***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The probe of Podesta and his Democratic-leaning lobbying firm grew out of Mueller's inquiry into the finances of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to the sources. As special counsel, Mueller has been tasked with investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Manafort had organized a public relations campaign for a non-profit called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU). Podesta's company was one of many firms that worked on the campaign, which promoted Ukraine's image in the West.

The sources said the investigation into Podesta and his company began as more of a fact-finding mission about the ECMU and Manafort's role in the campaign, but has now morphed into a criminal inquiry into whether the firm violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA.



Many of the bigots racist garbage supporters are now referring to Myeshia Johnson as a 'fake widow' and are harassing her...

Absolutely disgusting :stoneface: :smh:

Same pos racists will try to force others to 'respect' the flag,anthem and troops when they actually mean specifically non-POC troops/veterans and their families

I'm lowkey glad the much of the hypocrisy on the issue of jingoisitic patriotism is coming to light for all to see. It's always been more about pledging allegiance to ethnonationalist solidarity than any idealized image of America. Word to the folks who will rep the Confederate flag,literally an anti-American symbol, and the American flag in the same breath.
Bernie is not joining the Democratic Party for his Senate run. Guess he is proving Hillary right. :lol:

And Mark Cuban says he might run in 2020 as a Republican. :lol: See why the left shouldn't trust these centrist.
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I always wonder what schools they do these things at. Can't be no hood schools cuz we would've been ignorant enough to talk **** and not just sit there giving side eyes

They have brand new looking furniture and equipment too. My school had stuff 20 years old. Smells like a setup...

Mini Thread:

I mean anyone who has any sort of commen sense will tell you this. Problem is people who support the right are too blinded and don’t even know a lick of economics. They know that so they can spew falsifications and when **** blows up 10 years from now and a Democrat is in office they’ll just blame him. It’s always like the. Lord Reagan blew up the economy with deficits, bush senior had to reverse some policies in order to stabilize the economy, he got chastised for it and we had Clinton. Who again was chastised for a bubble that was going to blow up anyway. Economies always retract after a while but we somehow blamed him for it.

It’s the never ending circle of right wing vs left wing policies. Both sides have their ignorant voters in realty. The scarier part for me now in the influx of populist nationalist politicians. Like with what’s going on in the Czech Republic now. That’s just bad news period.

News like this is depressing and infuriating at the same time.

What can be done? Feels like protesting and trying to help those who need identification and transportation to vote would be the best options.
I will say this proudly. These don't vote Tariq type clowns out there are no longer making it easier for white supremacy to flourish, their ignorance is now actively helping the spread of it.

White supremacists are showing you their playbook, yet somehow dudes think the "woke" position is sit your *** at home. Well congrats, our federal courts are now getting stuff with Jeff Session types.

I once heard Richard Spencer say that he bursts out laughing everytime he sees a black pundit telling black people not to vote. The Tariq Nasheeds and Umar Johnsons of the world can name call these dudes all they want. However, they clearly understand the game better than them, and these white supremacist are laughing at these ignorant political black commentators and people that think like them. Just laughing at their ignorance.
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News like this is depressing and infuriating at the same time.

What can be done? Feels like protesting and trying to help those who need identification and transportation to vote would be the best options.

Protesting will do little to nothing because the GOP future as a party relies on suppressing the black and brown vote.

In the interim it will be about helping those who want to vote to vote. To get better legislators

And convincing the stubborn no voters to get their act together.
ninjahood ninjahood
Who you got for mayor. Bo Dietl or Nicole Malliotakis?

Deblasio is gonna win with his organized bloc of special interest votes in a super low turnout Election.

Bo would've gotten in his *** had he not torpedo his own campaign by not filing proper paperwork on time and being rendered rudderless by da establishment power structures of both party apparatuses.
I will say this proudly. These don't vote Tariq type clowns out there are no longer making it easier for white supremacy to flourish, their ignorance is now actively helping the spread of it.

White supremacists are showing you their playbook, yet somehow dudes think the "woke" position is sit your *** at home. Well congrats, our federal courts are now getting stuff with Jeff Session types.

I heard Richard Spencer once say one time he bursts out laughing everytime he sees a black pundit telling black people not to vote. The Tariq Nasheeds and Umar Johnsons of the world can name call these dudes all he wants. But they clearly understand the game better than him, and they are laughing at him and people that think like him. Laughing at the ignorance.

@maximus meridius
Bo wasn't getting anybody :lol:

vs Deblasio? would've been easy.

personally goes faaaar on NYC, hello Ed Koch?

Bo didn't do his due diligence with proper campaign party filings, and when he quipped about da Mayor's wife da GOP ain't cut him any slack on their side since he 1st tried to run as a democrat.

regardless, da real popcorn race is da Congressional seat in Staten island, Former Congressman Michael Grimm (who was gonna muscle a reporter off a balcony :lol:) and went to jail just after he run re-election vs his successor Donovan, a establishment candidate that could fall cuz grimm remains popular.
vs Deblasio? would've been easy.

personally goes faaaar on NYC, hello Ed Koch?

Bo didn't do his due diligence with proper campaign party filings, and when he quipped about da Mayor's wife da GOP ain't cut him any slack on their side since he 1st tried to run as a democrat.

regardless, da real popcorn race is da Congressional seat in Staten island, Former Congressman Michael Grimm (who was gonna muscle a reporter off a balcony :lol:) and went to jail just after he run re-election vs his successor Donovan, a establishment candidate that could fall cuz grimm remains popular.

Bo had no chance. Koch was back then this is now. The city will elect whoever is the democratic nominee for decades to come. Didn't michale Grimm threaten a reporter live on tv?? :lol:
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