***Official Political Discussion Thread***

can hillary not run a third time
cause she def would be the best candidate
and would have won
i put money obama woulda thrown support her way
Obviously I'll now have to retract my poorly timed comments about Comrade Corbyn being the worst possible counter candidate to Boris The Johnson.
can hillary not run a third time
cause she def would be the best candidate
and would have won
i put money obama woulda thrown support her way

If Hillary Clinton announced another run tomorrow, she would be the frontrunner easily.

But we would also hear the same old **** from everyone:

Tankies/Bernie Bros losing their **** (again)
The media asking about the "e-mails" (again) and being complicit to the bull****
Another phony investigation

Really wish all the old timers had stayed out of this race. Biden's chance was in 2016, if he wasn't gonna do it then, he should've hung it up. Nobody in modern history has won on multiple attempts, except Nixon.
Do we know if Russia played any part in the UK elections like last time? I'll admit I've been way out of the loop this time around, didnt even know they were holding elections today.
Damn the UK even scared Alan Moore outta his hole
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