***Official Political Discussion Thread***


The GOP are next level scumbags.

So when I was a legal immigrant, if I didn't carry my green card with me all the time, and got caught without it, I would be subject to deportation.

What like a xenophobic "show your papers boy" vile, bigoted, nonsense is this.

Dreamers have to keep up a minimum income :smh

Like most people in this thread were saying, it is the GOP, not the Dems, not Obama, that is the roadblock to immigration reform.

Some people can stick their head in the sand and sound ignorant whenever they talk, but it is clear who is causing the problem
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In all seriousness the Republicans should be ashamed of themselves.

They should be ashamed that they didn't shut things down sooner. My PRESIDENT ELECT wanted this to happen. #WINNINGMOVES

Is this all just a big joke to you? Millions of hard-working Americans lose their jobs and you want to celebrate? In all seriousness YOU should be ashamed of yourself.

You should be ashamed that Meth hasn't shut down this thread's libbie CONJECTURE and INNUENDO already. The government shutdown is indeed a winning move but we should not celebrate too early, my coal brother. Until the entire Kale Gang and their feminazi Soros-funded hate-mongering is perma-banned from this thread, we must continue on our mission: #MAGA #COALGOALS #Barson2020
Is this all just a big joke to you? Millions of hard-working Americans lose their jobs and you want to celebrate? In all seriousness YOU should be ashamed of yourself.

You should be ashamed that Meth hasn't shut down this thread's libbie CONJECTURE and INNUENDO already. The government shutdown is indeed a winning move but we should not celebrate too early, my coal brother. Until the entire Kale Gang and their feminazi Soros-funded hate-mongering is perma-banned from this thread, we must continue on our mission: #MAGA #COALGOALS #Barson2020

I teared up reading your eloquent post comrade. The slight of hand you used to confuse LIBBIES was Beautiful. Libbies are running scared. CUE DA SHOOK ONES VIDEO.
Smh at the libbie scumbags for forcing this Schumer Shutdown. The TRUE MERICANS did not vote for libbies to ruin this country tis of thee, TRUE MERICANS voted to #MACA and voted in RECORD numbers in the hundreds of millions to make Dapper Donald OUR president elect of all time. Now Scumbag Schumer and Negative Nancy LOCK HER UP are out here putting ILLEGAL lives over the priority of ACTUAL HUMAN BEINGS. When will the MERICAN genocide end, I ask of my COAL BROTHERS, WHEN??! My economic anxiety is flaring up again, coalmates, but the Republican victims of Demoncrat control have lost this battle and I don't know where to go now. Help us, God Emporer Donald Trumpler, you're TRUE MERICANS only hope.
Yea was watching. He said she’s mentioned in a paragraph at the end of the book. Don’t have the book so no idea. Would make sense why him and Melania have separate bedrooms.

I'm seeing Nikki Haley's name mentioned on the twitter sphere :lol:

WH has gone blown VH1 status

The GOP are next level scumbags.

So when I was a legal immigrant, if I didn't carry my green card with me all the time, and got caught without it, I would be subject to deportation.

What like a xenophobic "show your papers boy" vile, bigoted, nonsense is this.

Dreamers have to keep up a minimum income :smh

Like most people in this thread were saying, it is the GOP, not the Dems, not Obama, that is the roadblock to immigration reform.

Some people can stick their head in the sand and sound ignorant whenever they talk, but it is clear who is causing the problem

"If we can't have slavery, we're going to reinvent indentured servitude"
- the GOP
it's funny that they always tell us Obummercare will destroy the economy but yet here we are with a roaring economy.

Republicans played hardball with the supreme court nomination and have repeatedly tried to sink or weaken Obamacare. now Democrats have a small bargaining chip with the budget and Republicans are mad at them for playing hardball back.
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