***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Coal Gang celebrating after WE WIN DA SHUTDOWN.

But we mustn't celebrate too early. Robert Miller still lurks around, over-celebrating every made shot and successful indictment.


But he knows nothing about winning, or about #SMASHMOUTH politics!

Honestly, if getting ****ed over for your paycheck is the one that makes you renege on trump, you're still a bastard to morality and a general piece of ****. But congratulations, you've managed to separate yourself from the lowest of the low hanging fruit in this country, by proving you're not stupid enough to endorse something that's counterproductive your survival.
The shutdown entering a record number of days feels like the finale for the second to last season of the HBO series

At this point Trump has zero ****s left to give. The walls feel like they’re closing in for real now. So either he ****s up the US internally with the never-ending shutdown, which plays into his puppet master’s hand. Or he scores a deal on the wall in which you know somehow someway the massive contracts he hooks people up with will result in him profiting down the line.

His behavior makes it seem like he’s not expecting to run again in 2020. So what else does he have left to do? He got his tax cut for the super rich. There’s nothing left for him to accomplish but to try profiting from this asinine wall thing.

Or course I’m probably wrong and it won’t be until 2027 that this dude is out of the paint
Starting to hit essential jobs now.

Was told today that imma be home if this **** lasts past the 31st :smh:
In light of what has come out regarding the links between Trump and Russia, the FBI lack of reservations about investigating Don, and the new indictments, people are suggesting that the goal is grind everything to a halt, including the courts, to stop the Mueller investigation.

McConnell has already blocked the legislative branch from functioning by not putting on the floor shutdown bills that Republicans previously approved, and he refused to protect Mueller.

With all branches at a standstill, Putin and Xi Ji Pin must be waiting in the cut with a speech about the US being an illegitimate leader of the world with so many problems at home.

Far-fetched, but wouldn't be surprised if that were the game plan.
I asked you three questions - and two of them could've been answered "yes" or "no." You chose to ignore all of them.

You then said "my business is exactly that, my business," yet you think you can demand personal information of others? Nah. You chose to publicly promote your business on our forums. Perhaps you'd forgotten about that, because it seems to me that you're now attempting to aggressively subject our community members to material that you'd rather not have associated with you individually or professionally. I think that's telling.

If someone chooses to protect their privacy, that's their right and we support that. What we don't want is someone abusing their perceived anonymity to try and post hateful or abusive content without consequence or accountability.

Now, if you don't want to be personally or professionally associated with the types of things you're posting here, why should we allow our community to be associated with it?
You have a right to your privacy. You don't have a right to our platform.

When you start trading in the politics of personal responsibility on the macro level, you're peddling the concept of collective superiority/inferiority on the basis of genetics or culture. What is that if not racism?
You even used the word "stereotypical" with respect to the unwise purchases you accused Black Americans of making. Is that not, by your own admission, a negative racial stereotype?

I will take that as a resounding "no" regarding your familiarity with the concepts of circular or tautological reasoning.

An idea? So if the torch-bearing White Nationalists who chanted "Jews will not replace us" had characterized their rally as a brainstorming session, that would be excusable?

What you said, you said in public. You didn't yell it into a pillow or whisper it to a friend. You posted it in public, not just with the expectation of being heard, but with the goal of being heard.

You are accountable for the results.

You don't yell "fire" in a crowded theater. You don't make bomb jokes at the airport. You shouldn't post racist comments online and expect the rest of the world to just laugh it off.
The spread of racist ideology and racist stereotypes has broad reaching consequences felt by real people every day.

Want to post offensive material without consequence? Sorry, this is not your safe space.

As much as I love the meth clap backs, judging by his response to your previous post I don’t event think he can perceive the logical corner he backed into.
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Most people here understand this already, but:

Yes, Coal Gang knows very well how construction goes. They're going to run into Coal deposits every step of the way. The wall will pay for itself. Contractors will be bidding to PAY themselves to have the opportunity to work on the wall. It'll finish ahead of schedule. The entire team of Avengers is reportedly coming down to the Southern Border to help, as are the aliens who built the pyramids.

So the answer is YES. We understand this already. I'm a licensed coal miner who once built a split rail fence around my garden so I'm literally the world's expert on wall construction, cooking fries, legal advice, and pseudoscientific studies on human behavior and its link to genetics (and, yes, those studies are peer reviewed by the leading pseudoscientists in the world).
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