***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The left doesn't need to convince Trump diehards to win.

Trump won by the slimiest margins with the help of Russia, Comey, white resentment, sexism and some swing voters. Not all those factors will be at play next time around

How about this, how about we as a country make it as easy as possible for citizens to vote. Give ex-cons their voting rights back, get rid of voter ID or make IDs easy as possible to get. Increase polling stations and extend early voting. Also make polling stations proportional to the population of the area.

In other words, stop targeting black people and other liberal voters for voter suppression.

And let's have an election under those conditions. But of course Trump Stans don't support voting access, because if voting was made easier, more liberal would be allowed to vote and their man's would get washed.

So please, spare me. The right don't want a fair open election about ideas. They know they would get that electoral work.

I'd suggest to make election day a national holiday. That way, nobody gotta worry about missing part of your work day just to go vote.
This is even worse than calling Hannity calling Hillary "President Clinton"

It's acceptable, as long as it has nothing to do with the job itself. It would be different if they said dumb stuff about governing itself, like for example that the president thought that the U.S. Virgin Islands had their own president and didn't know that the president of the United States was also the president of the Virgin Islands. Now a person with an IQ of 156 could never be that dumb.
It's acceptable, as long as it has nothing to do with the job itself. It would be different if they said dumb stuff about governing itself, like for example that the president thought that the U.S. Virgin Islands had their own president and didn't know that the president of the United States was also the president of the Virgin Islands. Now a person with an IQ of 156 could never be that dumb.
He went to an Ivy League though!
That wasn’t a shot at you, but ok

A hit dog will...something something

Like legit the only people I'm "devoted" to is my wife and my mother....you pretty much putting Trump on the same pedestal as a mother, son or spouse...WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH YOU BRO :lol:

Once I got married and had kids moms slid down the list: Wife, Kids, Moms

Btw Ninja, I wasn't attacking your moms, simply using an example of the extent of this blind loyalty you display for this man, im not the type of dude to even remotely say ANYTHING disrespectful towards your mom, that's not out of respect to you, more out of respect to her....so stop acting like what I said was offensive in any way.

He knows that he's just flailing trying to find something to deflect to
I love this talking point of exposing the Clinton's, yet no one can form a cogent argument of what exactly their major crime is supposed to be.

Being Secretary of State at the wrong time? Filing improper paperwork?

If the GOP can finally pin something on them after over 30 years of trying, bravo, congrats. But if the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different resault then.......
Hillary's become the boogeyman du jour for the right to deflect with on every issue the same way Obama was for years. They have a visceral hatred of both so they know all they need to do to throw of the scent of anything with their base is to start throwing **** on the wall about either one hoping it sticks long enough to distract/misdirect folks away from the original issue at hand.

Like dangling meat infront of hyenas

They often manage to control narratives with that sleight of hand but it's been running out of juice ever since the manbaby brought every single one of their fatal flaws and worst impulses out in the open
The left doesn't need to convince Trump diehards to win.

Trump won by the slimiest margins with the help of Russia, Comey, white resentment, sexism and some swing voters. Not all those factors will be at play next time around

How about this, how about we as a country make it as easy as possible for citizens to vote. Give ex-cons their voting rights back, get rid of voter ID or make IDs easy as possible to get. Increase polling stations and extend early voting. Also make polling stations proportional to the population of the area.

In other words, stop targeting black people and other liberal voters for voter suppression.

And let's have an election under those conditions. But of course Trump Stans don't support voting access, because if voting was made easier, more liberal would be allowed to vote and their man's would get washed.

So please, spare me. The right don't want a fair open election about ideas. They know they would get that electoral work.


The biggest political scandal of the decade has been voter suppression.

We, on the left, should never let ourselves get too overly focused on Russia. yes it is fun since it is full of cloak and dagger intrigue, dark humor and bursts of pure schadenfreude. However, the suite of laws that are designed to shrink the electorate and minimize the voices of certain groups.

When politics comes up and I do not want to really get into the policy weeds, I use my 30 second elevator pitch. I tell Republicans and libertarians that their ideas are bad because they fear free and open elections.
I love this talking point of exposing the Clinton's, yet no one can form a cogent argument of what exactly their major crime is supposed to be.

Being Secretary of State at the wrong time? Filing improper paperwork?

If the GOP can finally pin something on them after over 30 years of trying, bravo, congrats. But if the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different resault then.......

Steve Bannon hired someone to write a piece damaging to the Clintons and they used a bunch of disconnected threads to put together a ridiculous already-debunked conspiracy theory.

Conservative media outlets are complicit in letting congressional groups and the executive branch attack political opponents they have already beaten.

These people are intentionally misrepresenting facts. Sales of Uranium or similar sensitive materials have to be approved by a 9 member committee, unanimously. Nobody could just go rogue and do it alone.

It's ridiculous.

The biggest political scandal of the decade has been voter suppression.

We, on the left, should never let ourselves get too overly focused on Russia. yes it is fun since it is full of cloak and dagger intrigue, dark humor and bursts of pure schadenfreude. However, the suite of laws that are designed to shrink the electorate and minimize the voices of certain groups.

When politics comes up and I do not want to really get into the policy weeds, I use my 30 second elevator pitch. I tell Republicans and libertarians that their ideas are bad because they fear free and open elections.
This reminds me of something, how would you guys feel about the idea of mandatory voting like we have here in Belgium? In my experience just about everyone I know here hates it and our turnout would likely be extremely low if it wasn't for that policy. On the other hand it does make sure most people can vote. The only way to get an exemption is if you have to work on that specific day or health issues. Many people I know specifically ask their employer to give them a shift on election day so they don't have to vote. :lol:
Communities make sure there's plenty of voting stations around. In my small rural town with a population of around 2000 people we use the local boyscouts building on election day. So people generally don't have to travel far at all and the lines aren't that bad.
This reminds me of something, how would you guys feel about the idea of mandatory voting like we have here in Belgium? In my experience just about everyone I know here hates it and our turnout would likely be extremely low if it wasn't for that policy. On the other hand it does make sure most people can vote. The only way to get an exemption is if you have to work on that specific day or health issues. Many people I know specifically ask their employer to give them a shift on election day so they don't have to vote. :lol:
Communities make sure there's plenty of voting stations around. In my small rural town with a population of around 2000 people we use the local boyscouts building on election day. So people generally don't have to travel far at all and the lines aren't that bad.
We have to make voting more convenient first. In mean it is ridiculous that in some neighborhoods people have to spend hours in line to vote. These neighborhoods are usually minority and poorer, so it is no surprise.

There is tons, and I mean tons of things America can do to increase turnout before we consider mandatory voting.

Besides expanding access American should go to a proportional voting method for Congress, increase the number of reps, and switch to a popular vote France style system for president. If voting was easy, and people thought their vote made a difference, they would vote more.

But even then, even more would have to be done. America's Electoral system is really a cluster **** of outdated systems and too much influence from a rich few.
Why can't the mainstream and liberal media go crazy and make outlandish claims with no proof and no repercussions? I'd support it 100% :lol:
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