***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The pee tape is def real..

In other news

Dude was geniuinely radicalized by trumpism/the alt reich

Can't say I'm shocked at the lack of US coverage of this but I've got a hard time believing this story would go under the radar had the perpetrator been a Muslim who attacked a church...

WASP and right wing terrorists are treated with kid gloves when they're statistically the biggest threat to public safety of any other extremist group and they're not continents away,they're right in our backyard
Trump is putting on a masterclass of how to make your supporters look like clowns. From this weekend......

Relatively quiet on the anti-Trump front ... Solid strike on Syria sending a message on use of chemical agents ... No one being honest with themselves can disagree that a pivot from Obummer's foreign policy is a godsend ... Also, the whole "Russia protector" narrative took a huge blow ...

Add that to Comey's admission that he considered the polls when announcing the Hillary investigation, and we have ourselves a very good week for the Don ...

:rofl: :rofl:
Of course Sean Hammity is Cohens client. Only the best people want only the best lawyers. Has anyone been arrested?! Has anyone been charged with crimes?! Has anyone been caught on camera doing illegal or morally reprehensible acts?! NO. This is just more LIBBY CONJECTURE AND INNUENDO. And it must STOP! We need to protect our fragile snowflakes and SILENCE the disgusting, immoral, heathenous, subhuman, ivory tower crowd known as LIBBY ELITES by ANY SMASHMOUTH POLITIC MEANS NECESSARY. PANDAS MUST BE STOPPED!

Edit: I almost forgot! Praise be Him and unto the world, the word of TRUMP be delivered as softly unto the libby heathens by coal or by smashmouth politics. Amen.
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