***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Kale Gang, Lady AOC, and Ilhan Omar Aepps (not to be confused with Aepps Twenty) proposed a New Green "Post Reply" Button that would replace the current Commie Red one. They also want to introduce more social media options. That would be the beginning of the end, my friends. Socialism destroys threads. Have you seen the Venezuela thread? Exactly. It's in the dustbin of history.




So gross :sick:
He responded to that faster than to the recent shootings.

Save time and words..... wow...so he admitted he didn’t say it but he’s saying he did. Saying something and not saying somthing are literally synonymous. Interchangeable even
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The argument for reparations has to evolve. It has to include and be focused on those who lost wealth because of laws passed after the civil war and during Jim Crow to maintain the advantages of slavery and the continuous subjugation of Black people in America.

This is the only way to counter the "handouts for Blacks" talking point.
You have a egotistical prick as president of the united states. The Orange Sphincter can't help but take himself too seriously. I bet his favorite comedian is still Andrew Dice Clay.
The argument for reparations has to evolve. It has to include and be focused on those who lost wealth because of laws passed after the civil war and during Jim Crow to maintain the advantages of slavery and the continuous subjugation of Black people in America.

This is the only way to counter the "handouts for Blacks" talking point.

Bernard Neon Deion Sanders getting called out is GREAT thing.
George Papadopoulos' wife is testifying before the Senate Intel committee today. Chairman Burr subpoenaed her back in December, though it's unclear who requested it. Burr has said in interviews that the subpoenas he issues are always a mutual decision after prior consultation to make sure vice chair Warner is on board and vice versa. I'm guessing the subpoena was probably requested by the Democrats as Burr is no stranger to signing off on requests from the Dems on the committee. Senator Warner has praised Burr's process and they seemingly get along very well. Warner said they mainly just disagree on what exactly constitutes as 'collusion' etc. In other words the interpretation of the evidence they have so far collected. Burr for example has stated in a recent CBS interview that he has seen "no direct evidence of collusion", suggesting Burr likely equates collusion with criminal conspiracy.

Unfortunately no luck in my investigation of Roger Stone potentially having operated or still operating a secret Twitter account linked to Stone's personal players02@hotmail.com email address.
That email doesn't match with any of the email addresses linked to Stone's known Twitter accounts, which are all suspended now and Stone testified under oath in his gag order hearing that he only uses IG and Facebook now. It was a mystery to me why the unspecified Twitter that players02@hotmail.com is linked to is not any of Stone's known accounts, given that Stone has that same email address currently linked to his personal Instagram account and he clearly actively uses that email address. I can only test an individual Twitter account and confirm or rule out if this specific email is linked to that account.

I tried some basic public methods, for example uploading the email address into gmail contacts and then uploading that contact list to a Twitter account. It'll then show the Twitter accounts associated with those email addresses if they have an option enabled that allows others to find them on Twitter via email. Unfortunately the unspecified Twitter didn't have that option enabled and thus yielded no result.

With all conventional means exhausted, I reached out to a business contact who uses an inside man at Twitter to provide a verification service. Normally you lose your verification badge when you change the username on a verified Twitter account and Twitter has currently closed the verification form to the public for an unspecified duration. They use their inside man to both retain the verification badge when changing the username and they can take the username off any inactive Twitter the buyer chooses.

Unfortunately this option looks to be a dead end as well. Not because it can't be done but obviously I have no interest in paying several thousand dollars to figure out if Stone operated a secret Twitter. I have good relationships with many people in that kind of business but there's only so much that gets you.

Previous post for reference:
I have since spoken to a couple US reporters about the following and was told to get back to them if I was able to dig up any further information.
Unfortunately I have exhausted all public conventional means and have come up empty. I do know a business contact who uses an inside man at Twitter to sell a verification service, so I will look in that direction to see if I can figure out which Twitter account is linked to Stone's personal email address.

In his recent gag order hearing, Stone testified that he no longer had any Twitter accounts and only uses FB and Instagram. However I confirmed that the email address Stone has linked to his IG account, which he actively uses, is in fact linked to a Twitter account but not to any of his known accounts. I was unable to verify which email address was linked to Stone's suspended personal Twitter account because his security measure does not display any part of the email address but it does allow you to conclusively confirm or rule out whatever email address you try to enter.

There are 3 distinct possibilities that could explain why Stone's personal email address is linked to a Twitter account other than his known accounts.

Possibility #1 is of course that Stone is or was secretly operating a Twitter account not known to the public. In the other 2 possibilities, Stone would have easy access to the Twitter account no matter who created or operated it. He could still access it right now if it is still active.

Possibility #2 is that a random individual accidentally entered Stone's email address when registering a Twitter account and then never bothered to correct it.
Players02@hotmail.com is somewhat generic after all and could have been a case of mistyping a number. In this case the person wouldn't have been able to verify the email address but it would still show up as linked to a Twitter account. Stone would have received an email notification about the registration and he would have the ability to access and take control of it at will. All he'd need to do is request a simple password reset and he's in.

Possibility #3 is that an impostor deliberately decided to registered with Stone's email address, however there is only one public source of this specific email address. In 2017 a few email exchanges between Stone and Nunberg were leaked. In those August 2016 emails, Stone's players02@hotmail.com email address is displayed. I don't know why someone would bother registering with Stone's email address but there are plenty of impostor accounts out there. Entering that email address could have been some odd attempt to give credence to the impostor account if someone tried to dig up the email address linked to it.

In Roger Stone's gag order hearing about the crosshair IG post, Stone testified under oath that he only has a Facebook and IG account now, as his personal and business (Stonecoldtruth) accounts have both been permanently suspended since somewhere in 2017.

However, there is a twitter account that is linked to one of Roger Stone's email addresses he used to communicate with Sam Nunberg in August 2016.
The email is "players02@hotmail.com", though it is unclear which Twitter account it is linked to. Of course it is also possible that someone used that email to register a twitter account but never verified the email because they didn't have access to it. In that case it would still show up as being linked to a twitter account. That seems like a reach though, taking into account that this has not been the case with Stone's other email addresses, and this email address is relatively obscure.

I can also confirm that it is not linked to Roger Stone's suspended personal twitter account. It seems odd to me that this perhaps a bit obscure email address is linked to a twitter account but others like his daily caller email address "rstone@dc.com" yield no results.


What sticks out even more to me though is that I can confirm players02@hotmail.com is linked to Roger Stone's Instagram account, which he still uses. All of Stone's known twitter accounts did not have players02@hotmail.com linked to them as the email address, yet it is linked to some twitter account. It would of course be moronic to use this same email address to secretly use a twitter account that wouldn't just bypass his suspension but also contradict his sworn testimony about not having any twitter accounts anymore.

Stone also had another twitter that was also permanently suspended. That was his StoneColdTruth account.
The email address is Stone@stonecoldtruth.com


This account @StoneColdRoger was made very shortly after the suspension of Stone's twitter account but everything suggests it is a fake account.
On Stone's suspended twitter, he has additional basic security enabled. In other words you can't see which email address is linked to his account. It only allows you to confirm it if you already know the email address.
The StoneColdRoger twitter does not have that basic security enabled, which Stone's known accounts both have/had, and there is just a simple gmail.com linked to it, no private domain email or anything.
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