***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i said its gonna get to Trump's desk hell or high water, unless GOP got a death wish, i say its a done deal.

Oh so now it's just about the assignment being turned in?

that's all I meant, ya play da semantics game all ya want b. :lol:

GOP needs to have a certified W on their Slate and we'll see how dynamic that economic of theirs is.
GOP thinks a regressive tax hike on the middle class is going to be a certified W. :lol:


The donors want this tax cut, the base does not.

i love how ya fished out da senate wouldn't add amendments or other variations as it not passing :lol:

semantics is a motha....
GOP thinks a regressive tax hike on the middle class is going to be a certified W. :lol:


The donors want this tax cut, the base does not.

wouldn't be da 1st time da donors got preferential treatment.

da tax plan passing to Trump's desk is a win anyway you slice it.
i love how ya fished out da senate wouldn't add amendments or other variations as it not passing :lol:

semantics is a motha....

I asked you what you thought would and would not get changed. You opted to not see it and make general sweeping statements.

You can always make it clear what you are expecting
wouldn't be da 1st time da donors got preferential treatment.

da tax plan passing to Trump's desk is a win anyway you slice it.

This tax bill is essentially income redistribution. Tax the middle class, and pass that money to the wealthy. So you're rooting for the millionaires?
I'd love to see these people actually propose a simpler plan. This plan is far as hell from simple.

Get rid of ALL deductions, exemptions, and loopholes, for corporations and individuals. Have a very basic progressive plan where ALL income is taxed on a progressive rate. You make X = you pay Y. End of story.

We could actually see taxes come down for the middle class then and see the wealthy pay more than the measly 15% they all pay currently (most probably don't even pay that).
Taxes like health care are hard.

There are some really good ideas but no one should be demanding that tax policy be the simpliest plan available. Our tax code is one of the main drivers of inequality, we need to fix it and fix it right.

Filing taxes can and should be made similar for most Americans. Having a system where the IRS sends citizens a form to approve as opposed to current system is something we should definitely move towards.
you're confusing da political news genre with da financial markets genre. da goal of da business networks (Cnbc, fox business) is to capitalize from da effects different ideological implement...in essence they don't care who's in charge, they care what's making money.

There is some value in business news. If you are curious how your assets did, Fox Business or CNBC is useful. I encourage my students to watch it because financial markets are important in the economy. Anyone who is student who wants to work in finance can benefit from watching it.

Just don't think that you're getting any sort of advanced knowledge or great stock tips from business news. Fund managers are not hanging on Neil Cavuto or Jim Kramer's every word.

da republican was supposed to lose from da onset. coverage reflected that.

da guy that lost wasn't a "Trumpster" him embracing Trump was a last ditch hail Mary, that got Ralph to fold on some immigration issues to appear even more centrist.

rexanglorum rexanglorum will tell you da most endangered species is da chamber of commerce northeastern republican.

As a matter of political analysis, Trumpism is the Republican's best flavor of Republicanism to run in most races. Ed Gillespie, or any other Republican, was doomed in the Virginia 2017 race. The demographics put him a double bind. If had come full chamber of commerce mode, he'd have weak turn in the white and rural areas. If he went in completely as someone running entirely in Trump's image. So he took the middle path, which Steve Kornacki described as running like Trump in the South and Mitt Romney in the northern. Unfortunately for Gillespie, NoVa voters found out about Gillespie's Trump strategy in other parts of the stat thus forcing Ed Gillespie to run as if he were Donald Trump every where in the State.

The problem for Dems is that Republicans, in 2018, could pull off a Trump-Romney hybrid strategy in other States and unlike NoVa, most metro areas are not as dialed into politics.

On the other hand, Republicans need to worry that voters in other States will more dialed then they were in 2016 and that they could find themselves in a similar bind as Gillespie and that Virginia's down ballot, State wide results will even partially be replicated in other blue and blue leaning States. For Dems, the silver lining of not being in the White House is that State Parties tend to do better.
Man, there's seriously a contingent of people out there running with this story regarding Moore being made-up.

WaPo interviewed 30+ people connected to this story and had multiple interviews with four different women. One of the family members even backed up the allegations already.

I would suggest anyone who cries fake news to hit up those family members and tell them their sexual assaults were imaginary.

Let me know how it works out.
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