is?

my entire support has been based on economic & deregulation of energy exploration.

at least Rex understands if u keep playing da identity politics to folks who just care bout their pockets, and not have a economic message, its gonna be more of da same for 2018, 2020.
this guy is so lost in his own sauce :lol:

what do you think a Truck Driver is?

my entire support has been based on economic & deregulation of energy exploration.

at least Rex understands if u keep playing da identity politics to folks who just care bout their pockets, and not have a economic message, its gonna be more of da same for 2018, 2020.
You clearly did not read Rex's or my post in context. But given your track record, you might not now how, or maybe you are simply unwilling too. I honestly can't call it

I talk about civil rights, all you hear identity politics, if Rex wants to defend your buffoonery, he can be my guess.
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