***Official Political Discussion Thread***

There is a legitimate discussion to be had about gun restrictions in this country. I wouldn't be opposed to additional background checks. Sadly, I don't think it is enough to change the hearts and minds of those committed to kill themselves, or others.
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There is a legitimate discussion to be had about gun restrictions in this country. I wouldn't be opposed to additional background checks. Sadly, I don't think it is enough to change the hearts and minds of those committed to kill others.

How many times does this have to be explained....

It's not supposed to change the minds of those committed to kill. But limiting their access to weapons of war lessens the carnage they can carry out.
The vast majority of gun deaths are suicide.

I’m sure Jordan and Andre anchondo’s son will find that interesting to hear or read, assuming he’s ok and makes it to an age when he’s old enough to appreciate that

How those victims in Toledo bud?
How many times does this have to be explained....

It's not supposed to change the minds of those committed to kill. But limiting their access to weapons of war lessens the carnage they can carry out.

I understand that. But it would still be a devastating event with 9 (like the case with the Charleston shooter who used a handgun). I don't think you would classify a Glock 41 as a weapon of war.
There is a legitimate discussion to be had about gun restrictions in this country. I wouldn't be opposed to additional background checks. Sadly, I don't think it is enough to change the hearts and minds of those committed to kill themselves, or others.
yeah no, you're mistaken on this.

statistically people who attempt suicide by other means are much more likely survive and rarely attempt it again.

suicide is mostly an impulsive decision and if they don't have access to a gun they are much much much more likely to survive the attempt and not try again.
I understand that. But it would still be a devastating event with 9 (like the case with the Charleston shooter who used a handgun). I don't think you would classify a Glock 41 as a weapon of war.

Sooo what's your point exactly?

What if Dylan Roof had the same weapon that the El-Paso shooter had that day? Does he kill more than 9?
yeah no, you're mistaken on this.

statistically people who attempt suicide by other means are much more likely survive and rarely attempt it again.

suicide is mostly an impulsive decision and if they don't have access to a gun they are much much much more likely to survive the attempt and not try again.

This doesn't really negate what I stated. The vast majority of gun deaths in the United States are due to suicide. Not "weapons of war" or mass shooting. I think there is a legitimate discussion to be had. Background checks seem to be agreed by both sides. I hope it helps.
Sooo what's your point exactly?

What if Dylan Roof had the same weapon that the El-Paso shooter had that day? Does he kill more than 9?

There is no point other than the root issue is the hearts and minds of people set on killing others. 9 is the same number as Ohio with a 100-drum magazine and a "weapon of war."
Say what you want about Beto, but he nailed it...

45 not doing much of anything to alienate a good chunk of his supporters by saying anything to the contrary of the obvious. He 10000000% needs those votes, so I'm not surprised at all with his overall callous demeanor and general "don't care" about what has transpired in this country.
There is no point other than the root issue is the hearts and minds of people set on killing others. 9 is the same number as Ohio with a 100-drum magazine and a "weapon of war."
hard to change the hearts and minds of ppl considering the types of ppl that deflect and find every reason in the world to not call blatant **** out...such as the racist rhetoric trump uses, the racists he's appointed in high ranking positions, the racist policies that he's put in place, etc.
and said ppl continue to support racism by supporting a racist and making excuses for this racist's racism.
We have more mass shootings than any other country. We have more mass shootings this year than days of the year. Who cares about comparing suicides versus gun deaths? Mass shootings are a dire problem in this country. It's not about hearts and minds. It's about access to guns.
We have more mass shootings than any other country. We have more mass shootings this year than days of the year. Who cares about comparing suicides versus gun deaths? Mass shootings are a dire problem in this country. It's not about hearts and minds. It's about access to guns.
its both IMO. take the guns away and ppl will still feel how they feel.
change hearts and minds and there are still 324234234234234 guns in America because of the culture.
ppl say change hearts and minds but are ppl really proposing that America changes its culture which would mean a break down and restructuring of everything from imagery, the media, music, curriculum in schools, the job market, the justice system, etc. in America?
what are the odds that those in power will move even an inch on this?

they. do. not. care. and. never. ever. have.
its both IMO. take the guns away and ppl will still feel how they feel.
There's racist and bigoted people everywhere in the world and other countries don't have the problems that we do.

And encouraging changing "hearts and minds" but supporting the party that campaigns on xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic and racist tropes is just an easy way of saying that you don't care. It's really that simple. These are the people peddling this stuff.
Gun control is about lowering suicide rates too. Shooting yourself in the head is one of the most effective methods of suicide. A lot of people that try other methods (which have higher survival rates) and survive tend to never try suicide again. In other words they realize they made a impulsive mistake.

Think of how many people that made impulsive mistakes with guns and died.

Furthermore, the demographics of people commiting suicide by gun is even more skewed toward younger white males.

White men in America are using guns to harm themselves and others.

The GOP and their voters are so scared about white people no longer being in the majority, but they ignore so much **** killing off white people like crazy: opiods, alcohol, handguns.
This doesn't really negate what I stated. The vast majority of gun deaths in the United States are due to suicide. Not "weapons of war" or mass shooting. I think there is a legitimate discussion to be had. Background checks seem to be agreed by both sides. I hope it helps.

The point is the majority of gun deaths being suicides is not an argument against gun control.

making harder for people to access guns, will lead to less suicides and less death as well as making mass shootings less likely.
I understand that. But it would still be a devastating event with 9 (like the case with the Charleston shooter who used a handgun). I don't think you would classify a Glock 41 as a weapon of war.
but you can restrict the number of rounds that go into a magazine for a handgun

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