***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Comrade whywesteppin whywesteppin is right as usual. Libbie, Lebby Lebummer James didn't deserve to represent Coal Country or the rust belt. When he called our President Elect a "Bum" I knew I would no longer watch him play. Enjoy having a loser in LA Libbies. #MAGA
I don't mix sports with politics. Sports is my way to escape the chaos of it all. Lebron is my favorite player of all time so I can't side with you on this one
No matches on Wednesday.

Perfect storm. Let me grab the nina and my pride flag draped over my vegan muscles(global wamring has me with no shirt in these street last couples of days).

Genetlemen grab them chomsky books and your fedora, twist them staches a little extra a la daniel day in new york gang, and let the battle begin.
Perfect storm. Let me grab the nina and my pride flag draped over my vegan muscles(global wamring has me with no shirt in these street last couples of days).

Genetlemen grab them chomsky books and your fedora, twist them staches a little extra a la daniel day in new york gang, and let the battle begin.

I'm not hiding or embarrassed . I support trump ain't nothing wrong with that.

Anyone supporting Trump this late in the game is a SWS or a biscuit boy/girl. Based on all of the evidence of him being a SWS himself.

1. Economy/jobs - He's done nothing for them but display a bunch of smoke and mirrors. In fact his tarrifs and tax plan will make them worse.
2. War/anti-war - nothing here. Surged up Afghan, Syria situation unresolved (peacefully), pissed off the arab world with his embassy b.s
3. Drain the swamp - lol
4. Executive branch - blatant example of nepotism and his cabinet is full of money junky family members, Russian nob-slobbers, white supremacists, biscuit boys like Ben Carson, and people who (intentionally) flat out have no idea what they are doing
5. Rule of law - reversed almost every executive order from the Obama admin that was of some benefit to minorities. Appointed a SWS judge and about to appoint another
6. International relations - we are "this close" to destroying long held alliances with friendly nations since Trump thinks he is CEO of planet earth and everyone else are his board members.

The only thing he manages to do well is hold rallies to whip up his racist base, tweet random b.s throughout the day, lie through his false teeth via his own mouth and his crooked-faced press secretary, and have his half-brained wife and daughter do (pretend) damage control when he exacerbates a humanitarian crises.

So explain to me why you support this d-bag. Take your time.
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Anyone supporting Trump this late in the game is a SWS or a biscuit boy/girl. Based on all of the evidence of him being a SWS himself.

1. Economy/jobs - He's done nothing for them but display a bunch of smoke and mirrors. In fact his tarrifs and tax plan will make them worse.
2. War/anti-war - nothing here. Surged up Afghan, Syria situation unresolved (peacefully), pissed of the arab world with his embassy b.s
3. Drain the swamp - lol
4. Executive branch - blatant example of nepotism and his cabinet is full of money junky family members, Russian nob-slobbers, white supremacists, biscuit boys like Ben Carson, and people who (intentionally) flat out have no idea what they are doing
5. Rule of law - reversed almost every executive order from the Obama admin that was of some benefit to minorities. Appointed a SWS judge and about to appoint another
6. International relations - we are "this close" to destroying long held alliances with friendly nations since Trump thinks he is CEO of planet earth and everone else are his board members.

The only thing he manages to do well is hold rallies to whip up his racist base, tweet random b.s throughout the day, lie through his false teeth via his own mouth and his crooked-faced press secretary, and have his half-brained wife and daughter do (pretend) damage control when he exacerbates a humanitarian crises.

So explain to me why you support this d-bag. Take your time.

I mean, if they were even remotely informed (like about his law suits starting 45ish years ago) supporting him at any point I'd consider them that
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