***Official Political Discussion Thread***

An interesting opinion on Barr's summary.

This analysis is in line with what Seth Abramson and more and more people are saying.

Of course, it all feels like a letdown. Mueller was supposed to bring the whole house down singlehandedly. But this is going to work within the confines of the law and the system and justice is going to take a while.
Not sure what's going on here and if Fox News' Napolitano just made up some numbers but he appears to have disclosed details about the length of the confidential Mueller report and the number of pages in the underlying evidence. Odd.
Mueller report 'undoubtedly' proves conspiracy, obstruction: Judge Napolitano
The Mueller probe may not be over just yet. Judge Andrew Napolitano said there positively "some" proof of Trump-Russia conspiracy and obstruction of justice in the 700 page report.

“In the 700 page summary of the 2 million pages of raw evidence there is undoubtedly some evidence of a conspiracy and some evidence of obstruction of justice,” he told FOX Business’ Neil CavutoOpens a New Window.. “Just not enough evidence.”

Judge Napolitano said that prosecutors ethically are not able to bring charges unless they can prove it without a reasonable doubt. But Attorney General William Barr never indicated it.

So once the 700 pages comes out, and this is my criticism of the Attorney General, he shouldn’t have even tipped his hands on this… the DemocratsOpens a New Window. will have and other Trump opponents will have a field day with what is in there,” he said. “If there were no evidence of conspiracy and no evidence of obstruction the attorney general would have told us so—he didn’t.”

Judge Napolitano said regarding the conspiracy charges, there is not enough to prove guilt. However it gets a little murky when it comes to obstruction.

"Mueller did what a lot of prosecutors do-- they take it upstairs—let the boss decide this," he said. "The evidence is equivocal. So there is evidence of obstruction. There is evidence of no obstruction—they are equivocal, we are going to let the boss decide them. The boss Bill Barr decided we are not prosecuting him."

Judge Napolitano said this could continue to play out for the duration of President Trump’s term.

Why would Judge Napolitano know the length of the report? I want to believe he's right but it's not clear to me why he would have access to this information.
Why would Judge Napolitano know the length of the report? I want to believe he's right but it's not clear to me why he would have access to this information.
That’s my take too but the specificity of the numbers of pages stood out to me as odd.

Might be something to it.
McConnell Just Admitted He’s Blocking the Mueller Report Because It Would Be ‘Politically Advantageous To One Side or The Other’


Donald Trump pretends he wants the public to see the report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller. William Barr makes a lot of statements about “transparency” while holding back that report. And Mitch McConnell keeps putting walls between the public and what was really discovered by the investigation into the Trump campaign’s connections with Russia.

McConnell did it again on Wednesday when, as the Hill reports, the Senate Majority Leader blocked a resolution calling for the report to be publicly released. This is the second time McConnell has moved to block such a resolution, even though the resolution was expected to pass by a wide margin. This resolution, sponsored by Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, mirrored the resolution that passed in the House by 420-0. Previous versions of the resolution have been blocked by either McConnell or by Lindsay Graham.

In defense of blocking the resolution, McConnell stated that he ”supported the proposition that [Mueller’s] report ought to be released to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the law”—language that both Barr and McConnell have used to bolster the excuse that the report can’t be released with information about people who were not indicted. That’s a standard that was not followed for either Watergate or the Whitewater investigations.

Also in his statement, McConnell was adamant that the complete Mueller report continue to be withheld because it would be wrong to release something “when we think it may be politically advantageous to one side or the other.” Which is the justification for writing another “summary” rather than releasing the report.

The statement is not only deeply hypocritical, as having the letter from Barr available while keeping the Mueller report suppressed is clearly advantageous to Republicans, but it seems to be an admission by McConnell that having the full report available would help Democrats.

Justice Department now says courts should strike the entire ACA

The Justice Department now says the courts should strike down the entire Affordable Care Act — not just its protections for pre-existing conditions. The department signaled its new, broader position in a legal filing Monday, part of a lawsuit challenging the law's individual insurance mandate.

Why it matters: A ruling striking down the entire ACA would upend major parts of the health care system. Millions of people would lose their health care coverage, and a host of seemingly unrelated policies — including new experiments in how Medicare pays for care and an entire class of prescription drugs — would also go out the window.

“Let’s take away health care!”

“Ohhhh yeah! Let’s do it! Hey, but what do we get out of it?”



“.... well........ what do you mean?......”
U.S. approved secret nuclear power work for Saudi Arabia
U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry has approved six secret authorizations by companies to sell nuclear power technology and assistance to Saudi Arabia, according to a copy of a document seen by Reuters on Wednesday.

The Trump administration has quietly pursued a wider deal on sharing U.S. nuclear power technology with Saudi Arabia, which aims to build at least two nuclear power plants. Several countries including the United States, South Korea and Russia are in competition for that deal, and the winners are expected to be announced later this year by Saudi Arabia.

Perry’s approvals, known as Part 810 authorizations, allow companies to do preliminary work on nuclear power ahead of any deal but not ship equipment that would go into a plant, a source with knowledge of the agreements said on condition of anonymity. The approvals were first reported by the Daily Beast.

The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) said in the document that the companies had requested that the Trump administration keep the approvals secret.

“In this case, each of the companies which received a specific authorization for (Saudi Arabia) have provided us written request that their authorization be withheld from public release,” the NNSA said in the document. In the past, the Energy Department made previous Part 810 authorizations available for the public to read at its headquarters.

A Department of Energy official said the requests contained proprietary information and that the authorizations went through multi-agency approval process.

Many U.S. lawmakers are concerned that sharing nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia could eventually lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told CBS last year that the kingdom would develop nuclear weapons if its rival Iran did. In addition, the kingdom has occasionally pushed back against agreeing to U.S. standards that would block two paths to potentially making fissile material for nuclear weapons clandestinely: enriching uranium and reprocessing spent fuel.

Concern in Congress about sharing nuclear technology and knowledge with Saudi Arabia rose after U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed last October in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The Part 810 authorizations were made after November 2017, but it was not clear from the document whether any of them were made after Khashoggi’s killing.

Representative Brad Sherman, a Democrat, called on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a congressional hearing on Wednesday to release the names of the companies that got the approvals by the middle of April, and Pompeo said he would look into it. Sherman also said the Trump administration had attempted to evade Congress on sharing nuclear power with the kingdom.

Pompeo said the administration was working to ensure any shared technology nuclear power would not present proliferation risks.

Last month, Democratic House members alleged in a report that top White House aides ignored warnings they could be breaking the law as they worked with former U.S. officials in a group called IP3 International to advance a multibillion-dollar plan to build nuclear reactors in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia.

IP3 did not immediately respond to a request for comment about whether it was one of the companies that got a Part 810 authorization.

Separately, the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, accepted a request by Senators Marco Rubio, a Republican and Bob Menendez, a Democrat, to probe the administration’s talks on a nuclear deal with Saudi, the GAO said on Wednesday.
The yacht doesn't victimize anyone. Devos Bae prefers to invest $100 million into fraudulent companies whose purpose is to falsify medical data so that patients get screwed. That's a better bang for her buck.
Ain’t that something else? Lady in charge of education paid to keep people off healthcare...... “nothing burger”
So where’s this seal to defend these tax reform and a boom to GDP. Why are we only at 2.9% for the full 2018 year. I need answers now, I heard we would be at 3.5+ and we can’t even do that after we destroyed the budget for it?
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