***Official Political Discussion Thread***


WELL SAID. Our PRESIDENT ELECT is just too smart for Dims, Dumbs, Libs, Soy Bois, Broke Bois and Ugly Dudea. I bet our PRESIDENT ELECT feels like he's playing "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader" when dealing with these IDIOTS. This is why you don't give people a chance B. They mistake your genius with their stupidity. No wonder why JROSE5 turned down the job.
Known elements of the quid pro quos established by several witnesses under oath:
- A personal meeting between Zelensky and Trump
- A few hundred milion in security aid that was allocated by Congress to assist Ukraine in deterring Russia

The statement comes from Sondland’s lawyer. Ironically, Republicans claimed after his deposition that Sondland testified there was no quid pro quo. In other words, Sondland’s lawyer is now effectively accusing Republicans of lying about his client’s testimony.
Trump hailed Sondland’s “no quid pro quo” text to Bill Taylor as factual exculpatory evidence but didn’t disclose that he was the one who dictated that message when Sondland called him for guidance on how to respond. Sondland’s attorney has made it very clear now that his client does not support Trump’s “no quid pro quo” assertion.

The attorney told the WSJ that when his client was asked about the Trump-Zelensky meeting being contingent on Ukraine opening the requested investigations, Sondland said that he is not an attorney, but that he believed it was a quid pro quo.

He also adds that Sondland will “probably” return for another deposition if asked to do so. Some parts of his testimony were called into question after Bill Taylor’s deposition.

Rep. McCaul: Sondland testimony confirms no quid pro quo

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Trump is like: "I want my Obama Situation Room photo too!!!"
Army General to himself: *I'm sick of this *****
Trump also: "I need an iPad to conceal the size of my hands!"
General also to himself: *God strike me down. Please God hit me! Hit me!*
I know that many of the folks that post in here are also big sports fans. With that in mind I am posting my first ever DEPLORABLES Power Rankings.

5. Gaetz- Not only does this clown have a punchable face but his stunt this week was all sorts of clown bathroom status. Maybe he should blame McCarthy for not putting him on the committee.

4. Gym Jordan- This guy is the epitome of today's Republican Party. He's not only a complete idiot but he is cool being an idiot. Nothing gets past him except sexual assault at Ohio State when he was the coach. Not to mention he needs to wear a jacket. Dude looks bummy everytime we see him in TV.

3. Economic Anxiety Voters- These people are racist, sexist and overall scumbags. If the plant shutdown in the 60s, get some new training and a new job. Quit blaming undocumented workers and people of color for stealing your jobs when you're just looking for promises when you could drop the N bomb and call women out of their names without penalty.

2. James Comey- The only thing the Don ever did right was fire this clown. His clown show tactics to help Trump put us in this mess. No excuse for what he did to Hills at the last minute. Trump paid clown back the same way he does anyone that vouches for him, he fired him. I don't want to hear anything this idiot says. History won't look favorable on that scumbag.

1. Donald Trump- This guy will always be #1. He is probably the most unqualified person to every hold political office. Not just president, but any political office ever. I'm embarrassed that we allowed this idiot to fleece so many of us into not voting, voting for Moscow Jill or worse, voting for him. I have no sympathy for his supporters that get hurt by his polices. All those farmers in Iowa can kick rocks, all those miners can enjoy working for guys like Don Blankenship, all those factory workers can eat cake while their jobs get shipped overseas.





A lot about Giuliani and his co-conspirators appears to trace back to Dmitry Firtash. Rudy previously claimed he didn't really know him and that he had nothing to do with Firtash. Months earlier however, Rudy correctly called out Firtash's ties to the upper echelon of the Russian mafia, in particular Semion Mogilevich. In that case he was attacking Michael Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis, who represented Firtash at the time.

More recently, Giuliani said he "did sort of look at" Firtash in his hunt for Biden dirt.

According to attorney John Dowd, who now represents Parnas and Fruman, his clients worked for Giuliani as part of Rudy's representation of the president. Additionally, Giuliani also claimed to work for Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman as their attorney. Parnas' company Fraud Guarantee paid Rudy at least $500k.
Dmitry Firtash' lawyers Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGenova were also part of the Ukraine scheme and Firtash assisted them in their search for Biden dirt through his connections. Firtash has paid them at least $1 million since the start of their representation.
The corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was fired after pressure from Biden, the IMF and the EU, allied himself with Firtash and produced an affidavit at the request of Firtash' lawyers. In the affidavit, he claims Joe Biden wanted him fired to stop the investigation of Hunter Biden, though in truth the probe had long been dormant and the Burisma/Zlochevsky allegations took place before Hunter Biden joined the company's board.

Toensing and DiGenova also served as attorneys for the discredited op-ed 'reporter' John Solomon. The attorneys and other Ukrainians used him to effectively launder their allegations through a more credible source, in their view. One such example was that Solomon reported on The Hill that Ambassador Yovanovich gave Ukrainian officials a "do not prosecute" list. Solomon's source was former Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Lutsenko, who later retracted the claim and said there was no evidence to support his previous allegation.
Solomon never disclosed the relationship between him and Firtash' attorneys.

Before Solomon published his op-ed 'reporting' pieces, he briefed Lev Parnas in advance on at least one occasion. Parnas and Fruman sought to get Ambassador Yovanovich removed because they viewed her as an obstacle to their activities, including the Naftogaz deal.
Parnas and Fruman approached multiple Naftogaz officials in an attempt to get the executives to replace board members with their own choice to further their Naftogaz deal.
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