***Official Political Discussion Thread***

the player who was having his way with supermodels and decided to pay these women off to minimize the fallout while running for office
These libbies are jealous, comrade.

they don't have the money to take these girls furniture shopping.

they don't have the stamina to **** a porn star for a good 2, a good 3... minutes.

they don't have the skills to leave that girl afterwards telling her friends how OK it was.

they are so jealous that they can't pay $150k to get a girl to sleep with them. LOSERS.
Got my voter registration in the mail yesterday.
I love a woman that votes
Lmao ... A message board full of majority males and numerous threads talking about, posting and googling over the female form, hating on the player who was having his way with supermodels and decided to pay these women off to minimize the fallout while running for office ...

Wah ... I see nothing ... Again, we are looking for collusion and we find tax fraud and pay to stay ... WASTE OF TIME

-Nothing that happens on NT is illegal.

-You sound delusional as hell if your defense for Trump is to hold the president of the United States to the same standards as random dudes on an internet forum.
"Man! So let's review.

Illegitimate Trump has been in office for 18 months and this is what's occurred with his "best" people, and his loyal supporters (please feel free to add, there are so many that it's easy to forget):

Flynn - Guilty
Papadapolous - Guilty
Gates - Guilty
Cohen - Guilty
Collins - Indicted
Ross - Under Investigation
Hunter - Indicted
Nunes -very, very likely under investigation
Rohabacher - under investigation
Manafort - Guilty

Trump - Unindicted co-conspirator

(And there could be a sealed indictment against him already)

What a great day."

What's Rand Paul hiding anyway?
Dude paid off two women with whom he had affairs (which used to be viewed as impeachable fwiw) right before an election decided in 3 states by about 75,000.

Downplay it as "paying off some models" if you want, but it's silly to pretend that the campaign finance violations didn't effectively change the course of American politics and history for decades to come.
Bets on Trump's nickname for Lanny Davis.
  • Lying Lanny already in use
  • Little Lanny already in use
  • Loser Lanny still available?
  • Lame Lanny?
  • Lackey Lanny? - my money is on this one
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